Nebula Gravis
  1. No Godmoding! This includes giving yourself overly-powerful abilities, re-writing past events etc...
  2. No PCing (Player Controlling) without direct permission from the other players.
  3. NPCs CAN be killed and controlled without permission, however, if it is evident that they are key characters, please think before you use someone else's NPC.
  4. No one-liners please. Either post a paragraph, minimum, or wait until you think of something to post.
  5. No double-posting within any 24-hour period. If you need to add something to your post, edit it.
  6. Be considerate of other Role Players. What happens in the RP stays in the RP. If someone kills one of your NPCs, dont get in a hissy. Deal with it and think up something new.
  7. Be imaginative and help carry the story! Don't just wander around dawdling, letting everyone else do the work. Add your own ideas and events to progress the storyline!
  8. If you wish to post something out of character in the RP, simply add it to the top or bottom of your post in square brackets, tagged as OOC, for example;
    [OOC - This is an Out Of Character post!]
  9. The RP Master has the final say on everything. No arguments!
  10. If someone posts something that disrupts your storyline, do not argue about it. Work with it and adapt to the situation.
  11. If the RP Master asks you to tone down your character's abilities etc... do so without objection.
  12. Aside from the RP Rules, all other Save-Point Forum rules apply.
By filling out and posting your character sheet, you agree to all the above rules!

This RP is set in a medieval/fantasy world. I will outline some of the noteable areas of interest below, but for the most part, feel free to create your own towns, cities and countries. The period is set in a medieval age, so no modern/hi-tech weaponry. No lasers, no teleporters, no spaceships, no cars or planes etc... This is not absolute however. If you want magical weapons (Magical guns etc...) they are fine, as are, for instance, magical forms of transport (magic-based teleportation, magic-powered vehicles), but please try to be reasonable with them, as they would be quite rare.
The world itself is split into five continents.
  1. Verviridus: The southern continent of Verviridus is a land of meadows, fields and lakes. Rainstorms are common on this continent, and it has a great affinity towards the elements of Water and Light. The Deity Spirit of this continent is the God of Spring, Eruditio.
  2. Ruberaestas: The western continent of Ruberaestas, known for it's scorching hot temperature all year round, is split into two main areas. The eastern-most side of the continent is covered in vast jungles and tall mountains. The western-most side of the continent is a rocky desert wasteland, with miles and miles of subterranean caverns and tunnels worming their way below the desert. It has a great affinity towards the elements of Fire and Earth and the Deity Spirit of this continent is the Goddess of Summer, Procella.
  3. Nigerautumunus: The eastern continent of Nigerautumunus is a dark and desolate land. Once a large and powerful kingdom, all that remains are the ruined cities and giant catacombs spread across the land. Withered grass, dying trees and an aura of danger and decay flood this realm. It is abundant in dark forests, gloomy caves and deathly valleys. It holds an affinity for the elements of Wind and Shadow, and it's Deity Spirit is Cinis, Goddess of Autumn.
  4. Albushiems: The northern continent of Albushiems is a frozen land of monstrous creatures. Few cities are located in this continent, as the majority of the land is overrun with powerful monsters, including golems and the near-unbeatable dragons. It is a land of dark, evergreen forests, icy tundras with eternal blizzards, high mountains and deathly cold lakes. It holds an affinity for the elements of Ice and Lightning, and it's Deity Spirit is Stiria, God of Winter.
  5. Florenspira: Located at the center of the other four continents, Florenspira is the largest of the five continents. Lush fields, dense forests, clean rivers and, at the center of the continent, the capital city of Florens. People from all over the world gather at this city, for a variety of reasons, not least of them being the presence of the Magi Pagoda, center of the magical world.
Feel free to create your own towns, villages etc... But please stick to the available continents!

Click HERE for the world map.

