How to put out a fire
There's a fire! How should we put it out?

I'd let it burn. For now. The zombie apocalypse is coming, after all, and I'm not gonna have enough ammo, that's for sure. So I'll leave the fire alone. To burn. When the zombies come it would be my ally against the undead. It'll watch my back, as I gather my head shot count, it would make sure nothing sneaks up on me. But there's always that one last zombie, you know the one. That one that comes RIGHT when your out of ammo, and you don't know it.

I'll be there, amidst a former horde of zombies, heads all kabloomed out. That one last zombie would come, and - *click*, nothin. I'd look at the barrel, amazement and anger. Throwing the Makarov pistol at the figure shambling towards me, hell bent on devouring my brains. I'd curse at it as the rain started to fall, for dramatic effect of course. The fire would start to drown, dying out, but there would be a cinder left.

As it came forward I would struggle with the beastie as it snapped at my face, though it was only a few moments it would have felt like hours. Slipping and slidding in the now swelling mud, I'd toss the creature into that one last hope, the last bit of flame, covered by the brothers and sisters already dead.

Thankfully the rotting undead is still just the rotting dead. The gas in it's tummy would expel in the heat, and ignite. A final flare that would burst through the final zombie. Both would die, hissing and cackling.

And that is how I'd extinguish the fire.
Snazzy Sig in a Spoiler
The fire is ablaze and the buildings are crumbling. I feel transported once again to the fire, the great fire of London that saw my precious home destroyed. I look at the device on my wrist, the TimeZ-1500, it's what displaces time and space allowing me to travel the time line. Wood is crackling and roofs are falling, people are screaming, all the noise of pain and despair is overwhelming but it is time to take action!

I take a look at what meagre resources I have... A bucket, rendered useless by it's small size, and my time travel device. Then it hits me. It is an arduous task but it's the only thing I can do...

I hit "Time location Fix" on my wrist device which locks onto the current time. I grab the bucket, rush to the river and fill it up. I hit "BackWards<<<" and POOF I'm back to two minutes ago but this time armed with a bucket of water. I empty it on a small flame then refill it and hit "BackWards<<<" again. POOF, the flame i put out is gone and I have another bucket of water.

About a day later in my time but barely 15 seconds later in real time, the fire is out.

Then a thought struck me... Why didn't I just teleport back to when the fire was small...?! I go to flick the switch and input the data but my TimeZ-1500 has run out of battery, I am stuck in the present...

P.S. Epic thread idea Jacket!

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