Yin's Art
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Yeah, the whole post is a spoiler. :lol:
Also, I think I have more stuff here ( But the stuff in here was for school) Not all of it is mine. Just the stuff in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and 3dsmax. Pen and paper was my fiance, but some characters from my game are in there along with some from his game. (But my game is better :P )

EDIT: How did I forget to put the link? Here it is.
I like the first picture, even though I'm not sure what it is. :P

The rest seems too blury to me.
Yeah, I did kind of OD on the blur in some of them, but not all. And I don't know what the first picture is either. I was just drawing lines. :P
Grave digging, but here's a character from my game that I need help with. Mainly I need help with the curly hair. Can someone critique this please?
And if possible, give me some tips on how to do curly hair.

[Image: Amira.png]
Here's a few tutorials on how to draw curly hair.... the first one is how I draw it, but i don't know how well it would apply for a small sprite so you'll have to see.

Thanks. Drawing and pixel art are so different for me though. I don't think this could help me out. But I think I've something.
lol I've been meaning to tell you for awhile that I love your Lara Croft avatar sprite! I've also wanted to point out that her left foot (the one sticking forward) bulges at the heel in the last few frames.

Hope you can figure out the curls on your female battler! I wish I had good advice on how to do it in pixel art, but I suppose its just trial and error. Even just thinking off the top of my head, I couldn't remember any games that had curly haired sprites. Thank you bupretty for showing both of us your technique :D
[Image: Button-BOTB.png]
[Image: Save-Point.gif][Image: Button-You-Tube2.png][Image: Button-Sound-Cloud2.png][Image: Button-Audio-Mack2.png]
[Image: LS-Banner.gif]

Thanks! I was actually doing her for a mugen project of mine, but it's on hold now since I couldn't recover the data from my broken hard drive.

With some help from my friend, I think I have a nice curly headed sprite.

[Image: Amira-1.png]
It's at least better than what I came up with.

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