I am not going to set a straight storyline out for this RP just yet. I will probably add one in as it goes along (unless other people add one first~), just to see how it goes for now. I'm intrigued to see with what you people can come up with. n.n

Of Magic and Affinities
The population of the world is split into five common categories of people:
  1. Those with no affinity. They are incapable of using any magical-based abilities and make up the majority of the population.
  2. Those with an affinity to Spring. They are capable of using Water and Light based magic, including the use of liquids, moisture and luminous photons (lasers, bright glares, illusions etc...). They can NOT use ice, as they can only control water in it's liquid form.
  3. Those with an affinity to Summer. They are capable of using Fire and Earth based magic, including the use of heat, flames, stone, minerals and metals.
  4. Those with an affinity to Autumn. They are capable of using Wind and Shadow magic, including the use of razor-sharp gales, innate flight, invisibility and stealth and draining abilities.
  5. Those with an affinity to Winter. They are capable of using Ice and Lightning magic, including the use of frozen substances, conjuring blizzards etc... And manipulating electrical currents.
The above are the only options. If you wish for an affinity that is not listed here, refer to the footnote*! Which affinity you choose, you must choose abilities that match. For instance, someone with a Summer Affinity can NOT use ice magic. Someone with no affinity can only possess non-magical skills ("bullet-time", advanced senses etc...).

You can all manipulate your elements freely. At what level you can control your element is up to you, just don't make it too powerful please. In addition to manipulating your element, you can also have three unique skills that only your character possesses.


Misc. Information
As mentioned in the Settings, each continent is overlooked by an anceint deity with an affinity towards a season. Each continent has it's own "church" (The Church of Eruditio, The Cathedral of Procella, The Halls of Cinis, The Sanctum of Stiria). Each person with an affinity is, in short, a "follower" of their respetive deity (Spring >> Eruditio, Summer >> Procella, Autumn >> Cinis, Winter >> Stiria). There are "sacred grounds" that only those of that particular affinity may enter and all others are forbidden, with the exception of the Magi Pagoda in Florens, where people of any affinity are welcome.

If you have any questions, please PM them to me or ask me in the IRC. Do NOT post a reply in this thread to ask questions.

Name: [Self-explanatory]
Age: [Self-explanatory]
Species: [The species of your character, you may choose any species you wish, except ridiculous things like Gods, Titans etc...]
Appearance: [Self-explanatory]
Personality: [Self-explanatory (optional)]
* * * * *
Seasonal Affinity: [None, Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter]
Unique Skills: [Three unique skills your character has. These can be related to your affinity, or they can be non-magical. Try and keep them unique, so try not to use ones others have please.]
Non-Affinity Skills: [ONLY FOR PEOPLE THAT HAVE NO AFFINITY! Here you may describe up to three additional non-magical skills your character has. You don't have to be TOO strict though. It IS a fantasy RP. n.n]
Weapons: [Name any weapons your character carries and/or is proficient with. Note, please make it reasonable and something your character can carry.]
* * * * *
Starting Location: [Where is your character starting, just so we know~ (optional)]
Additional Notes: [Anything else you wish to add. (optional)]


Name: Lillith "Lily" Pandora
Age: 398 (Physically 23)
Species: Angel
Appearance: THIS
Personality: Often cold, always merciless and relatively sadistic, but she can be warm and friendly, if you live long enough to get on her good side.
* * * * *
Seasonal Affinity: Autumn/Winter (Ice&Shadow)
Unique Skills:
  1. Flight: She is able to fly using her angelic wings.
  2. Shadow Network: She is able to merge into any shadow she is touching, and travel through it and any shadows connected to it.
  3. Angel of Ice: She is able to turn her entire body into ice at will.
Non-Affinity Skills: N/A
Weapons: Two of these: Clicky
* * * * *
Starting Location: Florenspira, Capital City of Florens.
Additional Notes: Lily has travelled the continents of Nigerautumunus and Albushiems for many years, searching for clues to her past. Her memories, while not lost, are fuzzy and she remembers little of her life from before fifteen years ago. She is travelling to piece together what happened in her past and hopes to find some more answers in the capital city.

The noise of the crowd was becoming quite tedious now. Lily had been in the capital for just over a week, and already the sheer number of people was starting to get to her. She didn't like it. She preferred the quiet towns of the eastern continent to the hustle of the capital. She stood up from the bench on which she was sat and began making her way down the main highstreet, the tall, glittering tower of white marble at the far end, sparkling in the sunlight. The Magi Pagoda.

