Persona Art and Design dump
Because of the recent computer issues All art will be dumped here. Party cause I want as many areas with my art as possible, but also for critiques.

Id like to know any issues.
If you critique the work Ill post here stick to these categories.

[Consistency of style with the rest of the artwork]
[contrast of style with the rest of the work]
[how faithful the designs are to the myths they represent]
[if an animation file if they are smooth and nice to watch]
[is the style is appealing]
and [anatomy] PLEASE tell me if anatomy is correct Especially on characters ,cause those portriats will be blinking animations.

[now on to the good stuff]


TitleScreen -Inprog-still a few issues.
[Image: Titlescreen-1.png]
The Velvet Room(musical theme is also done for it)
[Image: VelvetRoom.png]
Scene Mapping-Subway.
[Image: Subway1.png]
[Image: Subway2.png]
Menu Hud system.
[Image: Hudshowing.png]
[Image: Hudpause.png]

Base art-Character bases

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Character sprites.

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Critical hits for mian characters

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==heheh so far thats all I got.
the sprites legs look a little stiff. if you have a camera with continuous shooting, it might be worth having someone snap you walking so you have a better reference. i like the critical hit portraits.
(02-01-2012, 12:27 AM)KasperKalamity Wrote: the sprites legs look a little stiff. if you have a camera with continuous shooting, it might be worth having someone snap you walking so you have a better reference. i like the critical hit portraits.
Yeah her side walking is a bit stiff looking. in program though her front and back walking is very smooth. so I may just edit the side walkingsprites.

Critical hits are good especially the one with the red particle around the hand. The drawings can use some work in the anatomy dept. I know it's supposed to be anime looking, but those heads look like they would weigh the body down (at least on the first guy/girl). For naked bodies, there should be at least some muscle definition. I don't know if it's the style you are going for though. The middle girl looks good though. Your character set looks nice, I don't know how it works, but from first glance it looks like it's leaning to the left. Like she's got a limp or something.

Consistency is good, everything looks the same style wise/graphics wise.
(02-01-2012, 01:48 AM)Yin Wrote: Critical hits are good especially the one with the red particle around the hand. The drawings can use some work in the anatomy dept. I know it's supposed to be anime looking, but those heads look like they would weigh the body down (at least on the first guy/girl). For naked bodies, there should be at least some muscle definition. I don't know if it's the style you are going for though. The middle girl looks good though. Your character set looks nice, I don't know how it works, but from first glance it looks like it's leaning to the left. Like she's got a limp or something.

Consistency is good, everything looks the same style wise/graphics wise.
They arent gunna stay nakid you know >x<

Especially the girl, shes what 16? yeah not showing her
no those are bases- multiple costumes means Ima need the base to be Nakid so I can build different out fits on the Same drawing. then save them as copies. eventually Making them blinky animations. and portriats for other uses.

now on all the anatomy things, Id like you to be more oginized with your critique when its not just "looks good" or " I like this..." kinda stuff.

Otherwise Im left wondering Which files loook like theyre heads are too heavy? are you saying philemon and kisa have big heads? or are you saying the first two Critical portiats are too close?

Well I'm no artist, so I won't know how to tell you how to fix it. But I think the critical portraits look great. I have no critique for that. When I said the drawings, I meant the base images. Once they have clothes on then it will probably make the heads look smaller. Philemon's head is definitely big though.

Maybe an actual artist should comment as well lol.
It's looking good Rosair! You're getting better all the time. Your proportions are pretty much spot on now. I'm impressed, keep it up!
Looking good. The guy with the glasses' critical portrait seems a lil off though. I feel like the lines on the face and hair shouldn't line up with the rest of the head due to refraction through the lens. It might just be from looking in my wife's eyes and expecting that though :p. It's really coming along. I can't wait for a small demo.

EDIT: Just checked out the character in action and it definitely leans left going up and right going down; left side of the screen both ways.
[Image: style7,Kristovski.png]
You're good at mapping - everything except the velvet room is well put together and seems realistic. The title screen wasn't what I expected for the game but then again, I don't know enough about the game to judge.

It's nice to see you didn't give up. When I get my voice back (heavy cold at the mo) I'll give you a voice acting sample just for encouragement since I doubt you'll be casting any time soon.

Keep it up Rosair, quality work there.

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