Poking at the RPG Maker VXAce map format.
Here is an edited Game_Map that replaces the map tile at 0,0 with a tile from the B map, and a tile from the C map onto of it. It then saves this edit to the map, so don't run this script on a complete map!

# ** Game_Map
# Test Map edits by MechPen to show off overwriting tiles, and saving them to
# the current map. They can even be loaded in the editor with no trouble, but
# but trying to change maniuplated tiles will probably undo the maniuplation.
#  This class handles maps. It includes scrolling and passage determination
# functions. The instance of this class is referenced by $game_map.

class Game_Map
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader   :screen                   # map screen state
  attr_reader   :interpreter              # map event interpreter
  attr_reader   :events                   # events
  attr_reader   :display_x                # display X coordinate
  attr_reader   :display_y                # display Y coordinate
  attr_reader   :parallax_name            # parallax background filename
  attr_reader   :vehicles                 # vehicle
  attr_reader   :battleback1_name         # battle background (floor) filename
  attr_reader   :battleback2_name         # battle background (wall) filename
  attr_accessor :name_display             # map name display flag
  attr_accessor :need_refresh             # refresh request flag
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    @screen = Game_Screen.new
    @interpreter = Game_Interpreter.new
    @map_id = 0
    @events = {}
    @display_x = 0
    @display_y = 0
    @name_display = true
  # * Setup
  def setup(map_id)
    @map_id = map_id
    @map = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rvdata2", @map_id))
        #if File.file?(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.txt", @map_id))
        #    load_map_file
        #p "map data @ [0, 0, 2] is " + @map.data[0,0,2].to_s
        #@map.data[0, 0, 0] = 256
        @map.data[0, 0, 1] = 256
        @map.data[0, 0, 2] = 8
        #@map.data[0, 0, 3] = 8 #this just makes a shadow, no tiles here.
        save_data(@map, sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rvdata2", @map_id))
    @tileset_id = @map.tileset_id
    @display_x = 0
    @display_y = 0
    @need_refresh = false
    # *Load from file
    def load_map_file
        file = File.open(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.txt", @map_id), 'r')
        layer = 0
        y = 0
        data_flag = false
        while !file.eof?
            line = file.readline
            p "line = " + line
            number = /\A\d+/.match(line)
                if !number.nil? && data_flag
                line.split(",").each_with_index do |tid, idx|
                    @map.data[idx,y,0] = [tid.to_i - 1, 0].max
                    p "@map_data["+idx.to_s+","+y.to_s+","+"0] = " + tid
                y += 1
            if line = "data =\n"
                data_flag = true
                p "data flag TRUE"
            elsif number.nil?
                data_flag = false
                p "data flag FLASE"
                y = 0
  # * Create Vehicles
  def create_vehicles
    @vehicles = []
    @vehicles[0] = Game_Vehicle.new(:boat)
    @vehicles[1] = Game_Vehicle.new(:ship)
    @vehicles[2] = Game_Vehicle.new(:airship)
  # * Refresh Vehicles
  def referesh_vehicles
    @vehicles.each {|vehicle| vehicle.refresh }
  # * Get Vehicle
  def vehicle(type)
    return @vehicles[0] if type == :boat
    return @vehicles[1] if type == :ship
    return @vehicles[2] if type == :airship
    return nil
  # * Get Boat
  def boat
  # * Get Ship
  def ship
  # * Get Airship
  def airship
  # * Event Setup
  def setup_events
    @events = {}
    @map.events.each do |i, event|
      @events = Game_Event.new(@map_id, event)
    @common_events = parallel_common_events.collect do |common_event|
  # * Get Array of Parallel Common Events
  def parallel_common_events
    $data_common_events.select {|event| event && event.parallel? }
  # * Scroll Setup
  def setup_scroll
    @scroll_direction = 2
    @scroll_rest = 0
    @scroll_speed = 4
  # * Parallax Background Setup
  def setup_parallax
    @parallax_name = @map.parallax_name
    @parallax_loop_x = @map.parallax_loop_x
    @parallax_loop_y = @map.parallax_loop_y
    @parallax_sx = @map.parallax_sx
    @parallax_sy = @map.parallax_sy
    @parallax_x = 0
    @parallax_y = 0
  # * Set Up Battle Background
  def setup_battleback
    if @map.specify_battleback
      @battleback1_name = @map.battleback1_name
      @battleback2_name = @map.battleback2_name
      @battleback1_name = nil
      @battleback2_name = nil
  # * Set Display Position
  def set_display_pos(x, y)
    x = [0, [x, width - screen_tile_x].min].max unless loop_horizontal?
    y = [0, [y, height - screen_tile_y].min].max unless loop_vertical?
    @display_x = (x + width) % width
    @display_y = (y + height) % height
    @parallax_x = x
    @parallax_y = y
  # * Calculate X Coordinate of Parallax Display Origin
  def parallax_ox(bitmap)
    if @parallax_loop_x
      @parallax_x * 16
      w1 = [bitmap.width - Graphics.width, 0].max
      w2 = [width * 32 - Graphics.width, 1].max
      @parallax_x * 16 * w1 / w2
