What's on your mind?
I'm still trying to wonder why anyone would fear North Korea. They don't actually have atomic weapons yet and can't even get a missile to japan.
[Image: style7,Kristovski.png]
Shocked Are we serious?!

North Korea already tested 2 plutonium based kiloton rated nuclear bombs underground last year.http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/may...clear-test. Their missile range is at least 1600* miles. North Korea has the largest missile sub fleet in the world. Subs can fire SLBM's (Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles) and tactical nuclear Missiles. Subs can hide anywhere. A few weeks ago an Unknown missile was fired near the California area, The US air Force and Navy have no idea where it came from. It evaded the US Strategic missile defense systems. Origins Unknown.

As of now North Korea is enriching Uranium with their new nuclear facility. This will give them access to Hydrogen Bombs, The most powerful form of nuclear bomb. They are not afraid to use them. Just one nuke can trigger WWIII and the total destruction of this entire planet. Scared yet?

I don't understand why people don't pay attention to extremely serious situations going on in the world.
Problem is that China may (I'm not saying they will) choose to help them in case of war. They have strong relations.
Tech Administrator of Save-Point
On this mind: I have about 36 hours of game play on my RMXP primary project. I would like to post information on it, but the rating a little extreme for this site. I just discovered it maybe impossible to lower it completely to a PG-13 (rated T) rating without disrupting the original story line *LOL*. I attempted to covert it the best I can, but yet it still exceeds the R rating (Rated AO). Like the R-Escape game aka Pacman with cute aliens instead of ghosts. Somethings I refuse to remove because of the LOL factor.

I guess I should make a science thread with real TRUE information on interesting things. I.E. Space and Quantum physics.
(11-24-2010, 08:20 PM)Valdred Wrote: Nice to have panther back :)
Aw thank you! :3 I like being back! I didn't realize how much I missed everyone here until I started visiting again.

(11-26-2010, 05:55 PM)Olivia Wrote: I've been having a confusing mix of emotions this week. I'm finding it hard to concentrate on anything at this moment.
I'm that way quite a bit, too. If I ever find a solution to it, I'll let you know! XP

@Charlie - You avatar is awesome. The :3 at the end just made my day. XD
We all have these periods in life. Time is the best medicine in this case I think :-)
Tech Administrator of Save-Point
Yeah, I know what it's from (at least in my case). I'm stubborn in that I would never take medicine that alters chemicals that affect how I think, so seeing a doctor would be pointless for me. Plus I prefer to work on it myself because I feel that finding ways to deal with it will help create a more permanent solution. It's something I'm a little strange about. :\
That doesn't sound strange at all :-)

This is exactly how I am too
Tech Administrator of Save-Point
This probably makes me sound insane, but my spirit guide helps me through it a lot. I can be sobbing uncontrollably and she can make me burst out laughing with her random comments. x3 When it starts becoming a problem I can lean on her like I would a friend. And if it gets really bad I have a friend who goes to group therapy and she offered to take me with her if I'm interested, so I have that option if I need it. Like I said before, I prefer figuring things out for myself. In a twisted way, I think of it like a game. :s (You guys help a lot more than you realize. :3)

Anyway, I had the random idea of making a game of Mafia in RM. It might take a while, but I like the idea. Hm...
Mafia? That sounds cool. I think vx would be best graphic-wise for that :D
Tech Administrator of Save-Point

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