Laguna Games
I decided to attempt to do some Let's Plays. So far I'm playing Sper Mario RPG and Master of Magic. I've done a bit of Runescape as well since my friends been dragging me on it lol

I'm only doing Let's plays of retro games, pre-playstation or game boy advance. I can't run playstation games well at all on this thing, so I'll need a camera before I can do those.

Here's my list so far of possible games to play! Feel free to make any recommendations. I'm not playing in order of the lists but in order of what I want lol

Currently Playing

Retro Gem List

Mario RPG
Chrono Trigger
The Legend of Zelda
The Adventure of Link
A Link to the Past
Links Awakening
Earthworm Jim
Kirby's Dreamland
Kirby's Adventure
Kirby's Dreamland 2
Secret of Mana
The Final Fantasy Legend 1,2,3 (The first 3 SaGa games)
Romancing SaGa 1,2,3 (Unsure if I can play these)
Wario Land
Captain Skyhawk (greenraven)
Rebel Star Tactical Command (greenraven)
Tactics Ogre (greenraven)
Shining Soul 2 (greenraven)
Castlevania (greenraven)
Beyond Oasis (greenraven)
Boktai (greenraven)
Grand Theft Auto (Paige)

DOS Games

Master of Magic (greenraven)
Quest for Glory (greenraven)
Space Quest (greenraven)
Kings Quest (greenraven)
Leisure Suit Larry (greenraven)
Jagged Alliance (greenraven)
Heretic (greenraven)
Strife (greenraven)
Doom (greenraven)
One Must Fall: 2097 (greenraven)
Princess Maker 2 (greenraven)
Ragnarok (greenraven)
Raptor: Call of the Shadows (greenraven)
Tyrian (greenraven)
Phantasmagoria (greenraven)


Pokémon Stadium 2
Mario 64
F-zero X (mit-mat)
Paper Mario (mit-mat)
Banjo Kazooie (mit-mat)
Banjo Tooie (mit-mat)
Kirby 64 (mit-mat)
Super Smash Bros (Ryan)
Donkey Kong 64 (Ryan)
Mario Kart 64 (Ryan)


Here is my youtube channel if you don't mind checking me out! (Warning: I swear) Also this isn't an informative Let's Play, I have never touched the games I'm playing. I'm completely new to them lol
[Image: jokersiggy.png]
[Image: user_bar.gif]
I've checked out the N64 Emulator and it turns out it works fine on my computer, I have updated my list to show this and I will do one game at a time from each list. So three games at once.

Any suggestions would be awesome! Also if you want to watch to even subscribe, that would be cool as well! lol This is my first attempt at Let's Plays so I can only get better right!?
[Image: jokersiggy.png]
[Image: user_bar.gif]
I work with people who do this kind of thing a lot:
Both of those guys and others.

If you want some tips on all that then I'm happy to give you some. I understand if you don't want that kind of thing though. :)
Yeah, I don't mind tips, I know my first videos are far from the best lol
[Image: jokersiggy.png]
[Image: user_bar.gif]
Checked out one of your videos (Mario RPG).
Video and sound quality is good, that's really important. Just make sure people can hear you over the game's music.
Good luck, Youtube's flooded with Let's Plays, so make sure yours has something the others don't. ;)
do all three wonder boy in monster world games,kid chameleon and the four phantasy stars on genesis.
Yeah, I noticed my voice was a bit quiet on some videos, but in the ones I've recently recorded it should be all good. Had a problem with the N64 Emulator though, lags like hell if I play and record at the same time >< I need to work on that lol

And yeah, not sure how to get myself noticed, I'm targeting specifically retro games but I'm sure there's already plenty who do that. I suppose I can market myself as the guy who swears at least five times every video XD

edit: Oh, and I'll definitely check out those games Kasper! Danke for the suggestions!
[Image: jokersiggy.png]
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As well as videos I'm going to be making edited gaming videos! Check out this one I made this very night! I played, recorded and edited it in about 5 hours, maybe less.

Please view, thumb up and possibly comment!

If you could do the same for my World of Illusion Let's Plays while you're on our channel that would be awesome too lol

Note: Yeah, I'm on a new channel now, I've joined forces with my friend. He made the Punisher video on the channel, he's editing more stuff right now.
[Image: jokersiggy.png]
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It's a cool video but there's a major issue.
You don't introduce it well - I have no idea what I'm about to watch. It needs a title in the video, maybe some visual commentary to tell us what your plan is.
"Epic sonic *XTITLEX* playthrough! (just the best bits for your enjoyment!"
"Enjoy the Pwnage!"
"Sonic FTW!"

Well, on youtube the videos title is a lot easier to see and read, so I doubt many would not know what they're watching, unless they don't know what a montage is I guess lol But yeah, I could make it clearer with a title at the start I guess, I'll see about that later! Or maybe add annotations if they don't get in the way much maybe.
[Image: jokersiggy.png]
[Image: user_bar.gif]

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