  # * Calculate Y Coordinate of Parallax Display Origin
  def parallax_oy(bitmap)
    if @parallax_loop_y
      @parallax_y * 16
      h1 = [bitmap.height - Graphics.height, 0].max
      h2 = [height * 32 - Graphics.height, 1].max
      @parallax_y * 16 * h1 / h2
  # * Get Map ID
  def map_id
  # * Get Tileset
  def tileset
  # * Get Display Name
  def display_name
  # * Get Width
  def width
  # * Get Height
  def height
  # * Loop Horizontally?
  def loop_horizontal?
    @map.scroll_type == 2 || @map.scroll_type == 3
  # * Loop Vertically?
  def loop_vertical?
    @map.scroll_type == 1 || @map.scroll_type == 3
  # * Get Whether Dash is Disabled
  def disable_dash?
  # * Get Encounter List
  def encounter_list
  # * Get Encounter Steps
  def encounter_step
  # * Get Map Data
  def data
  # * Determine if Field Type
  def overworld?
    tileset.mode == 0
  # * Number of Horizontal Tiles on Screen
  def screen_tile_x
    Graphics.width / 32
  # * Number of Vertical Tiles on Screen
  def screen_tile_y
    Graphics.height / 32
  # * Calculate X Coordinate, Minus Display Coordinate
  def adjust_x(x)
    if loop_horizontal? && x < @display_x - (width - screen_tile_x) / 2
      x - @display_x + @map.width
      x - @display_x
  # * Calculate Y Coordinate, Minus Display Coordinate
  def adjust_y(y)
    if loop_vertical? && y < @display_y - (height - screen_tile_y) / 2
      y - @display_y + @map.height
      y - @display_y
  # * Calculate X Coordinate After Loop Adjustment
  def round_x(x)
    loop_horizontal? ? (x + width) % width : x
  # * Calculate Y Coordinate After Loop Adjustment
  def round_y(y)
    loop_vertical? ? (y + height) % height : y
  # * Calculate X Coordinate Shifted One Tile in Specific Direction
  #   (No Loop Adjustment)
  def x_with_direction(x, d)
    x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0)
  # * Calculate Y Coordinate Shifted One Tile in Specific Direction
  #   (No Loop Adjustment)
  def y_with_direction(y, d)
    y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0)
  # * Calculate X Coordinate Shifted One Tile in Specific Direction
  #   (With Loop Adjustment)
  def round_x_with_direction(x, d)
    round_x(x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0))
  # * Calculate Y Coordinate Shifted One Tile in Specific Direction
  #   (With Loop Adjustment)
  def round_y_with_direction(y, d)
    round_y(y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0))
  # * Automatically Switch BGM and BGS
  def autoplay
    @map.bgm.play if @map.autoplay_bgm
    @map.bgs.play if @map.autoplay_bgs
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    @events.each_value {|event| event.refresh }
    @common_events.each {|event| event.refresh }
    @need_refresh = false
  # * Refresh Array of Tile-Handling Events
  def refresh_tile_events
    @tile_events = @events.values.select {|event| event.tile? }
  # * Get Array of Events at Designated Coordinates
  def events_xy(x, y)
    @events.values.select {|event| event.pos?(x, y) }
  # * Get Array of Events at Designated Coordinates (Except Pass-Through)
  def events_xy_nt(x, y)
    @events.values.select {|event| event.pos_nt?(x, y) }
  # * Get Array of Tile-Handling Events at Designated Coordinates
  #   (Except Pass-Through)
  def tile_events_xy(x, y)
    @tile_events.select {|event| event.pos_nt?(x, y) }
  # * Get ID of Events at Designated Coordinates (One Only)
  def event_id_xy(x, y)
    list = events_xy(x, y)
    list.empty? ? 0 : list[0].id
  # * Scroll Down
  def scroll_down(distance)
    if loop_vertical?
      @display_y += distance
      @display_y %= @map.height
      @parallax_y += distance if @parallax_loop_y
      last_y = @display_y
      @display_y = [@display_y + distance, height - screen_tile_y].min
      @parallax_y += @display_y - last_y
  # * Scroll Left
  def scroll_left(distance)
    if loop_horizontal?
      @display_x += @map.width - distance
      @display_x %= @map.width
      @parallax_x -= distance if @parallax_loop_x
      last_x = @display_x
      @display_x = [@display_x - distance, 0].max
      @parallax_x += @display_x - last_x
  # * Scroll Right
  def scroll_right(distance)
    if loop_horizontal?
      @display_x += distance
      @display_x %= @map.width
      @parallax_x += distance if @parallax_loop_x
      last_x = @display_x
      @display_x = [@display_x + distance, (width - screen_tile_x)].min
      @parallax_x += @display_x - last_x
  # * Scroll Up
  def scroll_up(distance)
    if loop_vertical?
      @display_y += @map.height - distance
      @display_y %= @map.height
      @parallax_y -= distance if @parallax_loop_y
      last_y = @display_y
      @display_y = [@display_y - distance, 0].max
      @parallax_y += @display_y - last_y
  # * Determine Valid Coordinates
  def valid?(x, y)
    x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height
  # * Check Passage
  #     bit:  Inhibit passage check bit
  def check_passage(x, y, bit)
    all_tiles(x, y).each do |tile_id|
      flag = tileset.flags[tile_id]
      next if flag & 0x10 != 0            # [☆]: No effect on passage
      return true  if flag & bit == 0     # [○] : Passable
      return false if flag & bit == bit   # [×] : Impassable
    return false                          # Impassable
  # * Get Tile ID at Specified Coordinates
  def tile_id(x, y, z)
