Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

"No, my lord."

A tense hush fell across the room.

Lord Tomas studied Marcus carefully. "You question my orders?"

Marcus met his gaze "These two are under my protection Lord Tomas, and forgive me, but I fear for their safety, even in your cells." Marcus lowered his voice. "The boy is from the village too my lord. A place where the words 'extortion' and 'coercion' have seen little use until now."

Robin felt Daniel's hand tighten around hers as she watched the dark-haired lord consider this.

Eventually, he turned to the guards. "Wait outside," he ordered.

"Now," said Lord Tomas after the four of them were alone, "an explanation, Marcus. Why are you here, instead of Weseluk, and what is this about 'coercion'?"

"A Necrordinator plot, my lord."

"Necrordinators? They're little more than a fringe cult."

Robin thought she saw a faint flicker of annoyance slipped across Marcus eyes, replaced by the stone-faced seriousness of a seasoned soldier.

"That may be, my lord," Marcus continued, "T'is best not to underestimate them just the same. As I was saying, family was used to force the girl to the fortress."

"For what reason?"

"Retrieval of one of Balthus' effects at any cost."

"Even the murder of my men?"

"Consider this my lord. Which would you chose: the death of a stranger, or the death of someone close to you? A mother? A close friend? Desperation can cause poor choices. And if I may be blunt my lord?"

"Since when are you not, Sir Marcus?"

"My lord, it was your actions that brought this upon her."

"...MY actions?"

"The letter you send to the other lords, the one I advised against, stating you had unsealed the lower caverns."

"For study, Marcus," corrected Lord Tomas, obviously annoyed by the direction the conversation was taking.

"I am aware of that, my lord, but word spreads. Word the caverns where Balthus the Black conducted his studies was once again open... Necrodinators like Tiberius would jump-"

"Tiberius? I've heard that name. A minor noble from near Sharl?"

"Yes, my lord."

Lord Tomas frowned. "Yes, I do remember him. He's involved in this business?"

"Yes my lord, he was. He held the boy here prisoner for a time while the girl sought Balthus' vault."

"Where is he now?"

"Very dead, I'm afraid."

"Your doing?"

Marcus shook his head. "Balthus' vault had been located and I believe something in there killed him. What exactly... I'm afraid I do not know. I would advise the caverns be resealed as soon as pos-"

"A moment. What of this thing the girl was sent to retrieve?"



"Taken by another of the Necrodinators I believe. And as to who..." he shook his head sadly, "I couldn't say. Only that he and Tiberius were working together for a time."

"...And the reason you are here, instead of Weseluk?"

"Word of the plot reached me. Thought it best if I investigate quietly. The less who knew, the better."

"I see..."

Lord Tomas stood up and moved towards a large bookcase, stopping short as he turned his back on Marcus. "So, you disobeyed my direct order on a mere rumor," accused the Lord, who was facing a map of his terrain.

"My lord, I only -"

"Silence!" Marcus flinched when his lord barked back at him. "You have made your claims quite clear," he added. "And you now seek to protect these two who you know murdered my guards."

Hearing his lord's voice shout accusingly at him made Marcus tremble. Marcus has seen his lord's fury before, and seeing Lord Tomas's fist clenched, the guardian's face grew pale.

Suddenly, and without warning, Lord Tomas struck the map on the wall.

"If I didn't hear about the massacre of Javon," He muttered before turning around. Marcus saw a look of sorrow on his face. "And the village of Acorn Pass. Eighty three of my people." His voice grew quiet as he tried to utter the words. "Even the children were slaughtered."

"The children too?" Marcus gasped.

"Marcus, you disobeyed my order." Calmly and slowly, he grasped Marcus by the shoulder. "Thank you, old friend."

Taken aback, the guardian took a step back.

"I take it you plan to pursue this matter?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"And those... children... under your protection. I take it you want them to assist you?"

"They actually demand it, my Lord."

"Do they now?" Tomas began to smile. "Even the boy?"

"He has been surprisingly helpful, my -"

"I am sure he has," he interrupted Marcus and glared at him. Marcus knew what his lord implied. He knew that Daniel's secret elfblood lineage was visible. "He's brave and crafty to come standing before me without letting on what both you and I know."

"My lord?"

