5 Minutes 10 Minutes Ago
5 Minute Game Contest

Starts: NOW! through September 30th.

Guidelines: Make a quick, short, game about 5 minutes in length.
  • You may use any maker or program you feel comfortable with. (RPG Maker, Game Maker, C++, Stencyl, ASCII, anything goes.)
  • You are allowed to make as many entries as you like. If you make'em within the time limit, flaunt'em up.
  • 5 minutes is a general estimate of how long your game should be. Feel free to make an epic +50 hour saga if you can pull it off.
  • You are allowed to have controversial subject matter such as nudity or religion. But warn people beforehand if there's anything for others to be nervous about before playing your game(s).
  • More than one person (teams) is/are allowed to work on any one given entry. If you only have a specialty area and can't make an entire game by yourself that's perfectly fine.
  • While it would be pretty keen if you were a registered member of Angel Spire in order to participate, people are allowed to enter by proxy through me. If you're shy about becoming a member under my tyrannical reign then simply PM me your entry and I will submit it for you.
  • These rules should generally remain as they are, but nothing is set in stone. Any and all rules can be amended as "situations" and "incidents" arise.

Judging: Come October 1st the entries will be put up to a public vote that will last through October 7th whereupon the winner will be coronated.

That's it, get kraken! Winking


So while I've been sitting around twiddling my thumbs waiting for Natako to review my gamepack I've hit a bit of a nostalgia streak. And now I've got a sudden urge to make a new game. I've decide to host a little game making contest over at my site. So now I'm just going around the community promoting this little cockfight.

I can't really offer much in the way of prizes, I'm wearing hobo rags and eating beans out of a can as it is. At one point I could have offered Spire Points (our on-site currency), but our virtual marketplace has been blown to crap during a power-trip "incident" which I won't go into right now. All I can really offer is a bloody fun good time, my eternal love, and your name hanging atop the flagpole for no less than the timespan of 1 week.

This contest is designed with the state of the RPG Maker community in mind, to get most people back into the groove of game design, to unhinge those rusty gates. The rules are quite simple: Make a game. As short and as crappy as you can, around 5 minutes worth in length. Hence the contest is called the 5 Minute Game Contest, clever I know.

For those of you that are interested, you can check out what all the commotion is all about here. We also have our own newspaper, the contest will be given an article there as well (whether you've won or lost your name will be mentioned as a participant regardless).

Thank you for your time. Hope to see you all soon. Blushing + Cheery
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The first submission is ready. It's not so much an entry as a promotion, inspiration, and/or bar of standards. This is the absolute bare minimum to get all the unmotivated people motivated. Let's see some entries out there! :D

Click it!
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This is a neat idea and I wanna try it. I'm currently working on a different RPG Maker contest on another site, but the deadline is before the end of September, so I'll have time after that for this. Or maybe I just won't feel like working on that and make a weird little game for this in the meantime?
Well there's over a month for something that will take no more than a few hours to make, take your time and looking forward to your entry if you decide to participate. Grinning
[Image: IMG28-1336331545.gif]

I do have some questions however.
What are the rules involving using content that other's have made? You know, using some sprites that others have submitted, using scripts that others have submitted. How about rips from games? Are fangames okay?

I don't think I'll need to worry about that though, not for a weird little 5 minute game! Ha ha ha.

I got some idea, a game that's all just one battle. As soon as you hit new game, BOOM, final battle starts. When you win, credits! I've had an idea like that for a while, and this will be the perfect opportunity to do something like that. I kinda just gave away my idea, but not how I'm going to do it!
There really are no rules. Just throw something together and call it an entry. Your idea for a single battle works perfectly fine here. Tongue sticking out

This contest isn't meant to be taken seriously as much as it's meant to be the shallow end of the swimming pool to give everyone a wake up call. This is just a stepping stone for bigger and better things. If things go well enough the "real" contests will begin (mapping, spriting, music, story, coding, etc).

For the time being just have fun and screw around. I mostly just want to get people back in the habit of working on their games again. Grinning
[Image: IMG28-1336331545.gif]
btw I'm in! I could submit it now but I'm still playing around with the project, maybe I'll expand it. Either way, it should be a fun time :D
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The deadline is October 1st, so you still have 3 whole weeks. Looking forward to all those entries out there. Winking
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alright i'll actually do this one. brb.
I want to say "This project is turning out really fucking good," but I'll let others be thy judge.

First dungeon is done, it's short and sweet and should take anywhere between eight to forty minutes depending on your actions. While this is still a mostly RTP game, I've taken my time to develop quite a bit of custom stuff for it; 3 custom tracks, title screen, a transition, handful of small scripts, even added more minor pieces to the RTP tileset. At this point, I don't know if I'll be further customizing the cosmetics of the game, or if I'll build another dungeon or just leave it the way it is. I still need to figure out what I'm already using from my self developed RTP and import those pieces into the project so it can be distributed, so I'm putting that as my top priority for now.
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