Favourite vs. Best
Think of your favourite game or book or movie or whatever. Now ask yourself, "Is this the best of its kind?"

Odds are good it's probably not. I've always been interested by this little divide. We often say we think something is the "BEST X EVARR" but, when it comes to our personal preferences, we'll often find ourselves preferring something else because of some emotional attachment we have to it. It's like the difference between Sir Patrick Stewart and BRIAN BLESSED.* We all know Sir Patrick is going to give a better performance, whatever he's in, but odds are good some of us would prefer to see whatever BRIAN is doing because there's something we find so endearing about him.

So, what about you? Got any favourite/best divides? To give one of mine, I think The Last King of Scotland is one of the best movies ever made just for how nail-bitingly raw and suspenseful it is but, if I were to be marooned on a desert island with only my favourite film to hand, I'd probably pick Monty Python and the Holy Grail. What about you guys?

* Yes, his name must be spelled in ALL CAPS AND BOLD. It's BRIAN BLESSED, how else would you spell it?
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