Help with Computer controlled actors and AIBC
Aah, I see. I tried that when I first read your new suggestion, but I wasn't sure thats what you meant.

Tested it some more now with the replaced code, in several script positions, but alas I get the same results.
AIBC makes use of an external BattleCommands file in the data folder of the RMXP project, could any tinkering there be of use?

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Well if that didn't work, I am stumped...
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I don't know if you've freed yourself from this error, but if not, then do this, please:

1. Save your Main script in a file (copy the text and paste in a separated file, save it).
2. Replace your Main script (in RMXP) for this code:
  $defaultfonttype = $fontface = $fontname = Font.default_name = "Arial"
  $defaultfontsize = $fontsize = Font.default_size = 22
  $scene =
  while $scene != nil
rescue Errno::ENOENT
  filename = $!.message.sub("Arquivo não encontrado - ", "")
  print("O Arquivo #{filename} não foi encontrado.")
  rescue StandardError => stderr
  p "Your error message here. See Instructions for more details."
  if $DEBUG
    p stderr.message
  time =
  time = time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y, %X")"ErrorLog.rxdata","a+") do |fh|
    fh.puts("Time: #{time}")
    fh.puts("Error type: #{stderr.class}")
    fh.puts("Class: #{$scene.class}")
    fh.puts("Message: #{stderr.message}")
    for location in stderr.backtrace
      section = location[/(?#Section)(\d)*(:)/]
      section_err = section[0, section.length - 1]
      script_name = $RGSS_SCRIPTS[section_err.to_i][1]
      line_num = location[/(:)(\d)*(\Z|(:))/]
      line_num_err = line_num[1, line_num.length - 1]
      line_num_err = line_num_err[/(\d)*/]
      method = location[/\s\W(\w)*\W/]
      method = method[1, method.length - 1] unless method == nil
      loc_err = script_name + ", line " + line_num_err +
        (method == nil ? "" : ", at " + method)
      fh.puts("     #{loc_err}")
3. Play your game until you get the mentioned error.
4. In your game's folder, there will be a file named ErrorLog.rxdata. Open it with a text editor, copy the contents and paste them here.
5. Restore your Main script.
Reply }

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