DerVVulfman is a dirty liar
DerVVulfman is a liar. He once told me that evolution involved rubbing tw0 monkeys together until you got a human. I really wanted a kid brother, but as it turns out monkeys don't like it when you forcefully rub them together. They mauled me. You're a liar, DerVVulfman. A dirty liar!

DerVVulfman is a liar. He once told me that gravity doesn't work if you don't look down. I really had to cross over this chasm, so I figured if I don't look down I'll be fine. But as it turns out gravity works even if you are looking up! I fell to my death. You're a dirty liar, DerVVulfman. A dirty liar!

DerVVulfman is a liar. He once told me that MetalRenard was really a little metal fox. And that he ate little metal bunnies. So I thought I'd capture him, and make a fortune showing him off in a carnival. I made myself some tin bunnies, and ran off to France on the first flight I could. Now all I've got is a very angry Englishman in a cage! And he's not even made of metal! You're a dirty liar, DerVVulfman. A dirty liar!

Do I even need to tell you how to play this game after those examples? Someone is a liar, they lied, you did something idiotic, etc. DerVVulfman told me it's fun. So it's gotta -hey wait a minute!

It doesn't have to be DerVVulfman, I'm just choosing someone considered in good light. Just choose someone from the forums at random.
Snazzy Sig in a Spoiler
he didn't lie, it really works, you just have to do it several billion times over many years in order to get one human child.
Agckuu Coceg is even more dirty liar. He lives with dissociative identity disorder, but says quietly with all the same voice.

Agckuu Coceg is even more dirty liar. He always pretends to be a girl in one forum, and even when it is opened, he denies everything. Even if against it produces the most compelling evidence to refute it, and continues to live the life of another person. Since this is the consequences of dissociative personality disorder.

Agckuu Coceg is even more dirty liar. He loves to destroy all those who he doesn't like them as their own actions. And denies that he doing it for his own reasons.
"The things I always protect never change!" - Sakata Gintoki, Gintama.
"Two people dying separately? No. If we die, we'll die together." - Suigintou, Rozen Maiden.
And sorry for my mistakes in English words, if I do it.
Kore is a dirty liar.

That dooshbag.

...What? he is.....
uhm, this is not really going as expected, isn't it? anyway....

Olivia is a liar. She told me girls like it when guys hide in the women restroom at the mall and at some point come out shouting "TA-DAHHH". The guards are telling me I have to go now. Does anyone know a good lawyer? Umpf... dirty liar...

[Image: facebook_icon.png] [Image: youtube_128x128-120x120.png] [Image: deviant.png] [Image: save-point.png]
Charlie Fleed is a dirty liar. He told me that if I listened to what he said, I could script a cool battle system. Instead, the system simply rubs two monkeys together in the hopes of making a human child. Oh well, I'll add it to the script database anyway
Olivia is a dirty liar. She told me that if I came with enough guns she would let me take over. Now I've done it I've lost favour and will never rule, ever!
That's so unfair.
Agckuu Coceg is a very, very big liar. He likes to give on the contest work charsets that are copied from not known to many people characters pictures, but he does not say that this is a copy.

Agckuu Coceg loves to lie. Even when he was trolled, he's lying, so that the troll seems to he be a trolled, and lags behind.
"The things I always protect never change!" - Sakata Gintoki, Gintama.
"Two people dying separately? No. If we die, we'll die together." - Suigintou, Rozen Maiden.
And sorry for my mistakes in English words, if I do it.
Sixty is a dirty liar. I did a background check and he's only worked up to 59.
Derv is a an even worse liar. He's actually part coyote, which isn't even close to a wolfman. He's a chupacabra or something.
[Image: style7,Kristovski.png]
Agckuu Coceg is a very serious liar. He wrote in the questionnaire that he had left the post of moderator, but he did not say that he return there again.
"The things I always protect never change!" - Sakata Gintoki, Gintama.
"Two people dying separately? No. If we die, we'll die together." - Suigintou, Rozen Maiden.
And sorry for my mistakes in English words, if I do it.

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