Learn Something every day
At the example of this site: http://www.learnsomethingeveryday.co.uk/
I thought we could start our own version about save-point and its members here.
Try to share fun facts and trivia, but keep it light, no need for dirty laundry in here :p

Did you know?

Cats are a dominant species on Save-point, followed by extra-terrestrials.
Upcoming RPG XP project: Legends of the Flaming Falcons
In a distant future an ancient threat stirs...heroes of old take up their arms once more.
For my writing project that includes my rmxp project I'm also maintaining a private wiki; if you wish to follow me, let me know.
My developer blog can be found here:

[Image: Gazeteer%20-%20Pherione.gif]
Gazetteer responsible for Pherione's Developer Interviews. My thread here.

More info or questions? PM me
Renard's favourite tea is herbs. Pherione's is rose hip.
Upcoming RPG XP project: Legends of the Flaming Falcons
In a distant future an ancient threat stirs...heroes of old take up their arms once more.
For my writing project that includes my rmxp project I'm also maintaining a private wiki; if you wish to follow me, let me know.
My developer blog can be found here:

[Image: Gazeteer%20-%20Pherione.gif]
Gazetteer responsible for Pherione's Developer Interviews. My thread here.

More info or questions? PM me
Well it's actually Earl Grey which has Bergamote. ;)
Kihmari Ronso is Dervvulfman's horned ancestor.
Upcoming RPG XP project: Legends of the Flaming Falcons
In a distant future an ancient threat stirs...heroes of old take up their arms once more.
For my writing project that includes my rmxp project I'm also maintaining a private wiki; if you wish to follow me, let me know.
My developer blog can be found here:

[Image: Gazeteer%20-%20Pherione.gif]
Gazetteer responsible for Pherione's Developer Interviews. My thread here.

More info or questions? PM me
Mercury is above all else.

Save-Point actually utilizes a points system as a way of hiding its malevolence

Hybrida plays the Arcade with his mind

Boss secretly loves black porn

Pherione secretly loves Renard

Renard secretly watches Lopez Tonight in hopes of becoming more Latino

Olivia hangs out at /u/ a lot
I've met widows who've cried less than you
[Image: userbar.png]
did you know, my desktop looks like this http://bb.ohsk.net/uploads/desktop.png.jpg edited

You'd all think that DerVVulfman had the hairiest chest, but you'd be shocked to know it's actually Pherione. That's why his new nick name is FurryOne.
Pants were invented by sailors in the 16th century to avoid Poseidon's wrath. It was believed that seeing naked sailors angered the sea god.

Mercury's motto: 'Slow up, bro. Just the slow the **Censored As Per FurryOne's Orders** up.'

Renard's motto: 'Goddamn, she's foxy.
Ahaha. Get it guys? Foxy?
...I like foxes; I'm a fox?
C'mon, it's classic! I'm a genius!'

xna's motto: 'If I was a goat...'

Boss' motto: 'If Olivia-chan can do it, then it must be really hard (like Mercury when he looks at her), so you probably can't!'

Olivia's motto: 'Damn whites.'

Hybrida's motto: 'The more 8 and 16 bit it is, the more I'm attracted to it. <3'

FurryOne's motto: 'The power of love transcends reality; the power of Justice transcends love! Go figure!'

I've met widows who've cried less than you
[Image: userbar.png]

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