07-12-2005, 01:00 PM
Mail Client
by GoldenShadow
v 1.1
Jul 12, 2005
Okay, this is a mail client I made some weeks ago, but recently have updated it to the best I can for this Ver. 1. I hope you guys like it, and don't flame mail me if you think it's useless.
The Script is located in here:
EDIT: Weird marks all over the place, I reposted it and it's clean now. Enjoy.
EDIT2: Updated Ruby code, and added explaination how to change account.
by GoldenShadow
v 1.1
Jul 12, 2005
This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.
No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.
Okay, this is a mail client I made some weeks ago, but recently have updated it to the best I can for this Ver. 1. I hope you guys like it, and don't flame mail me if you think it's useless.
GoldenShadow Wrote:Demo not required: Make a Test Project and just test it yourself.
The Script is located in here:
# <> Mail Client v1.1
# ==> You can delete all my comments except the copyright and creator info. Thanks.
# ==> Do not rip, repost or any other way of reproducing without proper credit. Thanks.
# ShadowClan Technologies © 2003-2005 - All rights reserved. Creation Asylum rules :-)
# * Why you need this?
# Everytime I post a script, I get bad comments on why anyone should need this or that it's
# useless or something like that. I hate that and it's disencouraging.
# So, why -should- you need this? Making a .hack//infection like game perhaps?
# Maybe a high developed planet game? Or just a modern like game?
# Maybe you're making a real life game? Or you're making just a regular RPG
# with neat stuff like this one? So many ideas... no reason for you to flame mail me again.
# If you still think it's useless, your comment is not welcome.
# * How it works
# When you start a new game, initially a email will be made. (You can change it anytime).
# Default mail is the name of the actor ID 0 + @RXSC.net, so like: Arshes@RXSC.net.
# For the more advanced game developers, I've made it possible to show messages
# while the mail is read, like the player reacts to the received mail.
# I don't really know how you can set a message but some of ya people should know.
# Also made it so the player can see which email is new and which not.
# It will show a green text saying 'NEW' when it's unread yet.
# To make it more nice, I made it so that every mail can have a different font type
# * How to import this to properly work
# Put the '$mail = Mail.new' BEFORE '$scene = Scene_Map.new' in the Title Scene
# at the command_new_game command.
# This !should! work. From that point on, you can use '$mail.*' commands anywhere.
# Where the '*' symbol can be replaced with 'write_mail', 'received_include?' or 'is_new?'.
# * How to receive mails/write mails
# You can use this anywhere! First use: $mail = Mail.new (like Title screen?)
# The you can use:
# $mail.write_mail("sender", "subject", ["msg line 1","msg line 2", "etc"], type, font)
# The extra's:
# Specify type for the type of mail, default: 1 = corrupt, 2 = infected
# and 3 = incomplete
# Specify font for the font in the mail content, (not for sender or subject).
# * How to change the email address at any given event
# Use a Call Script function event and enter the following:
# $mail.account = "new@account.here"
# That will change it immediatly.
# * Special buttons
# In your In Box, press the 'D' button to Delete. You're not warned for it and it removes
# it immidiatly, so watch out.
# Press the 'A' button to delete ALL the emails received. Also, here your _not_ warned.
# * How to check mail status in a conditional branch?
# Use: $mail.received_include?("topic name")
# You can also replace the topic name with the senders name.
# If you have the mail with the topic specified it returns true
# And if you have a mail with the sender specified it also returns true
# If you don't have both, it returns false.
# Use: $mail.is_new?("topic name")
# Returns true if the mail is unread. Returns false if it's already read.
# * Limitations
# Unfortunely, this isn't like the real thing... so what can't it do or support is:
# You cannot put a 'Files attached' option... well you can, but you must script it by yourself.
# You cannot put directories in the InBox like the 'real' ones. But maybe... in ver. 2.........;-)
# Maximum lines for mail is 20. You can increase it but I won't recommend...
# Don't make mails with the same topic. That wil make all mails with same topic share
# the same message and the same option if NEW or not. Only the Sender is different.
# * Some really REALLY stupid things to keep in mind
# The Script Call function in RPG Maker XP doesn't allow you to write as much lines as you want.
# It sucks! Best way to do that anyway is by scripting. And that can really suck too.
# Better use the Script Call for medium-short messages.
# Sorry for this bug, it's not my fault RPG Maker XP is so greedy on the lines...
# * What's fixed in ver 1.1 ?
# - Instead of the global variables, it uses attribute accessors.
# Much more efficient and of course easier.
# * Changes from ver 1ß to ver 1.1 :
# - Don't use $rxsc_mail for the email of the player, just use $mail.account.
# - Same goes for all the others btw, just $mail.*, replace * with the arrays.
# That would end the little explaining for now. I -really- hope you like this script.
# * Suggestions? ==> PM or post in the Game Making > RPG Maker > Finished Scripts > Mail Client
# * Created by: GoldenShadow
module SC # don't delete module, it's ripping if done anyway!