    @map.data[x, y, z] || 0
  # * Get Array of All Layer Tiles (Top to Bottom) at Specified Coordinates
  def layered_tiles(x, y)
    [2, 1, 0].collect {|z| tile_id(x, y, z) }
  # * Get Array of All Tiles (Including Events) at Specified Coordinates
  def all_tiles(x, y)
    tile_events_xy(x, y).collect {|ev| ev.tile_id } + layered_tiles(x, y)
  # * Get Type of Auto Tile at Specified Coordinates
  def autotile_type(x, y, z)
    tile_id(x, y, z) >= 2048 ? (tile_id(x, y, z) - 2048) / 48 : -1
  # * Determine Passability of Normal Character
  #     d:  direction (2,4,6,8)
  #    Determines whether the tile at the specified coordinates is passable
  #    in the specified direction.
  def passable?(x, y, d)
    check_passage(x, y, (1 << (d / 2 - 1)) & 0x0f)
  # * Determine if Passable by Boat
  def boat_passable?(x, y)
    check_passage(x, y, 0x0200)
  # * Determine if Passable by Ship
  def ship_passable?(x, y)
    check_passage(x, y, 0x0400)
  # * Determine if Airship can Land
  def airship_land_ok?(x, y)
    check_passage(x, y, 0x0800) && check_passage(x, y, 0x0f)
  # * Determine Flag for All Layers at Specified Coordinates
  def layered_tiles_flag?(x, y, bit)
    layered_tiles(x, y).any? {|tile_id| tileset.flags[tile_id] & bit != 0 }
  # * Determine if Ladder
  def ladder?(x, y)
    valid?(x, y) && layered_tiles_flag?(x, y, 0x20)
  # * Determine if Bush
  def bush?(x, y)
    valid?(x, y) && layered_tiles_flag?(x, y, 0x40)
  # * Determine if Counter
  def counter?(x, y)
    valid?(x, y) && layered_tiles_flag?(x, y, 0x80)
  # * Determine if Damage Floor
  def damage_floor?(x, y)
    valid?(x, y) && layered_tiles_flag?(x, y, 0x100)
  # * Get Terrain Tag
  def terrain_tag(x, y)
    return 0 unless valid?(x, y)
    layered_tiles(x, y).each do |tile_id|
      tag = tileset.flags[tile_id] >> 12
      return tag if tag > 0
    return 0
  # * Get Region ID
  def region_id(x, y)
    valid?(x, y) ? @map.data[x, y, 3] >> 8 : 0
  # * Start Scroll
  def start_scroll(direction, distance, speed)
    @scroll_direction = direction
    @scroll_rest = distance
    @scroll_speed = speed
  # * Determine if Scrolling
  def scrolling?
    @scroll_rest > 0
  # * Frame Update
  #     main:  Interpreter update flag
  def update(main = false)
    refresh if @need_refresh
    update_interpreter if main
  # * Update Scroll
  def update_scroll
    return unless scrolling?
    last_x = @display_x
    last_y = @display_y
    do_scroll(@scroll_direction, scroll_distance)
    if @display_x == last_x && @display_y == last_y
      @scroll_rest = 0
      @scroll_rest -= scroll_distance
  # * Calculate Scroll Distance
  def scroll_distance
    2 ** @scroll_speed / 256.0
  # * Execute Scroll
  def do_scroll(direction, distance)
    case direction
    when 2;  scroll_down (distance)
    when 4;  scroll_left (distance)
    when 6;  scroll_right(distance)
    when 8;  scroll_up   (distance)
  # * Update Events
  def update_events
    @events.each_value {|event| event.update }
    @common_events.each {|event| event.update }
  # * Update Vehicles
  def update_vehicles
    @vehicles.each {|vehicle| vehicle.update }
  # * Update Parallax
  def update_parallax
    @parallax_x += @parallax_sx / 64.0 if @parallax_loop_x
    @parallax_y += @parallax_sy / 64.0 if @parallax_loop_y
  # * Change Tileset
  def change_tileset(tileset_id)
    @tileset_id = tileset_id
  # * Change Battle Background
  def change_battleback(battleback1_name, battleback2_name)
    @battleback1_name = battleback1_name
    @battleback2_name = battleback2_name
  # * Change Parallax Background
  def change_parallax(name, loop_x, loop_y, sx, sy)
    @parallax_name = name
    @parallax_x = 0 if @parallax_loop_x && !loop_x
    @parallax_y = 0 if @parallax_loop_y && !loop_y
    @parallax_loop_x = loop_x
    @parallax_loop_y = loop_y
    @parallax_sx = sx
    @parallax_sy = sy
  # * Update Interpreter
  def update_interpreter
    loop do
      return if @interpreter.running?
      if @interpreter.event_id > 0
      return unless setup_starting_event
  # * Unlock Event
  def unlock_event(event_id)
    @events[event_id].unlock if @events[event_id]
  # * Starting Event Setup
  def setup_starting_event
    refresh if @need_refresh
    return true if @interpreter.setup_reserved_common_event
    return true if setup_starting_map_event
    return true if setup_autorun_common_event
    return false
  # * Determine Existence of Starting Map Event
  def any_event_starting?
    @events.values.any? {|event| event.starting }
  # * Detect/Set Up Starting Map Event
  def setup_starting_map_event
    event = @events.values.find {|event| event.starting }
    event.clear_starting_flag if event
    @interpreter.setup(event.list, event.id) if event
  # * Detect/Set Up Autorun Common Event
  def setup_autorun_common_event
    event = $data_common_events.find do |event|
      event && event.autorun? && $game_switches[event.switch_id]
    @interpreter.setup(event.list) if event
Reply }
If there are two things I find frustrating about RMVXAce mapping, it would be that * priority tiles will always appear over characters taller than two tiles (as has been mentioned) and that the editor doesn't let you edit individual layers, so if you mess up the lower layer you've got to repaint all the B+ tiles.