She had never been inside the pagoda before, and it didn't really cross her mind that she would find any answers if she did go there. From what she heard, it was all politicians trying to rule the magical world. She would rather nto get involved with them. The less people knew about her, the better.

She continued making her way down the street, ignoring a couple of idiotic (and heavilly annebriated) humans that were making uncouth, lecherous remarks about her as she passed. She had half a mind to impale the pair on the end of an icicle, but thought it wouldn't be wise to do so in the middle of such a crowded street. Maybe if she met them again. Late at night. In a dark alley...

Emptying her mind of thoughts about the two drunken morons, she continued on her path, no particular goal in mind, to busy thinking about the feeling she was having. Something had been watching her closely for a while now. Something had been following her ever since she entered the city. Maybe it was time she found out what.

[OOC - Ok, let's see how this goes~ Hope you guys are up for some creative RPing. If this is successful and lasts a decent amount of time or progresses well, I'll consider posting another one at a later date~ Be creative, have fun~]
[Image: Angel.gif]
[Image: RMVXB-1.png][Image: gMakerBar.png]
Name: Reynard
Age: 20s
Species: Human/Fox-kind
Appearance: Human face but with ears which are usually hidden in my hair. White goatee (fox fur). Dark orange hair. Average height, light build. Flowing long coat. Dark clothes, quite ragged at the start of the story. A long scarf. A bushy tail hidden beneath clothing.
Personality: Introverted. Shy but determined. I Hide my ears and tail because I'm shy but feel more comfortable when I don't have to. Mostly a loner.
* * * * *
Seasonal Affinity: Neutral/Autumn (wind)
Unique Skills: Speed thanks to my origins as a fox and slight affinity to wind. The ability to jump/pounce further than a normal human. Keen sight and hearing thanks to my physical attributes.
Weapons: Small double sided axe (light) and 2 daggers in sheathes. One on my hip, the other on my leg. Tattered leather arm guards.
* * * * *
Starting Location: 3rd continent - Nigerautumunus.
Additional Notes: Parents were from different species but found love in the capital of the 5th continent. I was born there but one of my parents was from the 3rd continent, hence my slight affinity with the magic of Autumn.

Walking through the desolate landscape...
Forever searching, never finding. Is it time to call it quits? Is what I'm looking for even here?! I mean... I was told it would be, and I've learnt all I needed to learn to pass their test. Yet here I am, and still it is out of reach. If I could just find the place where he was murdered...

How long now, three years? Has it been that long? I should head home. I wonder if anyone misses me... I know they preferred him to me, but maybe they did care about me too...
Name: Itzal
Age: Unknown
Species: Undran, an ancient, near-extinct species
Appearance: Slender humanoid, has lines of sharp teeth and nails and dark eye-colour. Hoarse voice. Clothed in rags and pieces of blackened leather . Bears knifes and general assassination equipment.
Personality: Silent and harsh, mocks modern customs. Very closed and has no feeling with things like emotions, considers them pointless.
* * * * *
Seasonal Affinity: Affinity to Autumn, especially shadow techniques.
Unique Skills: 1) Instill fear and anguish to people, causing them to cower and cry. 2) Shadow-bending: can make shadows move and consume others. 3) near invisibility, helps with assassinations
Weapons: Knifes, poison, his own fangs, strangle chord, throwing weapons
* * * * *
Starting Location: Magically imprisoned in one of the ancient tombs of Nigerautumunus, waiting to be contracted or to be set free.
Additional Notes: Itzal has been imprisoned for crimes in the distant past. His prison is both magical and physical. When visiting me in my starting location you can do three things.
1) Make a bargain. Offer a very valuable object (or life) to me and name a target. I shall then be set free for a limited time until my target has been taken care of. It's not a way to set me free, I have the inexplicable urge of murdering my target from that point on.
2) Try to kill me. Part of the curse however. If you kill me while I'm imprisoned or on assignment, you take my place in the prison.
3) Set me free. Requires you to find the 'Ritual of the Undran imprisonment'. Setting me free will initially have me join your group. Until you quarrel with me or we are at odds.