"Go." Moving back towards his desk, the Lord continued on. "Go and do what you may." He scribbled something on a small sheet of paper and passed it to Marcus. "Take what you think you need for this venture." Marcus glanced at the paper seeing the Letter of Marque he was given. "But after that, I cannot interfere. This is all the help I can offer right now."

Lord Tomas turned away, obviously dismissing them. Marcus stared blankly at the scrap of paper that Lord Tomas had handed him, then held it out to Daniel. Daniel's eyes widened in surprise, and Robin peered over his shoulder to read what Lord Tomas had written.

"This..." She said softly, hesitantly. "It gives us access to Lord Tomas' private vault?"

"Yes." Marcus agreed. "This will get us past the guards, and we'll be allowed to take whatever we wish."

"Why?" Daniel demanded.

"Don't ask questions!" Marcus snapped. "Just be thankful that you and your lady aren't going to be executed."

Daniel knew Marcus was right. If Lord Tomas had wished, they would all be dead at the snap of a finger. He felt Robin's hand close over his, and he nodded. "Very well." He said quietly. "Thank you, Lord Tomas. I won't forget this."

Lord Tomas didn't turn around. "Make sure you all come back alive." He said. "I'll want to talk to you when you get back. Now, go. I have things I must do."

* * *

Marcus handed the writ to the guards in front of Lord Tomas' private vault. The door was quickly unlocked, and Daniel was the first to pass through. His eyes widened in astonishment as he gazed upon the treasure within.

Mountains of coins and jewels lay on tables in the vast room. But not only that; there were weapons and armor of every kind as well.

In a daze, he approached a well-made sword, whose ornate hilt glistened in the torchlight. Runic patterns were carved into the blade, and the markings glowed at his touch. "It seems that it accepts you." Marcus whispered. "It's an elven blade." He explained. "Taken from an elven warrior many hundreds of years ago. Those runes are imbed with magic."

"Do you think the Lord would mind." Daniel asked, his hand wrapping around the hilt in reverence.

"Whatever you wish." Marcus replied with a grin. He had a feeling that Lord Tomas had counted on the half-elf finding the sword. Such a weapon was suited only for elven warriors, and no one else could do it justice.

Robin was trying on a black cloak that had silver-hilted daggers hidden within the red satin lining. She was smiling with triumph, as if she'd found something that she'd always been looking for.

Then Marcus saw something that caught his own eye; a leather gauntlet with silver buckles. He picked it up, snapping it around his wrist and forearm. The gauntlet fitted him so well that it almost seemed like a second skin. He also picked up the crossbow and the quiver of arrows next to it.

Daniel found a shield with a dragon crest, and he placed it over his arm. His free hand caressed the head of the dragon, an expression of awe on his face. "Should we take any of the coins?" He asked.

"No." Marcus replied. "Leave them. Arming ourselves is all that matters."

Robin looked at the coins and sighed. It was more money than she'd ever seen and just leaving it all seemed like a waste somehow.

Well, they won't miss a few coins...

Daniel weighed the sword in his hand. It did feel almost natural in his hand, despite the fact that his entire knowledge of swordplay boiled down to 'put the pointy end in the other guy and keep him from doing the same'.

Still, this generous gift bothered him.


"Yes lad?"

"I thought. . Well, Lord Tomas..."

"Not what you expected?"

Daniel shook his head. "I thought you two hated each other." He lowered his voice, just in case. "You called him a fool earlier."

"Well.. can't say we get along all the time. Hell, when I said that, I thought he wasn't taking the whole situation seriously. I was wrong."

"Thought he hated elves."

"Always had, until now. To be honest, thought he always would. He had good reason to, but I guess his pragmatism won out." Marcus shook his head. Tomas, you are a puzzle. There are times I wonder if you even knows what's going on, and other I think you know more than I do. This business has got you worried, and that's reason enough to hurry things along.

He turned to Daniel. "You ready?"

"I think so."

"How about you, lass?"

"I'm ready."

"Good, now put the coins back and we'll quit this place. No sense in testing the lord's generosity, don't you agree?" he winked.

Robin scowled at him, and reluctantly emptied her pockets of gold. "So, where ARE going in such a hurry?"

"Javon, and probably Acorn Pass," the guardian answered. "Hopefully we'll pick up the Necrodinators trail there before it gets too cold."

