What's on your mind?
Just want to touch on a point, the rest I think is wonderful.
"Voting in the UK is like voting left vs radical left"
- It's more a hybrid left/right vs radical right.
Left is socialist, right is liberal/conservative. You can't compare European left/right to American left/right, they're completely different. :)

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I don't know why this thread turned into a political discussion, honestly. But since we're going in that direction, what's on my mind NOW is the real shame of how many people support Obama despite what he's done: he worsened the economy, spending more money banning nontraditional pets, among other malevolent agendas, and taking vacations than actually trying to help the country. I don't fully support Romney, either, though that might be because of how easily the liberal media brainwashes people.

Also, you have a good point as well, Olivia, except for the part about extremists being comparable only to religious conservatives: the same does go for dictatorship supporters. Bearing the rest of what you said in mind, sometimes I do regret getting so politically active, even despite it's largely to protect reptiles from extinction, a task made especially difficult not only by the liberal media manipulating the public to ban them as pets, but also by the actual threats to wild populations as a result of people despising them so much.
Python Blue - composer for NeonXSZ
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what kind of non traditional pets are you talking about? snakes? i'm not concerned whatsoever about people on a website called goth.net complaining about them not being able to keep certain snake species. you can't domesticate lizards because they're stupid.

Obama's kept 188 of his campaign promises, while Romney and Ryan want to repeal a healthcare system that was based on Romney's system while he was governor of MA. This is also a pretty healthy tool to have before you complain (not you, just people in general) The people here in Tennessee love to hate on the president (probably because he's an "uppity black fellow") without actually knowing what the hell they're even talking about. i was in bed bath and beyond a year ago, and an old man who looks like he beats off with icy hot had a shirt that said "What "Change" has Barack "HUESSEIN" Obama brought you?" obviously not the type of fellow who should be allowed outside without a leash.

also im founding the Coffee Party here and now. vote for me or don't.
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Wow. Thanks for the personal attacks, KasperKalamity. I'm not a goth and yet I like reptiles, and apparently, you have an issue with the latter, which proves my closing point from my prior post.

Apparently it was a mistake to come back here.
Python Blue - composer for NeonXSZ
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I wasn't expecting my comment to start such a long discussion either. Let's move on. ;)

My sister made a cake today. It's delicious. :3
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i just googled what you said about non traditional pets and that was the first thing that came up. i had no clue it was about snakes. idk where you even got a personal attack out of that, dont be so sensitive. if you actually read what i wrote, youd have seen that i specifically said "not you, just people in general"
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Ok guys, lets sort this little situation out via PM ok? :) Keep this thread clean.

By the way, that cake my sister made is already 3/4 gone. It's amazing. <3
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No point in freaking out about politics everyone.
I think we can all agree that they are a giant pain in the ass for the most part, and the only way to keep that from getting worse is by understanding the other side and trying to be civil. Let's not start any personal wars.

That said, Metal, the cake is a lie.

In my 3rd week of new classes, and I'm loving them so far. Music Theory and Western Music History are fascinating. Learning about the Greek and Church influence on music as we know it and how we differ from the way things were. I've really been craving more musical knowledge, and this is hitting the spot for sure.
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i just witnessed some old guy wiping his dog's butt after it dropped one. the guy didnt pick it up. talk about bot having your priorities in line....
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Fun stuff. I assume you are trying to learn Ruby?
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