The Undran has been slumbering long in the tombs of Nigerautumnus, forgotten into the depths of history with the vile magic prolonging his life endlessly. Now he waits for the next contractor...or perhaps finally the person to end his suffering? Either by setting him free or slaying him, both would be a blessing. Now the darkness over the tomb has been cleared by the expeditions from Florenspira, bold adventurers looking for treasure and knowledge. But they might find more than they desire...

Story hooks: to meet me: You could stumble upon me during your own quest that leads you through Nigerautumnus. You could join one of the expeditions from Florenspira or start your own. Or you could come up with something entirely new ^^
Upcoming RPG XP project: Legends of the Flaming Falcons
In a distant future an ancient threat stirs...heroes of old take up their arms once more.
For my writing project that includes my rmxp project I'm also maintaining a private wiki; if you wish to follow me, let me know.
My developer blog can be found here:

[Image: Gazeteer%20-%20Pherione.gif]
Gazetteer responsible for Pherione's Developer Interviews. My thread here.

More info or questions? PM me
Name: Ace von Ronzenburg
Age: 21
Species: Human
Appearance: [Image: pa72gv3l.png]
Personality: Ace is quite calm and friendly. He's very interested and talented in engineering. Together with his father he constructed a small airship which flyes with a combination of heat and minerals.
* * * * *
Seasonal Affinity: [Summer]
Unique Skills: [Breath of the Phoenix, Gaiablade, Solarquake]
Weapons: [2 x Katana]
* * * * *
Starting Location: [Ruberaestas, Desert]
Additional Notes: [Many prototypes of airships were constucted, all failed. Ace' father died few months ago, his mother died when he was 6. When Ace father died, Ace decided to build a working airship and travel around. He doesn't know that there are more continents.]


Ace woke up, lying in the sand. "Where am I?... I... remember!" He jumped on his feet, a big smile appeared in his face, and he yelled: "I flew! I flew over the desert!" Suddenly he fell on his knees. "My leg...". His leg was injured when the airship crashed, he wasn't sure if it is broken. "I have to go to the airship, I hope it's not broken!"

He draged himself to the airship, but on the way he wasted to much energy. Partway he just stopped and fell in sleep.

[Image: 76561198077561206.png]
[OOC - Ok! Just a note to everyone! I may add in some major events or new systems to the RP if it carries on going well~ If I do, I'll let you know in big, red text, and update the first post too~ Thanks for joining so far guys~ <3]


Three golems lay dead and crumbled on the floor. Their giant, powerful forms reduced to rubble. The sillouhette of a man could just be seen through the gloom, walking away from the creatures shattered remains, the gling of gold around his wrists and ankles, a faint, blue glow in his eyes. The dropping of blood from his right arm.

"How pathetic... Suffering an injury like this from Golems. Have I really not progressed? Despite the burden I carry, I had thought, after all these years, that I might be able to regain some of my former power, if only a little... But to be injured like this? Pathetic..." The man muttered as he made his way across the deslote landscape. "How much longer must I suffer this... How much longer will your curse control me, Deity of Summer, Procella Lapis..."

[Lily - Florenspira: Capital City of Florens]

The sun was starting to set as the day came to it's close over the capital city. Lily was sat in a large, almost deserted garden on the western side of the city. Neat rows of trees lined the elegant paths through the garden, entering from six points around the outside of the area, each path meeting at the center, where there stood a large church. There were four such places, one at each point of the compass, within the city, each holding a chuch associated with one of the four Deities. It was the only place in the world that featured all four churches in such close proximity to one another.

As Lily sat, awaiting the night, she felt movement behind her. Her stalker had arrived. She sat silently for several more minutes as the last rays of light left the sky. Numerous stars sparkled in the sky overhead, and the light from the two moons cast an eerie glow over the garden. Lily stood and walked into an open area of grass, before turning and looking into the shadows of the nearby trees.