RXSC_MAIL = "Mail Client Script: Ver.1.1"
MAIL_HEAR_SOUND = true # set to true to hear a sound on receive
class Mail
attr_accessor :mail # Mail
attr_accessor :msg # Content of mail
attr_accessor :account # Your e-mail account
attr_accessor :sender # The sender
attr_accessor :read # If it's read or new
attr_accessor :font # Contents font
def initialize # Define the variables we're going to use
# Why are they global variables you ask? So we can use 'em outside this class
@mail = [] # mail IDs
@msg = {} # mail msgs
@account = "#{$game_party.actors[0].name}@RXSC.net" # This is the player's mail
@sender = [] # sender IDs
@read = {} # unread option IDs
@font = {} # font
def received_include?(string) # check if string is in mail or sender (can be number)
if @mail.include?(string)
return true
elsif @sender.include?(string)
return true
return false
def is_new?(string) # see if mail is unread
if @read[string] == true
return false
elsif @read[string] == false
return true
return false
def write_mail(topic = nil,from = nil,msg = [], type = nil, font = nil)
if SC::MAIL_HEAR_SOUND == true # Sound when receiving
Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/055-Right01", 100, 150) # You may change the soundfile
# In fact, you may even use Music Effects, BGM (not recommended) or BGS.
# Change the 'se_play' to 'me_play','bgm_play' or 'bgs_play' respectivly.
# You should also change the directory when something else than SE is used.
if topic == nil or topic == ""# Subject of message
@mail.push("(no subject)") # if no subject specified
if msg == nil # Write a message in array format, like: ["line1, "line2, "etc"]
@msg[topic] = ["* AUTO MAIL*","No message specified by the sender."," ","Greetings from webmaster@mailserver.rxsc"]
@msg[topic] = msg
if from == nil or from == "" # The sender of the mail
@sender.push("(unknown)") # if no sender specified
if font != nil
@font[topic] = font
@read[topic] = false # set it to unread
if type != nil # some cool stuff
if type == 1
# Type 1: Corrupted Mail
@msg[topic].push("","* AUTO MAIL *","The mail is corrupted.","Sorry for this inconvinience.","","Greetings from Webmaster")
elsif type == 2
# Type 2: Infected Mail
@msg[topic].push("","* AUTO MAIL *","This mail is infected.","Delete it immediately.","","Greetings from Webmaster")
elsif type == 3
# Type 3: Incomplete Mail
@msg[topic].push("","* AUTO MAIL *","Mail was not sent correctly.","Some parts may have been lost.","","Greetings from Webmaster")
elsif type == 4
# Add more if you like, see above for the examples
# This is the topic window or in other words the message window.
# So this is the window where the contents of a mail is shown.
# You may change it in how you want it actually.
# Screwing this up is your own fault... but then again, you can always repaste...
class Window_Topic < Window_Base
def initialize(mail)
super(0, 0, 640, 480)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.name = $fontface
self.contents.font.size = $fontsize
self.visible = false
@mail = mail # This is the index of the inbox and will be converted to the mail ID
def refresh
unless @mail == "none" # Just a block
self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, self.width - 40, 32, "Subject: #{$mail.mail[@mail]}")
self.contents.draw_text(4, 32, self.width - 40, 32, "From: #{$mail.sender[@mail]}")
self.contents.draw_text(4, 64, self.width - 40, 32, "To: #{$mail.account}")
rect = Rect.new(0, 100, self.width, 2)
self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(255, 255, 255)) # Modify the color as pleased
def show_msg(msg) # Show the mail message contents
@topic = $mail.mail[@mail].to_s
@msg = $mail.msg[@topic]
y = 85 # start line 1 at this y-position
unless @msg == nil or @mail == "none" # Also just a block
for line in 0...20 # this is the message, as you see, max lines is 20
y += 16 # space between the lines
self.contents.font.size = 16 # font size
if $mail.font[@topic] != nil
self.contents.font.name = $mail.font[@topic] # own font
self.contents.draw_text(4, y, self.width, 32, @msg[line].to_s)