He rapped on the vault door as a signal to the guards outside and in moments, the vault opened and allowed them to pass.

"How far is Javon?" asked Daniel. He hadn't traveled much farther than the village borders since he was eight.

"Three days travel, two if we make good time."

"Well... I guess we have some traveling gear at home someplace."

"You won't be going home. No time. Javon's in the other direction anyway. We'll supply here."

"But, what about my mother? And my family! And Daniel's!" protested Robin. "We don't even get to say goodbye?"

"We'll send them a message. It'll be faster, more official, and will take a whole lot less time than explaining in person." He barely paused as he addressed one of the castle staff, "Samuel, I'll need paper and ink, and someone to deliver a few messages to the village. Also, see if Meredith can find some winter clothes that will fit these two. We'll be at the stables."

"Yes sir," the man gave a quick nod and hurried off.

"Now, the next and more important question," Marcus continued before either of them could protest, "is can either of you ride a horse?"

It was a surprising site as the two horses strode towards the edge of Takuro. The grey stallion bore a striking figure of a man. Any who saw him were impressed by bearing of the knight. But it wasn't the knight that truly caught their attention. It was the two on the pinto.

Daniel never saddled a horse in his life, and yet guiding the animal felt natural. Robin was sitting close behind him, using his shoulders for support. They were sore and tired, but still in high spirits as they won out over Marcus's stern recommendation to head East rather than going home.

Daniel dismounted first near old Pete's and then raised his arms to catch Robin as she slipped down. Marcus grumbled as he too dismounted. Kids, he thought as he watched the two head off past the blacksmith shop and into the town proper.

All eyes were on the two as they walked through the streets, followed by Marcus. It was strange and unnerving, and Daniel never felt this insecure since he first moved to town. Yet everyone looked genuinely happy. Mrs Mullins scrunched up her face, but waved from her inn as they passed. And Mr. Kardon stopped sweeping the steps to his mart long enough to raise his hand.

Are they under a spell? Robin thought. She shared the question to Daniel who looked at her with the same confused expression she shared.

As they approached Robin's home, a tiny girl of nine came speeding towards them. Daniel laughed and bent low to catch his little sister in his arms. "How ya doing, rugrat?"

"Oh, fine. Sure," she chimed. "You and sis there go off without telling anyone anything." She pounded her fists against his chest out of annoyance as both he and Robin started laughing.

"Ha ha ha," Daniel chuckled. "Well, I'm sorry we were so long, Nicki. But something-"

"Is he a knight?" She thrashed around, kicking her legs until Daniel set her down. She then noticed that both Robin and he were also wearing similar red tunics. "Have you...? Are you a knight?" Her eyes were opened wide.

"Him? A knight?" Robin laughed hard as she tried to picture Daniel in full regal armor and vestments.

"Robin," he grumbled at seeing her amusement.

"Ah..." she was choked from laughing. "I'm sorry, Danny. It's just so funny."

He tried to turn away, then caught Marcus's mirth-filled expression. "Great..."

* * *

"Mom, I'm home" Robin shouted as she opened the door. Even before she could step foot within, Nicki ran through the threshold and into the other room as if it were natural. Daniel and she both looked at each other before entering.

They followed the sound of giggling until they saw Nicki and Aline, Robin's sister, playing on the floor. Daniel's mother was standing next to Robin's, both bearing the same happy visage which made the couple feel uneasy.

Daniel's mother spoke first. "We were wonder when you two were going to get married."


Daniel's face flushed scarlet at his mother's words, and a quick glance at Robin showed that she was blushing as well. "N-nothing like that." He stammered, self-conscious now, he quickly dropped Robin's hand. "We--uh..." His voice trailed off. He wasn't sure exactly how he could explain exactly what they had been doing for the past couple of days.

It was then that the two women noticed Marcus standing awkwardly behind them. "Who's that?" Robin's mother asked, her eyebrow raising in suspicion. "Is he with you two?"

Robin said quietly. "Yes. Maybe Marcus would be better to explain the situation?" She suggested to Daniel in a whisper.

Daniel grinned at the unexpected chance to escape his and Robin's mother's piercing eyes. "Sure. Go ahead, Marcus. Why don't you tell them what we've been up to?"

Marcus' face turned pale. "I think that's better left up to the two of you."

