07-04-2006, 01:00 PM
Mission/Quest Menu Script
Leon Westbrooke
July 4, 2006
Ok, I revamped the whole system to make it more user-friendly. Just follow the directions, and it will work like a dream.
A Mission or Quest scene that shows your list of missions, and whether they are incomplete, or completed, along with who sent you, their reward, and where they can be found.
Update includes no lag, and a slightly easier command when adding missions.
There is 2 new features:
1. If the user doesn't know of the mission, it doesn'tappear in the list, nor does a slot for it.
2. Completed missions are in green.
3. Number of missions. (X/Y) X is completed missions, Y can be either known missions,
or your game's total missions. Set Mission_Setup to 'true' if you want known missions,
false for total.
Put it above main.
The instructions have changed alot more than the features. Just go through
the short list below, and you'll know. Just remember, go in order, and if you have 10
different missions in 1 spot, you must have the same number in each other segment
of the module, with the exception of the lines of text. (Yes, i made that one all the easier.)
The list of missions is in game_party use Leon_Edit to find it and follow instructions there.
Changing the status of the missions is different than before as well.
You can use $game_party.mission[x][1] += y to add to a mission's status, x = mission#, y = amount.
or set it using $game_party.mission[x][1] = y, x being the mission id,
y being the status you want it set to.
1 = they dont know the mission
2 = they know the mission, but it is incomplete
3 = the mission is complete.
Do NOT post my work in any other forums without my permission, and NEVER take credit
for my work.
The Demo
Mission_Demo.zip (Size: 219.26 KB / Downloads: 5)
The Script
Please, Leave me your thoughts.
Leon Westbrooke
July 4, 2006
This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.
No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.
Ok, I revamped the whole system to make it more user-friendly. Just follow the directions, and it will work like a dream.
A Mission or Quest scene that shows your list of missions, and whether they are incomplete, or completed, along with who sent you, their reward, and where they can be found.
Update includes no lag, and a slightly easier command when adding missions.
There is 2 new features:
1. If the user doesn't know of the mission, it doesn'tappear in the list, nor does a slot for it.
2. Completed missions are in green.
3. Number of missions. (X/Y) X is completed missions, Y can be either known missions,
or your game's total missions. Set Mission_Setup to 'true' if you want known missions,
false for total.
Put it above main.
The instructions have changed alot more than the features. Just go through
the short list below, and you'll know. Just remember, go in order, and if you have 10
different missions in 1 spot, you must have the same number in each other segment
of the module, with the exception of the lines of text. (Yes, i made that one all the easier.)
The list of missions is in game_party use Leon_Edit to find it and follow instructions there.
Changing the status of the missions is different than before as well.
You can use $game_party.mission[x][1] += y to add to a mission's status, x = mission#, y = amount.
or set it using $game_party.mission[x][1] = y, x being the mission id,
y being the status you want it set to.
1 = they dont know the mission
2 = they know the mission, but it is incomplete
3 = the mission is complete.
Do NOT post my work in any other forums without my permission, and NEVER take credit
for my work.
The Demo
Mission_Demo.zip (Size: 219.26 KB / Downloads: 5)
The Script
The Code
# Leon's Mission Script v2.0
# 2006-09-22
I did a drastic overhaul on this Mission/Quest script to make it much better and user friendly.
There is 2 new features:
1. If the user doesn't know of the mission, it doesn'tappear in the list, nor does a slot for it.
2. Completed missions are in green.
3. Number of missions. (X/Y) X is completed missions, Y can be either known missions,
or your game's total missions. Set Mission_Setup to 'true' if you want known missions,
false for total.
Put it above main.
The instructions have changed alot more than the features. Just go through
the short list below, and you'll know. Just remember, go in order, and if you have 10
different missions in 1 spot, you must have the same number in each other segment
of the module, with the exception of the lines of text. (Yes, i made that one all the easier.)
The list of missions is in game_party use Leon_Edit to find it and follow instructions there.
Changing the status of the missions is different than before as well.
You can use $game_party.mission[x] += y to add to a mission's status, x = mission#, y = amount.
or set it using $game_party.mission[x] = y, x being the mission id,
y being the status you want it set to.
1 = they dont know the mission
2 = they know the mission, but it is incomplete
3 = the mission is complete.
Do NOT post my work in any other forums without my permission, and NEVER take credit
for my work.
