YERD for Lunatics: Custom Damage Formula's RD
This tutorial is just a introduction into the overall power that you possess while using the YERD Engine for Rpg Maker VX found here

Before I get started however, I would like to say this. The YERD Engine is a collection of tools that are available to enhance game play beyond what RMVX allows by default. Besides the numerous fixes listed which are recommended to be used in your game, the rest of the scripts are not necessary nor are they needed to make your game better. In the end, all you can do is rely on your own skills as a game designer.

With that out the way, lets get into the reason your reading this.
The first script that I will be helping you learn how to utilize to your advantage is Custom Damage Formulas RD

By default, the script uses the default algorithms in VX shown here.
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I personally modify the code so that the overall damage is smaller. Specifically, I use this code as it helps not only to keep track to see if the formula is correct, but prevents insane 1000HP Damage at early levels in the game
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Not so much required, just letting you know how I set things up.
The real chunk of this tutorial will be revolving around making custom skill damage effects such as Gravity, or Stock Break from FF9
By default, you have the first four effects which are called by adding <custom x> into the notes field, with x relating to the value below. (You'd know this if you read through the script)

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As you can see, adding a new effect is quite simple as it's simply two steps, since @ignore_def = true is not required in any of them
I'll add more as I feel like it, or if someone request some of them (highly unlikely I'll do it though)
[Image: AquaosUserbar.gif]

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