Help with Computer controlled actors and AIBC
Aah, I see. I tried that when I first read your new suggestion, but I wasn't sure thats what you meant.

Tested it some more now with the replaced code, in several script positions, but alas I get the same results.
AIBC makes use of an external BattleCommands file in the data folder of the RMXP project, could any tinkering there be of use?

Well if that didn't work, I am stumped...
I don't know if you've freed yourself from this error, but if not, then do this, please:

1. Save your Main script in a file (copy the text and paste in a separated file, save it).
2. Replace your Main script (in RMXP) for this code:
  $defaultfonttype = $fontface = $fontname = Font.default_name = "Arial"
  $defaultfontsize = $fontsize = Font.default_size = 22
  $scene =
  while $scene != nil
rescue Errno::ENOENT
  filename = $!.message.sub("Arquivo não encontrado - ", "")
  print("O Arquivo #{filename} não foi encontrado.")
  rescue StandardError => stderr
  p "Your error message here. See Instructions for more details."
  if $DEBUG
    p stderr.message
  time =
  time = time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y, %X")"ErrorLog.rxdata","a+") do |fh|
    fh.puts("Time: #{time}")
    fh.puts("Error type: #{stderr.class}")
    fh.puts("Class: #{$scene.class}")
    fh.puts("Message: #{stderr.message}")
    for location in stderr.backtrace
      section = location[/(?#Section)(\d)*(:)/]
      section_err = section[0, section.length - 1]
      script_name = $RGSS_SCRIPTS[section_err.to_i][1]
      line_num = location[/(:)(\d)*(\Z|(:))/]
      line_num_err = line_num[1, line_num.length - 1]
      line_num_err = line_num_err[/(\d)*/]
      method = location[/\s\W(\w)*\W/]
      method = method[1, method.length - 1] unless method == nil
      loc_err = script_name + ", line " + line_num_err +
        (method == nil ? "" : ", at " + method)
      fh.puts("     #{loc_err}")
3. Play your game until you get the mentioned error.
4. In your game's folder, there will be a file named ErrorLog.rxdata. Open it with a text editor, copy the contents and paste them here.
5. Restore your Main script.

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