Darksydaz Presents The Art of House
Welcome to the ART of House

Hello, I am the artistic apprentice of the Divine. Known to a select few as "DarkSyDaZ", i have begun my journey to create my own RPG. My Highly ambitious project Samurai Ragnarok is currently under development by our Online Creation Studio: Heaven's Cloud. However, I have come to receive crits and critiques about my artistic style and approach to art. Welcome to my artistic dump, but we'll cal it the Art of House...

[Image: WIP-Keiths-Character.jpg]
[Image: Super-Sayian-Myspace.png]
[Image: Sephiroth2.jpg]
[Image: Daerio-Vandrake.jpg]
[Image: Joseph-Rag-Pic.png]
[Image: Joseph-Chibi.gif][Image: Joseph-XP.gif]
[Image: Astral-alone.jpg]

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