"Jumpy" Plane rewrites
So I'm using a script to alter the resolution of one of my games to be 853x480. A 16:9 equivalent to 640x480. However it seems that Plane is bound to 640x480, so I go looking for Plane rewrites.

All the version I've found make my planes either "jumpy" or too fast. I use a timer to slow down the fog effect on my title screen (update_fog1 if @fogup == 3), but this makes the panning clearly pausing between updates. Removing it makes them pan far too fast.

I am currently using this rewrite by Selwyn

This is what I am using to change my resolution. Strangely enough it fixes fogs in maps on it's own, but I have no idea how it's doing that, because I can't copy that over to my title screen.
There are a few other errors with Selwyn's rewrite. I, too, use it in my Resolution kit, however I have modified it a bit to fix several errors, mainly with how the bitmap is tiled across the sprite. Here is my modified version of Selwyn's script:

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This should work with different resolutions.

As for your scrolling issue on the title screen. it's most likely how you are calling the plane class. If this doesn't fix the error, please post the script you use to scrol a plane on the title screen and I'll see what I can do to fix it for you.
Ah, thank you! This fixes it. The only jumping now is the slight lag, which is understandable.
You're welcome Very cheery

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