The Murder of You
It is summer in Sicily, the year is 1937. Private detective Alighieri is comprehended with a series of assassinio perfetto -- perfect murders. In the latest case, he finds a cryptic note in which the criminal invites him to a meeting. There, the criminal reveals himself to him, but under one condition. He must drink a vial of poison, marking his own death right there and then. But there is a twist! Our detective is given enough time to live to orchestrate his own crime scene, and point his colleagues towards the murderer! But will he manage it?

Hello, save-point, Miharu here and I thought I'd show you my first publicly released game: The Murder of You.
Before you download and play the game I would like to introduce it a bit. Feel free to skip this paragraph, but I'd recommend you read it.
The Murder of You was created for the ŠPONGIA amateur game development competition by the team 'Tím Desu Yo'. This competition is very unique in the way that it works. Every year around the same date the registration is opened alongside the website. Contestants register in teams and assign themselves roles all visible on an online chart (Since this is completely self-administrated, some teams tend to give themselves absurd roles like 'Head of Complaining Department' or 'Combat Wombat', most people take it seriously though, hehe.) The teams register without knowing what game they are going to make, see, the point is that the contestants have 20 days to create a game corresponding to the genre or feature assigned that year. The given genre for this year was the detective genre and a special criteria was added: the game mist adhere to the Knox Ten Rules of the Detective. The game can use outside resources but they must be credited and will not be judged - if you have no original music like we did, you will get 0 points for music (the commitee still can say they liked it, you just won't formally get points for it) - and if plagiarisms are found they will be punished by disqualification.
The challenge is not only to create a fully running and bug free game in 18 days, bit also to create a presentation, trailer and website for the game.
You can find the website at
But that's about it for the competition, now about the game itself.

I was in charge of writing the story and I immediately though to a story I wrote a few months back about a killer/detective split point of view murder mystery.I immediately thought: 'The Murder of You will be exactly that.' My teammates agreed and the judges gave us the green flag so long as the detective appeared as a playable character and so we set off developing.To be honest, we spent the first week playing league of legends and the second week stressing over not making the deadline.In the end, we placed second with a point score of 89/100, astonishing for our first year at the competition.

Gameplay Length: ~30 minutes (Longest playthrough I witnessed was close to an hour)


The main reason of me posting here, is that the game has only had the opportunity to be played by about 10 people after the five judges, and I'd welcome some feedback :)
For some reason I was unable to attach the file so here's a link to the download page on our website >CLICK<
[Image: onBsjEH.jpg]
Hello Miharu! Nice to meet ya. I'm kinda new around here, and I decided I'd playtest a game. So I did. And I chose yours. I wrote everything down as I played. So, here it is:

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Oh my, I didn't check back here in ages and finding this was really nice :D
Thank you for the review, the team & I will definitely look into the mistakes you mentioned in this years competition entry, if we decide to work in RPG Maker again, thank you for the review, didn't expect to get anything like that, really nice of you :)
[Image: onBsjEH.jpg]

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