"There is no one here now but us. Why don't you reveal yourself already. It is useless to hide when your target is aware of you."
"I was merely being cautious." Replied a deep, gruff voice from the shadows. "It is unwise to approach someone of your calibre without taking necessary precautions."

A tall figure, some eleven feet tall at least, emerged from the darkness. Lily deduced he must have some form of shadow-based skill. She couldn't see any other way such a huge figure could remain hidden for so long. The man was clothed primarlly in black, with red trim around his long, black jacket, and golden designs along both sleeves. His hair was long and scarlet, his eyes burning with fire. Two golden horns protruded from his hair, and Lily caught the glint of two rows of sharp teeth.

"A demon? Wonderful." Lily said, her relaxed voice expressing just how unintimidating she found the large demon before her. "So to what do I owe this pleasure? Your kind inhabit the depths of Nigerautumunus. Why would one such as you venture all the way out here, just to follow me?"
"We are aware of who you are. We are aware of what it is you have done. And we are aware of what it is you will do."
"Great. The cryptic speech of demons. I don't have the time nor the patience for riddles. Speak plain or I will not hesitate to remove you from my sight in the most painful fashion I can devise." Lily said. The demon merely bowed as she said this.
"My apologies. I have been sent by the Cult of Umbranox to locate you and pass on a message. We know that you are searching for the answers to your past, and we have information reguarding this that will help you."
"Riddles..." Lily muttered. The demon winced slightly upon seeing the glint in the angel's eyes.
"I mean to say, the Cult of Umbranox has unearthed an anceint tomb. We cannot progress further within, as it is abundant in numerous deadly traps, none of which can pass with our skill. However, we have found one glyph which we were able to decipher. The glyph... It has your name engraved upon it."
"My name..? Why would my name be engraved within a tomb of such deadliness that not even the Cult of Umbranox can enter?" Lily asked, now intrigued by the information.
"That, we do not know. The tomb merely mentioned yourself, and the Deity of Autumn. There appears to be more, but it is too worn to be translated now. I was sent to inform you of this, and to ask in your assistance. We wish for you to enter the tomb and unlock the secrets within. We believe you are the only person capable of doing this."
"And you think I may find my answers within this tomb?"
"That is what we believe, yes."
"Then tell me demon. Why does the Cult care about me? What is it to them if I recover my past or not? And I suggest you answer swiftly and void of riddles."
"I am sorry, but I cannot divulge all the information of the Cult. You should understand this, as a former member yourself. But what I can say is that your past is intricately connected to the future of this world, for a darkness that once shrouded the continents is emerging and very few can now stop it. You must rediscover yourself if we stand any chance of progressing to a future not void of life."

The demon stopped speaking as he noticed a faint mist in the air about him. He sighed and bowed his head once more.

"My apologies..." He managed to mutter before the mist thickened and encased his body in ice. Lillith walked over to him and tapped the demon on the shoulder with one of her sheathed swords. The demon crumbled and shattered on the floor. Lily scowled at his broken form.

"I said no riddles." She said quietly, before turning and walking from the garden. She left the garden and started heading to the eastern side of the city. There she could hire a cart to take her to the eastern sea, and from there, a ship to the continent of Nigerautumunus, where she may find at least some answers...

[OOC - One more point I will make, and I will add this to the first post just to clear it up. You all have the ability to manipulate your elements at will. Your unique skills are simply abilities with those elements only you possess. You are not limited to just those three abilities.]
[Image: Angel.gif]
[Image: RMVXB-1.png][Image: gMakerBar.png]
- Reynard -
I had decided to turn home, despair in my heart, eating away at my resolve, but something drew me further. I had never felt this way before, something seemed to be nudging me to climb this hill...
An hour later, the sun high in the sky, I looked down into the valley beyond and something sparkled down at the bottom. Could it be...?
I began to run down the hill as fast as I could, harnessing the wind around me to create a void that pulled me forwards. I reached the bottom and discovered a spring pouring from the wall like a fountain, into a pool of water. This must have been what reflected the light... Under the clear water was an engraving, but I couldn't read it because of the frothing water. I didn't need to anyway. I knew exactly what I had found.
I clambered into the bowl of water and drank from it. The air sizzled with energy. Purple sparks began to jump from my pores all over my body and my hairs stood on end. A low rumble... A vibration... The fountain opened before me and revealed a empty stone square in the side of the valley's walls. Just 2 meters away, a crystal was perched on the wall in a silver and gold socket.

