03-09-2005, 01:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-19-2017, 04:32 AM by DerVVulfman.)
Crafting/recipe System "final" Version, mix items (and more)
By Deke
posted by Dubealex
Mar 9 2005
Final version updates:
-Item stats are now properly displayed in the result's window. (Thanks Dubealex for the help file)
-It is now possible to create the same item using different ingredients. (Previously this did not work when you used a master list).
Here a sample picture of the interface:
I will try to give a little better explanation on how to use this script.
First of in order to craft an item, you need to create a recipe. A recipe has 5 things.
1. INGREDIENTS (part 1)
An array of items used to make the desired object. These arrays simply consist of the indexes of the object taken form the database. For example, in the picture below the index of a tablet is 30. The indexes of a card and fruit would be 31 and 32, respectively. If we wanted to make a recipe that used all three objects, our ingredients array would look like the following:
NOTE: Even if you only need 1 ingredient you should encapsulate it as an array. For example, the proper syntax would be [15], not 15.
2. INGREDIENTS (part 2)
You may not want all your recipes to be made only items. Maybe you want a recipe that uses a regular sword combined with dragon breath to make a fire sword. In order to make this possible you have to specify in your recipe what type of ingredients you are using. Ingredients can be items, armors, or weapons. I use the following convention (consistent with the default programming)
-items are type 0
-armors are type 1
-weapons are type 2
So, in my example, all the "ingredients" are items, so my type array would be [0,0,0].
NOTE: The type list should always be the same size as the ingredients list.
3. INGREDIENTS (part 3)
Well now that we know what type the ingredients are and what there index is, what else could we possibly need to know? You guessed it, we need to know how many of each ingredient the recipe requires. Suppose we just wanted 1 of each type of ingredient, our array would look like this: (This array should be the same size as the other two.)
4. THE RESULT (part 1)
Just like with the ingredients you need to tell the recipe what the index is of the object you want to create. The only difference is that now it doesn’t need to be in an array (if fact it CAN’T be an array). So if you wanted to create a mithril sword, your result would simple be the index of the sword (in mine and the default case, that’s 4).
5. THE RESULT (part 2)
Just like with the ingredients, you need to tell the recipe whether what you are making is an item (0), armor (1), or weapon (2). Once again, this is not an array.
For example, lets create a recipe for a mithril sword, requiring 1 tablet, 1 card, and 1 fruit you would use the following code:
NOTE: the name "sword" doesn't matter, because in the craft screen, the name of the item being created will be displayed, not the name of the object.
Now that the recipe exist, the party needs to learn it. To do this use the following code
Finally, to enter the crafting scene you will need to use the following code:
NOTE: by default, exiting the crafting scene brings you to the menu.
Well, here's the code, please try it out and let me know what you think
Well, that’s all well and good you may be asking yourself, how am I going to keep track of all these recipes? No worries, I am there to help you out with that one too. I have created a way to make one big list of recipes, then when you want to teach the party a recipe, you simple have to tell it what the index and type is of the item you want to craft here’s the code to do this.
NOTE: TO USE THIS CODE YOU WILL HAVE TO DO A LITTLE BIT OF SCRIPT EDITING. (Don’t worry thought it’s not that hard.)
The ONLY thing you will need to change is the numbers in red.
Just like before, the ingredients list is the number of the items from the database. The ingredients_types tell wether the the ingredients are items (0), armors (1), or weapons(2). The quantities are how many of each ingredient you need in the recipe. The result is the index of the item you are crafting, and the resuslt_type tells wether you are creating an item, armor, or weapon.
All you need to do to add more recipes is copy and past that little code snipet and put in the numbers that correspond to the ingredients and results you want.
Finally, if you want the party to learn the recipe you will use the following line of code:
This fist line will teach the party how to make the fourth weapon.
The second line will teach the party to make the 8th armor.
The third line would teach you how to create the 4th item.
However, the party will only learn a recipe if you have that recipe in the master list. Otherwise, nothing will happen.
As I mentioned above (way above), I recently added the option to learn multiple recipes for the same resulting object. Suppose we added the following code snipet after the other recipes in the master list (I hope by know you know where this would go).
You’ll notice that this is also a recipe for the fourth item (perfume in the default case). If you wanted the party to learn this recipe, you would use the following code:
Just simply, add the “,2� to identify that you want to learn the second version of that recipe from the master list. Guess how it works for the third, fourth… versions. Note, that if you want to learn the first form of a recipe you can put a “1� in. However, this is not at all necessary.
Hope that helped explain some things, and I hope you enjoy!