I'm not sure the latter can really be helped though as it would require editing the editor. With the former I ended up editing my sprites to fit in 64x64 tiles (thankfully they were only a few pixels too high) and disabling the pixel-offset. ... still rather annoying.

I do wonder though what I could do with the stuff you're talking about here, if it means not having to worry about a Tilemap edit.
Reply }
That's right, you'd need an editor change only. I gave a try about importing a map from Tiled, and it ALMOST worked. The tiles were the wrong id, so different stuff got loaded. So I'd need to make a converter and I didn't feel like doing all that math. If people express interest for it, I might revist the idea. But I did get it to stack tiles from Tileset B, C, and D in 3 different layers on the same tiles, and that is what I set out to do.

The tile priority issue might be solved by fiddling with a character's Z height (subtracting the character's bitmap height could fix it). That I will definitely take a look at. Especially now that I actually own VX Ace. (Trying to program in VX Ace Lite is difficult.)
Reply }
Actually, this reminds me of how I made some water using events, because doing so gave me larger tiles and translucency effects that autotiles couldn't. And I hate VXAce's autotiles, how they're not all 32x32 tiles, but 32x32 surrounded by 16x16/16x32. It's really limiting. (I guess that's a third irk. Good job Enterbrain.)

I wonder if I could then draw those events (graphics and animation only) by reading the region? Or would that be better used on Tilemap in case it lagged.

I should really investigate myself. > o</
Reply }
Two someones smarter than I fixed the z-map issue http://save-point.org/thread-4971.html

Now all that is left is the tile layer issues.
Reply }

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