So the legend is true. It feeds on despair and in the three years I had been searching, I had never given up until now... So it revealed itself to me knowing I would feed it willingly. I had completed the first step of the ritual and sacrificed a part of my soul to its darkness to finally obtain what I now held in my trembling hands.
It was the Undran shard.

I had the first key to unlocking the mystery of my brother's death.
Now to find the tomb.
Name: Zackwell
Age: 23
Species: Human
Content Hidden
Personality: Changeable. Comedic in calm situations, but deadly serious when faced with adversity.
* * * * *
Seasonal Affinity: Summer
Unique Skills: Is completely unharmed by most fire-related things. Can engulf his body in flame for a combat advantage or just for theatrical effect.
1. Shards of Garnet - Uses Earth and Fire to create crystaline caltrops that are thrown at the floor and ignite when trodden on.
2. Art of Djinn - Using his earth affinity, Zackwell grows to 175% of his normal size. Only used when Unarmed.
3. Scarlet Rain - Zack launches himself and an enemy into the air. Zack lands without the enemy. It begins to rain burning blood onto the battlefield.
Weapons: Carries a medium length, thick-bladed sword , and a collapseable polearm . They change visually when embued with the power of his affinity. Also carries a conductor-like baton (Not really combat effective, but he sometimes uses it to 'conduct' his magic.)
* * * * *
Starting Location: Florenspira, Capital city of Florens
Additional Notes: Zackwell is a well trained mercenary. For him, money is no payment in comparison to adventure. Though it helps.


The great white moon hangs in the sky, so fragile now.
Zackwell staggers through the streets awkwardly.
He retches over against a wall, emptying the contents of his stomach into a drainage inlet. Blood mixes with the other varied half-digested matter. He should have known better than to trust that guy...
"Eugh... P-poison is such a dirty trick..."
He vomits once more into the gutter before leaning up against the wall to draw in some deep breaths of fresh air.
"If he didn't want to pay me he should have just said..."
He coughs loudly, wiping the last traces of vomit from his mouth with a piece of rag out of his pocket.
"Now I have to go to all the damn trouble, just to hunt his ungrateful hide down..."
He slumps to the floor, breathing heavily. He wipes the sweat from his brow.

Zackwell was lucky to be well experienced with treachery.
So many people who want some dirty creature killed are so eager to get a cheap deal that they'd go as far as to kill the mercenary they hired... Just to avoid paying them.
This had happened to him so many times before, that it had become a routine.
"Guess I'll have to hunt this one down soon before he gets too far away..."
Though his body was resistant to most poisons by now, it was still exhausting for him to have to expel every drop of it from his system.
He figures that by this point in his career he must have experienced at least 150 different kinds of poison entering his body.
He draws a great sigh, before facing the moon and closing his eyes.

"Nigerautumunus..." He says to himself in a whisper.
"That's where he's going... And that's where I'm heading..."

He lays in silence for a long while, in something of a dream like state. Taking in the fresh night air, as he bathed in moonlight.
To anyone with a blunt mind, there lwas a drunkard, sat next to a pool of his own puke...
But to one with a more artistic mind, it would have been quite striking to see the smooth complexion of his face thrown into sharp contrast by the pure white light cast by the moon...

He furrows his brow, as he picks himself up from the cold stone ground.
"The moon is bright tonight. Guess that means I can't use lack of daylight as an excuse to wait until dawn..."
He stretches before reaching for a flask of water, clipped on his waist. He takes a drink from it, before he begins to walk decidedly to the eastern gate of the city.
He whistles to himself nonchalantly. The sound echos dully through the beautiful alleyways of Florens, creating a rather melancholy ambience that couldn't really describe Zackwell any better.

Behind him lay a path of darkness, but in comparison to what lay ahead, it was like the brightest light in the world. His path, still unclear to him, his goals fixed in his mind. He was beyond the help of everyone, from what he knew. His only hope was to continue forward and hope the chance to restore himself presented itself to him.

