Geeks can cook too!
I've started this thread since it's become apparent that a few of us here like to make fine food and enjoy a good meal. Basically it's a place to share recipes and cooking tips, techniques, habits, all about making good food.

Get Cooking!

I'll start you off with a recipe!
[Image: veg-250a093.png] [Image: 20-250a0f7.png]
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Bon Appetit!
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Yummy! I wish I was a good cook :P
Tech Administrator of Save-Point
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The only way I can cook is with a recipe. When I was younger I used to experiment, but.... that didn't always turn out too well. Tongue sticking out

This doesn't seem like something I'd eat, put something up with meat lol. Winking
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Sixtisized Fried Shrimp batter, Fish n' Chips batter & Funnel Cakes

Fish & Chips needs chips right?

Serve & enjoy!
Snazzy Sig in a Spoiler
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Good point, I didn't realize I typed so much (in my hand writing both, and a third recipe I thought up, fits on a post it note).
Snazzy Sig in a Spoiler
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Because I am from Germany here is a german meal:

Did you ever hear about Swabian pockets (Pasta squares filled with meat and spinach)?

roasted Swabian Pockets with egg

If you didn't, you should try them. In my opinion, these are the best invention ever.
You can simply put them in a clear soup or cut them in pieces and roast them with some egg or put them in the oven
with cheese and sauce. I like special experiment like put them on pizza or French-fry them or
roast them gently and make a nice curry sauce.

In German these Pasta Squares are called "Maultaschen" which means something like mouthbags XD
[Image: 76561198077561206.png]
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Cry I wish I had an oven.
Those all look really nice! Keep em coming! (Special 1Up for the fish'n'chips)
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Sometimes you need to cook something quick and easy, especially to a person who has not enough time to cook. Immediately come to mind the most simple recipes that don't require extra skills and is incredibly tasty.

Consider canonical example: cold vegetable okroshka - nutritious dish that can be prepared at any time of year, would have been handy products.

[Image: 1.jpg]

WHAT WE NEEDS (approximately, at your discretion, you can add or subtract the number of products):
500 g. of cream
200 g. of sour cream
2 lit. of mineral water
5 eggs
4 potatoes
250-300 g. of salami or other smoked sausage
200-250 g. of sausages
8-10 radishes
1-2 cucumbers
Salt and pepper (to your taste)
Herbs (parsley, dill) (to your taste)

Okay, let's cooking!!!

1) Boil eggs (need to be hard-boiled) and potatoes (can be cooked directly in the skin, but do not forget that it needs to be cleaned!)
2) While the potatoes and eggs are cooked, сut into cubes raw and well-washed cucumbers and radishes, and sausages.
3) As soon as our eggs and potatoes cooked and slightly cooled, chop them and mix with other ingredients.
4) After that, add the cream and sour cream, pour the mineral water to the desired thickness, salt, pepper, and decorate with greenery.

Put the dishes in the refrigerator to cool our okroshka (because it tastes better if cold!) or eat immediately. Bon Appetit!
"The things I always protect never change!" - Sakata Gintoki, Gintama.
"Two people dying separately? No. If we die, we'll die together." - Suigintou, Rozen Maiden.
And sorry for my mistakes in English words, if I do it.
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White Russian Cupcakes


1 package yellow cake mix
1 package vanilla instant pudding mix
1 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup whole milk
4 large eggs
1/4 cup vodka
1/2 cup + 2 tbsp Kahlua
1 tsp vanilla extract

Kahluah Whipped Cream:

1 cup heavy whipping cream
2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar
1 tbsp Kahlua
2 tbsp semisweet chocolate shavings (garnish)

1. Preheat oven to 350
2. mix cake mix, pudding mix, oil, milk, eggs, vodka, 1/4 cup kahlua, and vanilla. Blend on low speed for 30 seconds. Increase speed, blend 2 minutes more.
3. Put 1/2 cup batter in each lined cupcake cup (3/4 of the way full) Should make 22-24 cupcakes
4. Bake 17-20 min
5. Cool 5 min
6. Brush the top of the cakes with the remaining Kahlua
7. Cool 15 min more before frosting

Make the frosting:
1. put bowl and beaters in the freezer for 1 min. Pour cream and beat until thickened (1 1/2 min). Add sugar and kahlua. Beat until stiff peaks form (1-2 min more)
2. Place a heaping tablespoon of whipped cream on each, top with shavings
3. Enjoy Cheery

*can also be made with buttercream with Kahlua substituted for the vanilla*
*Do not try to increase the liquor in the cake mix or icing, if desired you can drizzle more than recommended on the cooled cake and puncture the cake with a fork to disperse it. If you add anywhere else you will get a big cup of pudding*
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