"Someone better tell us what's going on." A sharp note had entered Daniel's mother's voice. "We thought...hoped that you two had gone off and eloped. Although, we'd much rather that you didn't do it behind our backs."

"Mother, I told you--"

"I know. You didn't elope. So, what have you been doing." She peered at him carefully. "You're both filthy. Have you been rolling on the ground together?"

"What?!" Daniel hadn't thought his mother could embarrass him even more, but this was too much. "No we haven't! We--"

A loud explosion from outside startled him, making him jump. Marcus was out the door, before Daniel could ask what was going on. Robin stared at him with wide, fearful eyes. "Danny..." She said.

Marcus returned, his jaw set. "It's good we stopped here first." He said. "We have company out there, Robin. Daniel. You'd better get your mothers and your little sister to a safe place."

"What's going on?" Robin demanded.

"Just hurry. There's not much time before they get here."

Robin and Daniel glanced at each, finally understanding the implications of what Marcus was telling them. "Mother!" Robin said, grabbing the older woman by the arm. "The cellar! It's the safest place!"

Robin and Daniel ushered their family down the wooden steps before they could be asked any questions. Then as one, they turned to Marcus. "It's gotta be Balthus' men, right?" She asked. "Why would they come here?"

Marcus looked down at his feet. "I imagine he wants to terminate the place that suffocated him the most. Although, it's unlikely that he would dare to come here himself. He will know that we are still alive, and he'll want to play with us, before he shows himself again."

"Then we have-"

"To protect this house, AND your families first," finished Marcus, pushing his glasses up as he spoke. "Keep your eyes on the doors and windows. Control of the entry points and if you see any signs of fire, put it out quick. It'll take too long to get everyone out and they'll be vulnerable. Can't make much more of a plan until we know what's out there."

He peered through the makeshift curtains on one of the windows. He couldn't see the horses from here, which unfortunately held his crossbow and most of their gear. He still had his staff, and Daniel was wearing the sword (whether he could wield it or not remained to be seen).

A nearby storehouse was a burning ruin surrounded by billowing smoke which filled the air the smell of baked bread. Must have been storing lots of flour, he thought to himself as he studied the fragmented structure, amazing there's any building left at all.

There were figures moving amid the smoke. Two of them carried torches, and five, no maybe six more were wandering around looking for more targets. Brigands from what he could make out through the haze. Still, no way they could have been hired this fast unless...

Marcus' eyes narrowed as one of the figures emerged out of the smoke. He was tall and rail thin, dressed in piecemeal armor of leather and metal. His brown hair hung close to his eyes in unkempt strands, eyes that got a certain glee out of the destruction.

I thought so. Aric Douleurs.

Aric was once the son of a minor baron who'd been shocked to learn of his son's rape of one of the servants, and even more shocked to learn what other abuses the boy had done. Aric was disowned, but he'd already managed to pillage the family treasury, enough to feed his hedonistic tastes for a time.

The Necrodinators, especially ones like Tiberius, had found his penchant and talent for violence a useful tool. They gave him and his gang of thugs steady work in exchange for enough well-placed gold to keep him out of the jails, and money to pay for his many vices.

Even while he was still among the Necrodinators, Marcus had looked for an opportunity to beat seven kinds of hell out of this blight on life.

Looks like he'd finally get that chance.

Too bad the odds were so lousy.

Villages like these were a pestilence. They never amounted to anything and were always a drain on the people. They always needed protection, yet they never rendered anything in return. It was good that he rid the land of another breeding ground of such vermin.

Aric made his way through the dirt and filth of the main street as his soldiers went from hovel to hovel, setting fire to everything in sight. A purifying fire. Noble was his cause to weed out the weaker portion so that the strong would live. More so that he had the boon and gratitude of Lord Olan to supply him with whatever he desired. Money. Power. Women.

And all that was requested of him was to wipe this miserable, little borough off the map.

It struck him odd that Lord Olan only requested this village be struck down. More often, it was a land or county of a rival Duke that bore his enmity. So be it. If this stinking, rat-infested borough was to die, it was his pleasure.

Screams that were cut short by the knife or sword sounded amidst the chaos. A choir of finality and futility. After months of such cleansing as these, his men were experts. Not so much as a weak child will remain. It would be too cruel on the lord of this realm to waste his time on mere insignificant whelps as these.

