Tales of Faith
MelonPanProduction Presents you
A Tales and Summon Night Fan Game
[Image: tofvg1vc3.png]

[Image: 3460zfd.gif]PATCH ADDED for Oct 6, 2008 Demo:
http://www.mediafire.com/?ymdwmzln2jm replace this with the same Name File

[Image: 2mq7rc6.gif]NOTE:
Some Dialoge is missing to due WIP Skit System.

[Image: mawaw4.gif]SUSHI SPEED EATER:
Top 5 Scores will be Posted on the Main Web and here
You must post a Screenshot (like the Image below with the Center Text) of the score to be Valid
1st: nongkong03 with 61 pts

Been Asked Many times

Here is the Listing for Lucky Gem Lotto:
  1. Size Eres:
    2x more damage to Small, Med, and Large Enemies
  2. Moon Stone
    Gain 50% more TP
  3. Thief Cape
    Adds DEF
  4. Miracle Gel
    Heals 60% Both HP and TP
  5. Nothing
Prizes Changes when you go farther into the game.

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