Hello! I'm new at this forum, and i want to share a few Sci Fi designs i've made for my own project. Some of them are taller variations from extended RTPs, and others are my own pixel-by-pixel creations.
Here are my designs:
This soldiers are a taller variation of the known kn_fighter. Some of them are very close to him, but others have a major work on them. Every one cost me at least one hour of labour. Some of them are very similar to each other, but their faces difer, or the gear.
The next guy is one of my favourite soldiers, perfect for a bar situation. If you look at him, you'll notice that the glass is ever in the same hand, and the third file is not a mirror of the second:
Yuppies and detectives
These are suit-clothed charas. In my game, they are agressive entrepeneurs or detectives of military police:
Punks and Lumpen Folks
These are the core people in the principal city of my game. Some of them are used too as playable characters. My favourite one is Spike, based principally in Billy Idol in the videoclip "Dancing with Myself". Of course, is based too in the vamp of Buffy. One or two are "splitted", because they are for being sitting in a table
Here are a few naked or bare naked ladies. I have some guys too, but i have to warn: these pictures could be found very explicit or pornographic, so DON'T OPEN THEM if it bothers you. The game is going to be a little hard boiled, and i don't have added the worst of them. In any case, i have worked A LOT to make it the more realistic i can. It was specially difficult to draw the nipples. Enjoy it, or evade it:
Finally, the most difficult to make, because I haven't any basis sketch in pixel art, so i had to draw this from ground zero. They are originally from a table RPG, Fading Suns. However this sketchs are mine. But they look great for me in the end, so i proudly present them without spoilering them
The Hironem
Reptilian aliens of golden eyes, from the planet Cadiz. They are taller, but similar in phisiology to humans.
The ascorbites
Blood sucking aliens from the jungle planet Severus. They are very powerful in their mature state, but they have problems of learning. The legendary Fourth State is something that no one has seen ever.
The Vorox
The mighty Vorox, from the Li-Halan planet Ungavorox, perhaps the most dangerous and wild planet in the Known Space. They are very clever, despite their natural physical prowess, because they aren't the top of the chain food in their homeworld
Well, I have many, many other drawings. Some of them are unfinished yet, others are icons. Hope you have enjoyed them. Comment, please!
Here are my designs:
This soldiers are a taller variation of the known kn_fighter. Some of them are very close to him, but others have a major work on them. Every one cost me at least one hour of labour. Some of them are very similar to each other, but their faces difer, or the gear.
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Yuppies and detectives
These are suit-clothed charas. In my game, they are agressive entrepeneurs or detectives of military police:
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Punks and Lumpen Folks
These are the core people in the principal city of my game. Some of them are used too as playable characters. My favourite one is Spike, based principally in Billy Idol in the videoclip "Dancing with Myself". Of course, is based too in the vamp of Buffy. One or two are "splitted", because they are for being sitting in a table
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Here are a few naked or bare naked ladies. I have some guys too, but i have to warn: these pictures could be found very explicit or pornographic, so DON'T OPEN THEM if it bothers you. The game is going to be a little hard boiled, and i don't have added the worst of them. In any case, i have worked A LOT to make it the more realistic i can. It was specially difficult to draw the nipples. Enjoy it, or evade it:
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Finally, the most difficult to make, because I haven't any basis sketch in pixel art, so i had to draw this from ground zero. They are originally from a table RPG, Fading Suns. However this sketchs are mine. But they look great for me in the end, so i proudly present them without spoilering them
The Hironem
Reptilian aliens of golden eyes, from the planet Cadiz. They are taller, but similar in phisiology to humans.
The ascorbites
Blood sucking aliens from the jungle planet Severus. They are very powerful in their mature state, but they have problems of learning. The legendary Fourth State is something that no one has seen ever.
The Vorox
The mighty Vorox, from the Li-Halan planet Ungavorox, perhaps the most dangerous and wild planet in the Known Space. They are very clever, despite their natural physical prowess, because they aren't the top of the chain food in their homeworld
Well, I have many, many other drawings. Some of them are unfinished yet, others are icons. Hope you have enjoyed them. Comment, please!