Although we already have a Game Maker scripter, we could use a secondary programmer. Thanks.
EarthBound 1.5 is an EarthBound/Mother 3 style-role playing game. Over the past few months, it has changed from a simple PK Hack experiment, to an RPG Maker XP project, and is in the midst of being ported to YoYo Games' Game Maker. I was inspired to perfect this game by other existing projects (including Cognitive Dissonance, Mother 3.5, Mother 4, EarthBound 3 VX, and many others on It features the Chosen Four dealing with the leftovers of Giygas' minions who remain on Earth, with some added twists and turns.
This project aims to have improved EarthBound-like systems, with some elements of Mother 3 included. It features Mother 3 style overworld and battle sprites (with some custom-made by our spriters), and completely redone maps with a more realistic perspective.
Plot Synopsis
Ness is awoken one fateful night, five years after he had defeated Giygas, the embodiment of evil, by his sister, Tracy. She tells him Captain Strong, of the Onett police force wants to talk to him. The two promptly go downtown to hear his grave news - Giygas' former troops stuck around to cause more trouble on Earth. He commissions the Chosen Four to take care of them, and Ness and his friends find themselves wrapped-up in another EarthBoundy adventure.
Main Characters (The Chosen Four) The four main protagonists, from left to right.
Ness - Everyone's favorite hero is back, and as tough as ever!
Paula - The steadfast, and even kinda pretty, heroine makes her reappearance alongside her friends.
Jeff - What's a group without the nerd?
Poo - He has returned.
King - He returns as more than a decoration inside Ness' house.
Supporting Characters
Tracy - Ness' sister, known for running the Escargo Express.
Isaac - A nerd who lives in Fiveston.
Noah - Isaac's brother.
Basic run through without big spoilers.
-Saturn Valley
-Winters (These places are not listed in chronological order)
Northeastern Onett
Town hall WIP
Our hero discovers some hidden treasure.
A certain hidden valley inhabited by a certain species of strange creatures.
Staff-Related Stuff
Staff Directing, Concept, and Storyline Project Director: Ryu-ka Storyline: Ryu-ka, Gabriel Rodriguez, Lazyboy 21350, CrackedBat Concept: DClaus (IMADEAMONCLAUS), Lazyboy21350, Ryu-ka Dialogue: Gabriel Rodriguez, DClaus (IMADEAMONCLAUS), Lazyboy 21350
Staff Recruitment, Resource Management, and Programming Programming: XX Stone Staff Recruiting: Fox 4729, Ryu-ka Resource Management: PianoMan547, Ryu-ka
Music and Composing Composing: J-MACHine Soundtrack Remixing: PianoMan547
Special Thanks
Ranger - For being super-duper-awesome, letting me use some of his old tilesets, and for ripping some Mother 3 tilesets.
Food_Eater - NPC sprites, tilesets.
Starkwind - EarthBound tileset ripping.
EBZero2008 - General RMXP Support, EarthBoud 1.5 title screen and logo.
Traxis - General RMXP support.
wakamolez â Concept art.
Kirby Chimera - Sprites (from PK Hack version).
PKFighter201 - Sprites (from PK Hack version).
MightyYT - Graphics (from PK Hack version).
Nintendo + Shigesato Itoi - The original EarthBound/Mother series.
Anyone who worked on the Mother 3 Fan Translation - For being as awesome as Ranger, and showing me what a great game Mother 3 was.
Positions Open!
GML Scripter - Someone who can create scripts for Game Maker using the Game Maker Language.
Overworld Spriter - Someone who can create overworld sprites (please send me an example of your work and your background).
Environment Spriter/Tiler - Someone who can create original map tiles (please send me an example of your work and your background).
Update: Not-So-Tragic Reconstruction - Parts 1 and 1.5
Alright, sorry for bumping and double-posting at the same time, but I have a pretty significant update development-wise, plus some eye candy from one of our battle spriters.
First-off, let's get to the development update. A kind user on by the name of XX Stone has agreed to do some light Game Maker programming. This opens the door to Game Maker porting, which I've been waiting to do for quite awhile. Also, I'd like to extend a quick but warm welcome to jojora, our new battle spriter, plus a somewhat late welcome to Agckuu_Coceg, our new tiler.
And now for the eye candy. Tamekichi, our long-time battle spriter, has been working hard on several battle sprites, including sprites for the Onett Mafia, and Starman remakes.
Lastly, I've made good progress with the Game Maker engine made by XX Stone. Just for the heck of it, here's a test screenshot showing what the new GM-based engine can do.