# ** Mission_Menu
module Mission_Menu
# * Mission Name- Write the mission number, and the name you want to appear.
# ~ mission_id => "mission name"
Mission_Name = {
0 =>"Zero",
1 => "One",
2 => "Two",
3 => "Three"
# * Mission_Sprite. holds data on the name of the sprite, it's hue, name, locale, and
# * reward all in one.
# ~ mission_id => ["sprite name", hue, name, location, Reward]
Mission_Sprite = {
0 => ["112-Civilian12", 320, "Old Man", "Test Map", "Potion"],
1 => ["112-Civilian12", 320, "Old Man", "Test Map", "Potion"],
2 => ["112-Civilian12", 320, "Old Man", "Test Map", "Potion"],
3 => ["112-Civilian12", 320, "Old Man", "Test Map", "Potion"]
# * Defines the mission. Remember, if it is too long for 1 line, you can drop it
# * down to line 2.
# ~ mission_id => "Line One"
Mission_L1 = {
0 => "Line 1, Mission 0",
1 => "Line 1, Mission 1",
2 => "Line 1, Mission 2",
3 => "Line 1, Mission 3"
# * Same as the above one.
# ~ mission_id => "Line Two"
Mission_L2 = {
0 => "Line 2, Mission 0",
1 => "Line 2, Mission 1",
2 => "Line 2, Mission 2",
3 => "Line 2, Mission 3"
# * Same as the above one.
# ~ mission_id => "Line Three"
Mission_L3 = {
0 => "Line 3, Mission 0",
1 => "Line 3, Mission 1",
2 => "Line 3, Mission 2",
3 => "Line 3, Mission 3"
# * Same as the above one.
# ~ mission_id => "Line Four"
Mission_L4 = {
0 => "Line 4, Mission 0",
1 => "Line 4, Mission 1",
2 => "Line 4, Mission 2",
3 => "Line 4, Mission 3"
# * Same as the above one.
# ~ mission_id => "Line Five"
Mission_L5 = {
0 => "Line 5, Mission 0",
1 => "Line 5, Mission 1",
2 => "Line 5, Mission 2",
3 => "Line 5, Mission 3"
# * Same as the above one.
# ~ mission_id => "Line Six"
Mission_L6 = {
0 => "Line 6, Mission 0",
1 => "Line 6, Mission 1",
2 => "Line 6, Mission 2",
3 => "Line 6, Mission 3"
# * Same as the above one.
# ~ mission_id => "Line Seven"
Mission_L7 = {
0 => "Line 7, Mission 0",
1 => "Line 7, Mission 1",
2 => "Line 7, Mission 2",
3 => "Line 7, Mission 3"
# * Same as the above one.
# ~ mission_id => "Line Eight"
Mission_L8 = {
0 => "Line 8, Mission 0",
1 => "Line 8, Mission 1",
2 => "Line 8, Mission 2",
3 => "Line 8, Mission 3"
# * Mission Set-up
Mission_Setup = true
# * Game_Party
class Game_Party
# * Attributes
attr_accessor :mission
# * Alias Listings
alias leon_gp_mission_initialize initialize
# * Object initialization
# Leon_Edit below, in @mission, put [mission_id, starting status],...
def initialize
@mission = [[0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 1], [3, 3]]
# * Ends Game_Party
# * Window_Missionhelp
class Window_Missionhelp < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
super(0, 0, 400, 60)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.name = $defaultfonttype
self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
# * Update
def update(help_text)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 440, 32, help_text)
# * End Window_Missionhelp
# Window_MissionNum
class Window_MissionNum < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
super(400, 0, 240, 64)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.name = $defaultfonttype
self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
# * Refresh
def refresh
mis = Mission_Menu
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 120, 32, "Missions:")
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
@mission_comp = []
@mission_know = []
#Calls Mission number of missions
for i in 0...$game_party.mission.size
if $game_party.mission[i][1] == 3
#Calls Mission number of missions
for j in 0...$game_party.mission.size
if $game_party.mission[j][1] > 1
#if Mission_Setup is false...
if mis::Mission_Setup == false
if @mission_comp.size == $game_party.mission.size
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(40, 250, 40, 255)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 208, 32, @mission_comp.size.to_s +
"/" + $game_party.mission.size.to_s, 2)
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 208, 32, @mission_comp.size.to_s +
"/" + $game_party.mission.size.to_s, 2)
#if Mission_Setup is true...