"Boss!" A cutthroat in leather and chain approached, forcing a crying, young girl forward with the tip of his sword. In his grip, the reins of two horses he led towards his master. "Looks like we're not the only ones here, sir."

"Excellent," he replied. Studying the dirt covered girl with his eyes, his lips curled. "Excellent indeed." As quickly as any snake, he grasped the defenseless girl by the wrist and roughly pulled her away. She was barely in her teens, her dark straight hair was matted and disheveled, scarcely hiding her tear streaked face. Bending low, he greeted her with a leering grin. "Where are the newcomers, my dear?"

"You bastard!"

From years of being the town's blacksmith, Old Pete Shalow still cut an impressive figure. Even now, the man held onto the strength of his youth as he charged forward to rescue his Gloria. His precious daughter.

In a wide arc, he swung his long-handled sledgehammer around. Hitting home, the surprised leather and chain armored man was felled. His head, split open. Other men carrying torches and blades approached rapidly, as Aric wrenched the girl by the arm... tossing her into the dirt.

Spinning around as fast as he could, the blacksmith used his momentum to bring the heavy iron striker into his next target. But he was too late as a steel blade was thrust deep into his chest. Losing his grip, the hammer spun off and landed harmlessly yards away.

The girl cried out as she saw her father lying still in the dirt, his eyes wide and vacant.

Aric grabbed the girl by the arm, pulling her tight against his body. She was a pretty little thing, and if he had the time, he fully intended to make use of her charms. She trembled in his arms, and tried to pull away, but he held her steadfast, refusing to let her escape. He bent down, whispering into her ear, "Stay still, or you'll die right along with your father. But if you're a good girl, I'll let you taste a little bit of heaven."

He gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him. "You're so pretty." He kissed her hard, his hands roaming her delectable body. She cringed, sobbing in terror, but he was too strong for her. If he had the time, he would have thrown her to the ground, and taken her there. But, there was no time. He had to follow out his lord's command.

Destroy this village. Leave not a building standing. I don't care what you do to its people, just make sure they can't cause any trouble. That's what he'd been told. He would have time to play with his pretty treat later. He thrust her away, handing her over to one of the soldiers. "Take her, and make sure she stays just the way she is right now. If one of you touch her before I do, I'll kill you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." The soldier replied, dragging the girl away.

The girl was a virgin, Aric was certain of it. After he was done with her, he would give her over to his men. That was the way spoils of war always worked. He just wished he had the time to enjoy her before he slayed the rest of her kinsmen. Oh well...this wouldn't take very long, anyway. By nightfall, he'd have that girl, and any other pretty woman he managed to find. After that, he'd give them over to his men to play with. It didn't matter what happened to their lives after that. If some of them be it. They wouldn't have a home to return to, nor would he have let them go. Their lives were literally in his hands now.

"Slay the men!" He told his soldiers. "Leave not a one standing. But the pretty young girls, make sure you capture them. Don't touch them. They belong to me."

"Let go!" Robin hissed.

"And let you get yourself killed?" Marcus answered. "Not likely."

Robin shook his hand from her shoulder and spun around to face him. "You heard them! They're-"

"I did. But three of us against all them means a direct charge is a great way to make things worse. Plan first, then attack."

Robin scowled, but he was right; there were too many for them to take on by themselves, but the longer they waited...

"Do you HAVE a plan?"

"Getting one. Daniel, do you have... Daniel?"

There was no sign of the half elf, save for the back door left slightly ajar.

* * *

Daniel still didn't feel all that comfortable in his armor, and it made it hard to move quietly. Still, anything that kept your insides inside couldn't be all bad. Maybe he'd get used to it in time.

Time was something he didn't have unfortunately. Aric had given his order and already people were dead. The three of them could do something, but they'd have a better chance IF he could get the rest of their weapons from the horses.

He could see them from here at the edge of the growing carnage with only two men guarding them. They hadn't noticed him so far; they were more interested in the carnage going on nearby.

Daniel drew his newly acquired sword from its sheath. Unlike the armor, the blade felt natural in his hand, perhaps that plus surprise would be enough to offset his complete lack of training.

He tried to move closer without clanking too much.

If he hadn't been wearing armor, it might have worked too.

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