Cannot convert fixnum into string
It's very complicated from what I can see, and I tried solving it on my own, but whatever I do, the problem seems to be stuck in a script I'm using called Bigace's warrior engine.

The line is approximately 670 and tells me that it 'cannot convert fixnum into string', which I'm pretty sure has to do with a problem with variables.

Anyways, the script I'm using is needed to use the slipping script I am also using, which aids me make puzzles with forced slipping movement

I am posting the Scripts.rxdata if anyone wishes to help me, and it would be greatly appreciated if anyone could.

Thank you very much for your time.
It looks like you were trying to 'draw_text' a number without first using '.to_s' I couldn't tell you where, as you only posted a collection of scripts and not your protect, but in Ruby, if you need to print out a number, you first have to change it to a string with '.to_s'
If I posted my full game project, would you be willing to help me?
sure, I guess.

This is the link to the full project

If you can solve this issue, I'd love you for ever.
Working on it now. For future reference, there's no need to include the RTP until you are ready to release your game to people outside this forum. We all already have it, and you'll save everyone some download time that way.

...So, at what point does this bug happen?

Edit: I found it. WEngine script line 1738. draw_text(rect, item.price, 2) should be draw_text(rect, item.price.to_s, 2)
Thank you - I wasn't sure where I had to put a ".to_s" since there were so many options

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