The man, his long, white hair streaming behind him in the wind, entered a large, desolate city, ruined and anceint. It appeared to be an old castle town, but little remained of it's former elegance now. The man looked up at the moons overhead, before walking further into the city before him, caring not for the cautious eyes that watched him from the shadows...

[Lily - Florenspira: Capital City of Florens]

Lily knocked once on the large, wooden door before her. She waited several seconds, before knocking again, louder, and then again, even louder still. She heard a fumbling of locks on the other side of the door, and a man appeared bearing a bright lantern.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?!" The man said tiredly.
"I require a cart to the eastern port." Lily said. The man stared incredulously at the woman before him.
"I'm sorry... I don't run trips at this time. Wait until the morning." The man said as he went to shut the door, but Lily placed a hand on the door and opened it again quite easilly, despite the man's efforts.
"You do not understand." She said calmly. "I wish to travel to the eastern docks, and you will take me. The time of day matters not."
"Listen lady. I have my work hours. Either you wait for the morning, or you can-..." The man stopped suddenly as the woman presented him with a small pouch. The glimmer of silver glinted from the open mouth of the pouch.
"... Those are..."
"Lunarian Silver, yes." Lily said, the glowing silver coins radiating a faint light. "With just one of these you could buy half this city. I am willing to offer you three, if you would get your cart ready to leave in five minutes. Otherwise, I will go elsewhere."

The man did not say a word. Instead, he instantly turned and grabbed a key from a nearby hook, before slipping on a pair of boots and walking out of his house.

"This way my lady." He said, not even bothering to change out of his peculiar nightgown. He led Lily to the nearby stables and set about getting a horse and cart ready. He had never moved so fast in his life, and within five minutes, he was ready to depart. They had just pulled out of the stable when Lily spoke softly from the cart.

"Darken your light." She said. "I do not wish the whole world to see my departure."
"Yes ma'am." The driver said, putting a small, metal shutter over the lamp, reducing the amount of light it gave. They continued the journey in silence from this point on.
[Image: Angel.gif]
[Image: RMVXB-1.png][Image: gMakerBar.png]
Zackwell saunters along to the small building on the outskirts of the city.
He prepares to knock hard on the great wooden door, quite aware that to get a cart at this hour would require every last ounce of gold he owned...
But, revenge like this is a very important thing for Zackwell.
It wasn't so much a desire, so much as a principle.

After all, if everyone thought they could just poison him and get away with it, what kind of mercenary would he be?

As his fist makes contact with the great slab, he cries out.
"Eeeey! Old man you th-" He stops as the door creaks open.

He peers inside.

"Cristoph? You in here...?"
He steps into the dark room. All that can be seen is a small bed, a chair and a desk.
All that sits on the desk is a ledger of journeys that have been made.
He checks the ledger, looking to see if he was out on a journey already.
"Nupe... Nothing..." He sighs heavily. "Well where the hell could he be, the old man?"

Zackwell slumps into the chair before taking a swig from his flask.
[Itzal - Undran Tomb of Nigerautumnus ~ The Torn Gap]

The darkness seemed to clear from his mind after many years, the world around him stirs.
It was a mere dream. The Falaryn Court... near the beginning of his life- how old was he now? 1000, 2000? Who's counting?
Undran civilization had fallen long ago, that he knew. He tried to remember how it came to be...and gave up soon. The clouds of time were still too thick.

The Undran shard had been found after many millennia, by fools not knowing what it really was. One of the relics of the Undran, needed for the binding ritual. Many venture into the tombs of Nigerautumnus, believing it would make them rich, bring them glory or knowledge. Once, Undran civilization had spanned across the stars, dark creatures, attempting to blot out every light in the world. Creators of great wonders, but also great suffering. They were destroyed by the other races in their attempts to restore the light. Now the last Undran is bound, imprisoned in the depths of Nigerautumnus. All this knowledge has been lost, the depths of time have consumed the Undran's memory. Woe he who awakens it.
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