videogames i played,liked or hated
Well theres one for anime-Why not video games? We're a video game forum aftrer all

Guilty Gear
Blaz blue
Street fighter
Soul calibur/Edge
Bushido blade
Persona ,2,3,4.
thousand arms
Lost Odyssey.
NHL games Particular those on the SNES
Call of duty 1-4 after that something happened to them
Final fantasy tactics
Tactic ogre
command and Conqour.
Unreal Tournament.
Devil summoner
Assassins creed
Pokemon games
.//hack series
Radiata stories
Saga Frontier
Kingdom hearts
King of fighters
Dragon quest
Half life
guitar hero
Dj hero

battlefield 1 and 2-Its ok not really good enough for the hype
Halo series- scifi and the best of the famous shooters.imo
COD modern warfare series- after 2 They became redudent but they didnt suck.
Devil maycry -not my type of series.
Final fantasy series - I love the music but Square and Enix work best alone.
suikoden series - Interesteing but not able to finish most of em
Metal gear solid -Lol Naked Riaden
Digimon games - Why arent these more amazing? Digimon sounds like itd be a shoe in for great videogame
Madden games: They keep changing it for no reason.
Xenosaga -still havent found nor completed the third game
phantasy star online
Star ocean - never get to finish these games
Grand theft auto series- most are good

Fable- I hate fable because it sucks ass and is the most insipid juvenile rpg ever. It only gets worse the further down the series you get.
Sonic the Hedgehog series
Ninja giaden - Its fucking hard and frustrating. for what? thats it. its just masochism.
Fable- Fuck this game
Pokemon dungeon- nope-how do you mess up pokemon?
ANY KINECT GAME- I hate the kinect but I could live with creepy johnny number 5 head fallowing me with its eyes If it had some good games.
and Fable- cause I hate it
Top 5:
Zone of the Enders 2: The 2nd Runner
Lylat Wars (aka Starfox 64 outside of Europe)
Mass Effect 2
Metro 2033

Favourite Series:

Really Liked:
Metroid Prime 1-3
Portal 1 and 2
Saints Row the Third
Fallout 3
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Final Fantasy X
Zone of the Enders 1
Space Pirates and Zombies

Didn't like:
Final Fantasy X2
Fallout 1, 2 & Tactics
Dota 2
Super Meat Boy
games =O

i like:
Chrono Trigger - Cross
Metal Slug
Rage of dragons
Almost all FF --- FF3 is boring
Blue Dragon ( xbox 360 )
phantasy star
Lost Oddyssey
Dead or Alive
Assassin creed 1-2
Dead Space
Scott Pilgrim :D
Killer instinct
Digimon ( psx ) 1-2-3 (the card game in the 3 is too great)
zombies ate my neighbors
demon crest
Megaman x ( 5 my favorite )
Megaman zero ( 3 the greatest )
Mario Bros 1 2 3 world, island, RPG *¬*, 64, galaxy ( paper mario for kids =/ )
Ninja Gaiden 1 - Black ( 2, 3, boring and predictable )
Dead Rising
Left 4 dead
saints row ( 3 is too crazy )


Pokemon =/
call of duty
Halo osdt ¬¬
virtua fighter
others I cannot remember now

Oh gosh, and here I was, thinking that my Anime List was going to be long XD' Have an other spoiler!

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Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one." (C.S. Lewis)
For the time you're laughing, there's nothing wrong in the world. (Colin Mochrie)

If it's funny, make sure people laugh. If it's not funny, make it funny (unless it's actually really serious). (silvercheers)

Please don't spell my name "Yamina-chan". It's all small. Thank you =D
(04-11-2013, 06:15 PM)yamina-chan Wrote: Oh gosh, and here I was, thinking that my Anime List was going to be long XD' Have an other spoiler!

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You're right I didnt say anything about Maker assisted games. Also FF9 /)

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