{RPGMXP} Create a state which protects you from a certain type of attack
This should be easy but from some reason I can't seem to get it work,
I want my enemy to have a shield which stops all ballistic attacks
since the player normal attacks are with guns it would make the player
change to energy weapons or physical attacks so I made a Element called
Ballistics gave it to all my guns

[Image: ballistics.jpg]
then I created a state which raises the users MDEF and PDEF to 200% and Element defense Ballistics
[Image: ballistics2.jpg]
when I attack the enemy with guns he still takes damage not much but
some and the physical and energy weapons are also affected by the shield
I would prefer for them to not be affected
here is a copy of my game if you think it might help thanks in advance
The game mechanics of the "Elemental Defense" will only reduce the damage by 1/2 with states. So, if you want to make that the "Elemental Defense" will nullify the damage, you will have to change the base script, or your CBS script if you are using one. The base script is in the "Game_Actor" script, and is located on lines 123-127. You should be able to change the result to "nil" or just 0. I'm not a programmer, I just experiment with things and see if they work ;). I hope this helps.
what happens when you turn it to 900%? i use elements for different attacks, but have never tried to change it mid battle like that.
You can use bearcat's Absorb, Null, and Weak Armors script. Despite the name, it can also create states that absorb and nullify elements.

#  Absorb, Null, and Weak Armors
# Bearcat
# Version 1.01
# 8.16.07
This script allows you to make armors and states that absorb, nullify, or
make the wearer weak to elemental damage. To set up an an armor or state,
put the armor id and the element id in the appropriate hash in Absorb_Setup.

There is no need to modify anything other than the hashes in Absorb_Setup.

Free use, modification, and distribution permitted (commercial projects
included) so long as credit is given to me, Bearcat.
module Absorb_Setup
  # * Absorb Armors
  #   syntax armor_id => [element1, element2...]
  Absorb_Armors = {
  33 => [1]
  # * Null Armors
  #   syntax armor_id => [element1, element2...]
  Null_Armors = {
  33 => [2]
  # * Weak Armors
  #   syntax armor_id => [element1, element2...]
  Weak_Armors = {
  33 => [3]
  # * Absorb States
  #   syntax state_id => [element1, element2...]
  Absorb_States = {
  17 => [1]
  # * Null States
  #   syntax state_id => [element1, element2...]
  Null_States = {
  17 => [2]
  # * Weak States
  #   syntax state_id => [element1, element2...]
  Weak_States = {
  17 => [3]
  # * Defaults DO NOT CHANGE
  Absorb_Armors.default = []
  Null_Armors.default = []
  Weak_Armors.default = []
  Absorb_States.default = []
  Null_States.default = []
  Weak_States.default = []

These two scripts are also necessary.

class Game_Actor
  def element_rate(element_id)
    absorb_flag = false
    # Get values corresponding to element effectiveness
    table = [0,200,150,100,50,0,-100]
    result = table[$data_classes[@class_id].element_ranks[element_id]]
    # Run Armor Stuff
    for i in [@armor1_id, @armor2_id, @armor3_id, @armor4_id]
      armor = $data_armors[i]
      # Halve damage if element is protected
      if armor != nil and armor.guard_element_set.include?(element_id)
        result /= 2
      # Damage = 0 if element is nulled
      if armor != nil and armor.null_element_set.include?(element_id)
        result = 0
      # Set flag to true if element is absorbed
      if armor != nil and armor.absorb_element_set.include?(element_id)
        absorb_flag = true
      # Multiply damage if armor is weak to element
      if armor != nil and armor.weak_element_set.include?(element_id)
          result *= 2
    # Run State Stuff
    for i in @states
      # Halve damage if element is protected
      if $data_states[i].guard_element_set.include?(element_id)
        result /= 2
      # Damage = 0 if element is nulled
      if $data_states[i].null_element_set.include?(element_id)
        result = 0
      # Set flag to true if element is absorbed
      if $data_states[i].absorb_element_set.include?(element_id)
        absorb_flag = true
      # Multiply damage if state is weak to element
      if $data_states[i].weak_element_set.include?(element_id)
        result *= 2
    # If absorb_flag = true, multiply by -1
    if absorb_flag
      result *= -1
  # End Method
  return result

class Game_Enemy
  def element_rate(element_id)
    # Get a numerical value corresponding to element effectiveness
    table = [0,200,150,100,50,0,-100]
    result = table[$data_enemies[@enemy_id].element_ranks[element_id]]
    for i in @states
      # Halve damage if element is protected
      if $data_states[i].guard_element_set.include?(element_id)
        result /= 2
      # Damage = 0 if element is nulled
      if $data_states[i].null_element_set.include?(element_id)
        result = 0
      # Set flag to true if element is absorbed
      if $data_states[i].absorb_element_set.include?(element_id)
        absorb_flag = true
      # Multiply damage if state is weak to element
      if $data_states[i].weak_element_set.include?(element_id)
        result *= 2
    # If absorb_flag = true, multiply by -1
    if absorb_flag
      result *= -1
    # End Method
    return result

module RPG
class Armor
# * Absorb Elements
  def absorb_element_set
    return Absorb_Setup::Absorb_Armors[id]
# * Null Elements
  def null_element_set
    return Absorb_Setup::Null_Armors[id]
# * Weak Elements
  def weak_element_set
    return Absorb_Setup::Weak_Armors[id]

class State
# * Absorb Elements
  def absorb_element_set
    return Absorb_Setup::Absorb_States[id]
# * Null Elements
  def null_element_set
    return Absorb_Setup::Null_States[id]
# * Weak Elements
  def weak_element_set
    return Absorb_Setup::Weak_States[id]

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