Shadow of the Necromancers

This is the story of the Necromancers. Shadow an Nightmare. It all started 300 years ago.
They both were born Witches. Each sister had their own weapon specialty. After thier parents passed,
they desided to stick by each other no mater the cost of doing so. An as one sister grew stronger, so did
the other.

Soon, over time , the sisters name went into the history books as the legendary Necro Sisters!!
Every undead feared them, every demon hated them and those that wish to do their world harm were terrified.

But not all those that call the night thier own. Where scared of them. They wish to make thier world,
thier own so as the story starts off. Its peaceful for awhile tell....

But Two Demoness, Valer and her sister Hate well stop at nothing to kill or turn the twins. Their plan were stopped
before by a High Demoness Princess Vela. She was given the task to seal the evil sisters in a tomb but one night
they broke out of there prison an so Vela must seek out the help of the twins to reseal the evil that threatens to
destroy their world.


[Image: char_witch.png]
Age : 27 Element Dark
Height : 5'7 Weapon Scythe

The oldest of the twins. She took her powers from her mother , Death. She uses a scythe as her mother did. She is a Necromancer.

[Image: nansiportrait.png]
Age : 18 Element Shadow
Height : 5'3 Weapon Katana an a Tanto

The youngest of the twins. She took her powers from her father , Grim. She uses a katana and a tanto like her father. She is a Reaper.

Princess Vela
[Image: DemonGirl-A.png]
Age : 300 Element Demon
Height : 6' Weapon Long Spear an a sort Spear

She was the original spell caster that sealed the evil Twins Vale an Hate in their tombs after they tried to put the world into a endless darkness an kept them from spawning
Evil Spirits and Demons.

Sub Character/Heroes

Grim Reaper (AKA DEATH)
[Image: l_astraia.png]
Age: 50 Element Holy
Height : 5'4 Weapon Scythe

She is the mother of the Grim Sisters Nightmare and Shadow. She appears to give them advice once in a while in the story. Supposedly killed by Vale and Hate. Wife to Grim.

[Image: l_Auster.png]
Age: 300 Element Dark
Height : 5'6 Weapon Katana an a Tanto

He is the father of the Grim Sisters Nightmare an Shadow. He helps out doing battle against Hate an Vale when called on. Supposedly killed by Vale an Hate. Husband to Death.

[Image: FriendlyDemon.png]
Age: 18 Element Demonic
Height : 5' Weapon Demonic Claymore

She is a young demon that searches for the twins Shadow an Nightmare to ask if they can remove a curse her father the Dark Lord put on her after she was born. She hates
Vale an Hate an her father for his betrayal. She swears to help the heros stop the coming of Vale an Hate true master the Lord of Fear an stops at nothing to asist them when
ever she can. She can only turn to her demon form doing battle tell her soul's prison is broken free an able to keep her demon form. The heroes agree to help her.

[Image: l_Carmilla.png]
Age : 500 Element Demon/Vampire
Height 5'1 Weapon Demonic Claymore

She is Alice's closest friend an they are never far apparent from each other. Where one goes usually the other follows. Carmella was once in love with a vampire but he betrayed
her but Alice was right there to keep her friend company ever scene they became inseparable. Carmella comes to aid Alice with her fight with her father an master. She later
joins the party to help the heroes an Alice stop Vale an Hate an Carmella's Master from destroying the planet.

[Image: Wigget.png]
Age : 30 Element N/A
Height 4'3 Weapon Gun

Wigget is a goblin that sided with the light an decided to live in peace instead of war. He is a craftman an a friend of the royal family of vampires. He helps making an repairing weapons an armor an tools for them. He prefers to use his talent to help people instead of wagging
war. Thought if must he will fight if he has to, to protect his friends.

[Image: Freya.png]
Age : 21 Element N/A
Height 6' Weapon Claws

Freya is a harpy that prefers to be a loner but is quick to help others if she thinks she can win without injury or if she cant talk her way out of fighting. She quick to judge people but can be warmed up to if she believes you are worth her time.
She has few friends in her life, mostly monsters. She doesn't hate humans but she mistrusts them. If she seems someone in need an can't fend for themselves she well go out of her way to give aid if the success is worth the risk. He hates the undead , vampires she can put up as their not true undead do to the goddess giving them their souls back.

Sceen Shots

[Image: SaveMenu.png]

[Image: shopMenu.png]

[Image: SS4.png]

[Image: SS3.png]

[Image: SS5.png]



Game has been worked on for several months already. Hopefully by the end of this year it will be finished an completed. ENJOY

Added Costum Menus for both In game Menu an Shop Menu
Monsters are now animated
Fixed more dialoge boxes
Mice on pipe move more naturally
Fixed Mutilate Skill move
Added a new animation to Sword dash, hero dashes using a spear instead of a sword.
Hero no longer walks on walls when in the underground caverns.
Fixed the events with the missing graphics.
Fixed the call vehicle to hero once u get the broom.
Fixed Battle Backgrounds = 50% (STILL needs some work BUT doesn't brake the game just battle backs aren't for the right zones yet, trying fix soon))
Changed the character story more. Easier to follow now
Nice looking game. Watch out for grammatical mistakes in your writing because in-game that can be really off-putting, but aside from that it looks really good.

It's nice to have a game that isn't "crystal this" or "crystal that" too. Nice too that you're happy to use swears, though just make sure that you add an age tag if it gets very explicit. :)

Keep it up!!!
(02-13-2012, 09:48 PM)MetalRenard Wrote: Nice looking game. Watch out for grammatical mistakes in your writing because in-game that can be really off-putting, but aside from that it looks really good.

It's nice to have a game that isn't "crystal this" or "crystal that" too. Nice too that you're happy to use swears, though just make sure that you add an age tag if it gets very explicit. :)

Keep it up!!!
Thank you so very much an I will try to keep the swearing down to a minimal as for explicit, naw I'm going to try to keep it clean. Not allot of RPG Maker Games out their that aren't Hentai in some for or the other Laughing + Tongue sticking out !

Version 14 is out , so sorry totally forgot this one LMFAO :P

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