# This is the inbox
# When email is received it will be added at the end of the list.
# So that you can see, like the real one, which one's old or new.
class Window_Inbox < Window_Selectable
def initialize
super(0, 64, 640, 416)
@column_max = 1
self.index = 0
def item
return @data[self.index]
def refresh
if self.contents != nil
self.contents = nil
@data = []
for i in 0...$mail.mail.size # This is the var for mails
@item_max = @data.size
if @item_max >= 0
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.name = $fontface
self.contents.font.size = 24
for i in 0...@item_max
def draw_item(index)
item = @data[index]
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
x = 4
y = index * 32 # 32 stands for space between lines
rect = Rect.new(x, y, self.width / @column_max - 32, 32)
self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))
self.contents.draw_text(x, y, self.width - 40, 32, item.to_s) # mail topic (subject)
self.contents.draw_text(x + 400, y, self.width - 40, 32, $mail.sender[index].to_s) # Sender
if $mail.read[item] == false
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(130,225,89)
self.contents.draw_text(x + 300, y, self.width - 40, 32, "NEW") # if mail is unread
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(x + 300, y, self.width - 40, 32, "") # if mail is read, change as pleased
# This is the built-in mail client.
# You may modify it but try not to screw it too much up.
class Scene_Mail
def main
@help_window = Window_Help.new
if $mail.mail.size == 0 or $mail.mail == nil
@help_window.set_text("Signed in with #{$mail.account} and you have no mails.")
@help_window.set_text("Signed in with #{$mail.account} and you have #{$mail.mail.size} mail(s).")
@help_window.z = 100
@inbox = Window_Inbox.new
@inbox.active = true
@inbox.visible = true
@inbox.z = 200
@topic_window = Window_Topic.new("none")
@topic_window.z = 100
@message_window = Window_Message.new # For msg's to show...
loop do
if $scene != self
def update
if $game_temp.message_window_showing
if @inbox.active == false
if @inbox.active == true
def update_inbox
if $mail.mail.size == 0 or $mail.mail == nil
@inbox.index = -1
if Input.trigger?(Input::C) # selecting the topic at inbox
if @inbox.index == nil or $mail.mail.size == 0 # if no topics...
$game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) # errrr
@topic_window = Window_Topic.new(@inbox.index)
if $mail.read[$mail.mail[@inbox.index]] == false
$mail.read[$mail.mail[@inbox.index]] = true
@topic_window.visible = true
@inbox.active = false
@inbox.visible = false
@help_window.visible = false
if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
$scene = Scene_Map.new # This would be the previous scene
if Input.trigger?(Input::Z) # Deletes selected email
if $mail.mail.size == 0
@inbox.index = 0
@help_window.set_text("Signed in with #{$mail.account} and you have no mails.")
@help_window.set_text("Signed in with #{$mail.account} and you have #{$mail.mail.size} mail(s).")
if @inbox.index > 1
@inbox.index -= 1
@inbox.index = 0
if Input.trigger?(Input::X) # Deletes all
@help_window.set_text("Signed in with #{$mail.account} and you have no mails.")
@inbox.index = -1 # this will make the cursor be hidden (cuz there arent any mails)
def update_topic # this command is for the topic window, add stuff if you like
if Input.trigger?(Input::B) # cancel button to return to inbox
@inbox.active = true
@inbox.visible = true
@help_window.visible = true
@topic_window.visible = false
# This is a example mail for you to learn from.
# Study this and you'll learn it in no time!
class Scene_Title
alias mail_title_new_game command_new_game
def command_new_game
$mail = Mail.new
$mail.write_mail("Info: Your Mail Client","ShadowClan Tech.",
["To the owner of this account,"," ",
"Thank you for using my Mail Client Script Ver. 2.1.",
"I hope you really love this script because I had a rough time making it,",
"and trust me if I say a ROUGH time!",
"And I've been recently busy making good updates for this",
"making it not so messy in the core.so turned out greater than ever!",
"➢ What's Fixed? 「Version 1.1」",
"▸ No global variables but one: $mail! They work with ATTRs now!",
"▸ Info is better formulated.",
"For more information, take a look at Creation Asylum forums.",
" ",
"Have fun,",
"GoldenShadow a.k.a カヤシュ-サン"], type = nil, font = "MS PMincho")
# FINAL UPDATE: July 2nd 2005, 21:54
EDIT: Weird marks all over the place, I reposted it and it's clean now. Enjoy.
EDIT2: Updated Ruby code, and added explaination how to change account.