Batman: Gotham City ("Fake"3rd Movie)
Wow! I just did a search for the next Batman movie and while speculation abound that Johnny Depp would play 'The Riddler', I was in for a surprise!


Heh. I'm American, but I've been a fan of Doctor Who for... well... since I was six! Yep, the old guy's been around for decades. The 9th regeneration Doctor (I think he's the 9th?), David Tennant, is donning the Green Pin-Striped Suit and classic walking cane to play the D.C. Master of Puzzles himself.

Not only that, it looks like characters such as Harley Quinn and Catwoman are involved too!

Check out these pics!

I REPEAT! BOGUS! I was fooled
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Looks photoshopped, but what do I know. Harley Quinn could've had a better costume, it looks like some cheap costume from a halloween store.
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Damn. I did a trace. Fooled me too!!!

Though... this did look good.
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Turned out to be the work of by Josh of Deviantart fame.

Trust me. The Uma Thurman as Batgirl pic wasn't THAT good.
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He's good!
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Lol i was kinda taken in by this, for a second it all looked legit.
[Image: 2010-03-09-thehostagesituation.jpg]
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This reminds me of when this was released as Heath Ledger as the Joker:

[Image: joker_poster.jpg]

It was fake too.
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