Gimp - menu bar/interface color ?
I really wasnt sure where to post this but I figured this would be the most related forum. Sorry if I screw up.
Im trying to make Gimp look more like photoshop and for the most I have everything how I wanted it to look, all but the top Menu bar and some interface buttons. I just cant figure out where to change their color. Ive been searching the web for an answer and all I keep finding are tutorials and guides on how to customize images and sites with css with gimp, and even how to add back the Color toolbox.

As you can see the top menu background color is white making the font invisible. The same goes to some of the buttons. Any help would be appreciated.

[Image: 2wef8r9.jpg]
I wish I could help, I use Gimp a lot for my Youtube videos and website, but I've never modified the GUI in this way.
Have you looked on their forums or tried writing your question into google? Tried just putting the key words?
I might have found how but I can't try it till I get home. I found a tutorial on how to make themes for gimp and it tells about which files to edit in order to change colors and do other costumizasion. I'll post if I get it to work or no.
Was able to figured it out following the tutorial. The gtkrc file of the current theme contains all the interface color settings.

Menu bar
[Image: 2mb6m8.jpg]

whole look
[Image: 308jpn5.jpg]

I guess this thread can be closed and considered solved.

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