elsif mis::Mission_Setup == true
if @mission_comp.size == @mission_know.size
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(40, 250, 40, 255)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 208, 32, @mission_comp.size.to_s +
"/" + @mission_know.size.to_s, 2)
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 208, 32, @mission_comp.size.to_s +
"/" + @mission_know.size.to_s, 2)
# * End Window_Missionnum
# Window_Missionlist
class Window_Missionlist < Window_Selectable
# * Attribute listings
attr_accessor :mission
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
super(0, 60, 260, 420)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.name = $defaultfonttype
self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
self.index = 0
# * Mission
def mission
return @data[self.index]
# * Refresh
def refresh
if self.contents != nil
self.contents = nil
mis = Mission_Menu
@data = []
for i in 0...$game_party.mission.size
mission1 = $game_party.mission[i][0]
mission2 = $game_party.mission[i][1]
if mission2 > 1
@item_max = @data.size
if @item_max > 0
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, row_max * 32)
self.contents.font.name = $defaultfonttype
self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
for i in 0...@item_max
# * Draw_Item
def draw_item(index)
mis = Mission_Menu
mission3 = @data[index]
x = 4
y = index * 32
rect = Rect.new(x, y, self.width - 32, 32)
self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))
if $game_party.mission[mission3][1] == 3
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(40, 250, 40, 255)
self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 228, 32, mis::Mission_Name[mission3])
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 228, 32, mis::Mission_Name[mission3])
# * End Window_Missionlist
# Window_Missioncomp
class Window_Missioncomp < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize(mission)
super(260, 365, 380, 115)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.name = $defaultfonttype
self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
# * Refresh
def refresh(mission)
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(0, 52, 440, 32, "Status:")
self.contents.draw_text(170, 52, 440, 32, "Reward:")
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
#person place status reward
mis = Mission_Menu
if mis::Mission_Sprite.has_key?(mission)
if $game_party.mission[mission][1] > 1
self.contents.draw_text(36, 6, 440, 32,
mis::Mission_Sprite[mission][2] + ", " + mis::Mission_Sprite[mission][3])
case $game_party.mission[mission][1]
when 1
self.contents.draw_text(62, 52, 400, 32, "")
when 2
self.contents.draw_text(62, 52, 400, 32, "Incomplete")
self.contents.draw_text(242, 52, 138, 32, "Unknown")
when 3
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(40, 250, 40, 255)
self.contents.draw_text(62, 52, 400, 32, "Complete")
self.contents.draw_text(242, 52, 138, 32, mis::Mission_Sprite[mission][4])
bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(mis::Mission_Sprite[mission][0],
cw = bitmap.width / 4
ch = bitmap.height / 4
facing = 0
src_rect = Rect.new(0, facing * ch, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(0, 0, bitmap, src_rect)
def clear
# * Ends Window_Missioncomp
# Window_Missiondesc
class Window_Missiondesc < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize(mission)
super(260, 60, 380, 305)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.name = $defaultfonttype
self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
# * Refresh
def refresh(mission)
mis = Mission_Menu
self.contents.draw_text(30, 0, 348, 32, mis::Mission_L1[mission].to_s)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 32, 348, 32, mis::Mission_L2[mission].to_s)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 64, 348, 32, mis::Mission_L3[mission].to_s)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 96, 348, 32, mis::Mission_L4[mission].to_s)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 128, 348, 32, mis::Mission_L5[mission].to_s)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 160, 348, 32, mis::Mission_L6[mission].to_s)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 192, 348, 32, mis::Mission_L7[mission].to_s)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 224, 348, 32, mis::Mission_L8[mission].to_s)
# * Ends Window_Missiondesc
# Scene_MissionMenu
class Scene_Missionmenu
# * Object Initialization
def initialize(menu_index = 0)
@menu_index = menu_index
# * Main
def main
@missionhelp_window = Window_Missionhelp.new
@missionlist_window = Window_Missionlist.new
@missionnum_window = Window_MissionNum.new
@missioncomp_window = Window_Missioncomp.new(@missionlist_window.mission)
@missiondesc_window = Window_Missiondesc.new(@missionlist_window.mission)
@mission = @missionlist_window.mission
loop do
if $scene != self
# * Update
def update
mis = Mission_Menu
@missionhelp_window.update("Select a mission to see details.")
if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
$scene = Scene_Menu.new
# * Ends Scene_Missionmenu
Please, Leave me your thoughts.