Celebrating 3 Years of Sobriety!
Good day everybody! :D

While I was time-tagging food at work, I had realized the date was September 9th, and was wondering "What significance does that hold to me? What's so special about this day?" Soon after, I had realized that 2009.09.09 was the date that I had decided to quit drinking three years ago (and also the last official mass update of my personal 3.5 test bed, but that's another story.)

I have suffered some draw backs since I quit though; for one, I immediately started to suck at scripting the day after I quit! I suppose that's understandable though, I honestly never understood it until I got wasted and got on my computer one day. Being fucked up beyond recognition, I could retain ungodly amounts of coding information in my head, and solved problems relatively quickly, but it was hard to navigate myself to the bathroom. Yes, while I was re-creating the Final Fantasy XII Gambit System, I was also peeing on the walls because the restroom was just too far away, it was such a mixed up and pathetic existence.

Let's take the time out to celebrate with some tunes...

Anyways, do I regret quitting? While I do miss being able to script like I used to, nah I don't miss it. Strangely, I developed skills I never thought I'd be good at, such as pixel art and music composition, the day I decided to put the bottles down. Even stranger is how quickly I went from not knowing scripting, to getting fucked up and immediately being really good at it, to not drinking anymore and not knowing wtf I am doing again. Hey, I'll re-learn it with time, maybe I'll come back and be better at it, who knows?

So yeah, I'm going to end this post here and celebrate sobriety! Feel free to comment or ask me some questions or whatever. If you have a drinking problem, I doubt I'll be able to help you but I do hope that you're able to fix yourself and I'll be here for you regardless.

I'll leave you with...

Tunes again, yay!
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It's funny how the drink can seemingly "help" with certain things. I took an engineering exam about, say, 2 and a half sheets to the wind, and finished first with a straight A. The problem is that while it keeps your mind from racing and going on tangents, it really gets you into stupid shit in your personal life.
I definitely won't claim sobriety, but since my last 2 years of college, I have learned my limits and that it's no fun living bottle of whiskey to the next.
Now, I just enjoy the slight buzz that comes from a fine beer (crazy beer connoisseur). 11.2%ABV Trappistes Rochefort #10? Yes, please. But I'm no drunk anymore and I'm happy to see someone who has attained such a level of success. Good job, matie.
Congratulations Kain, on defeating your demons and feeling good about yourself. Keep it up, bro!
Looking back on my first post, I feel as if I made myself out to be the poster child for drinking before an exam. Do not follow that model. It is indeed as flawed as it sounds. Here's to hoping that 3 years multiplies.
did you ever have to quit smoking? it's hard, yo

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