Suggestions for a website name
I'm going commercial. This means I'm going to start seriously selling my music and services online baring in mind this is mostly to get my name out there to further my career as a musician.

Here's the problem... I have a few names I use such as "SamTheMetalMan" and "MetalRenard" and I want a cool site name to go with them but I have no idea what to use!

If anyone has a suggestion, it would be very much appreciated.

"" for example
Maybe Just go with Sam the Metal man.
the fox seems like an alt ego like KISS and their costumes.
I ended up going for "" because people in the gaming community know me under that name.
Also, "samthemetalman" sounds too pompous and immature whereas "renard" being French sounds swish.

In general, the most logical - use the concise, but most clearly showing the direction of the site name.
"The things I always protect never change!" - Sakata Gintoki, Gintama.
"Two people dying separately? No. If we die, we'll die together." - Suigintou, Rozen Maiden.
And sorry for my mistakes in English words, if I do it.

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