By Deke
posted by Dubealex
Mar 9 2005
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No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.
Final version updates:
-Item stats are now properly displayed in the result's window. (Thanks Dubealex for the help file)
-It is now possible to create the same item using different ingredients. (Previously this did not work when you used a master list).
Here a sample picture of the interface:
I will try to give a little better explanation on how to use this script.
First of in order to craft an item, you need to create a recipe. A recipe has 5 things.
1. INGREDIENTS (part 1)
An array of items used to make the desired object. These arrays simply consist of the indexes of the object taken form the database. For example, in the picture below the index of a tablet is 30. The indexes of a card and fruit would be 31 and 32, respectively. If we wanted to make a recipe that used all three objects, our ingredients array would look like the following:
NOTE: Even if you only need 1 ingredient you should encapsulate it as an array. For example, the proper syntax would be [15], not 15.
2. INGREDIENTS (part 2)
You may not want all your recipes to be made only items. Maybe you want a recipe that uses a regular sword combined with dragon breath to make a fire sword. In order to make this possible you have to specify in your recipe what type of ingredients you are using. Ingredients can be items, armors, or weapons. I use the following convention (consistent with the default programming)
-items are type 0
-armors are type 1
-weapons are type 2
So, in my example, all the "ingredients" are items, so my type array would be [0,0,0].
NOTE: The type list should always be the same size as the ingredients list.
3. INGREDIENTS (part 3)
Well now that we know what type the ingredients are and what there index is, what else could we possibly need to know? You guessed it, we need to know how many of each ingredient the recipe requires. Suppose we just wanted 1 of each type of ingredient, our array would look like this: (This array should be the same size as the other two.)
4. THE RESULT (part 1)
Just like with the ingredients you need to tell the recipe what the index is of the object you want to create. The only difference is that now it doesn’t need to be in an array (if fact it CAN’T be an array). So if you wanted to create a mithril sword, your result would simple be the index of the sword (in mine and the default case, that’s 4).
5. THE RESULT (part 2)
Just like with the ingredients, you need to tell the recipe whether what you are making is an item (0), armor (1), or weapon (2). Once again, this is not an array.
For example, lets create a recipe for a mithril sword, requiring 1 tablet, 1 card, and 1 fruit you would use the following code:
igredients = [30,31,32]
types = [0,0,0]
quantities = [1,1,1]
sword=Game_Recipe.new(ingredients, types, quantities,4,2)
NOTE: the name "sword" doesn't matter, because in the craft screen, the name of the item being created will be displayed, not the name of the object.
Now that the recipe exist, the party needs to learn it. To do this use the following code
Finally, to enter the crafting scene you will need to use the following code:
NOTE: by default, exiting the crafting scene brings you to the menu.
Well, here's the code, please try it out and let me know what you think
#-written by Deke
#-yes_no window code created by Phsylomortis
#updates to Game_Party class
class Game_Party
attr_accessor :recipes
alias crafting_party_initialize initialize
def initialize
def know?(recipe, version = 1)
unless recipe.is_a?(Game_Recipe)
recipe = get_recipe_from_master_list(recipe, version)
return $game_party.recipes.include?(recipe)
def learn_recipe(recipe , version = 1)
unless recipe.is_a?(Game_Recipe)
recipe = get_recipe_from_master_list(recipe, version)
if recipe.is_a?(Game_Recipe)
unless know?(recipe)
def forget_recipe(recipe , version = 1)
if !recipe.is_a?(Game_Recipe)
recipe = get_recipe_from_master_list(recipe, version)
if recipe.is_a?(Game_Recipe)
for i in 0...@recipes.size
if recipe == @recipes[i]
index = i
if index != nil
def get_recipe_from_master_list(item, version)
index = nil
for i in 0...$game_temp.recipe_list.size
if item[0] == $game_temp.recipe_list[i].result and item[1] ==$game_temp.recipe_list[i].result_type
version -= 1
if version == 0
index = i
if index.is_a?(Integer)
return ($game_temp.recipe_list[index])
return false
end # of Game_Party updates
class Game_Recipe
attr_reader :ingredients
attr_reader :quantities
attr_reader :result
attr_reader :result_type
attr_reader :ingredient_types
def initialize( ingredients, ingredient_types, quantities, result, result_type)
@ingredients = ingredients
@ingredient_types = ingredient_types
@quantities = quantities
@result = result
@result_type = result_type
def name
case @result_type
when 0
name = $data_items[@result].name
when 1
name = $data_armors[@result].name
when 2
name = $data_weapons[@result].name
return name
def have
have_all = true
for i in 0...@ingredients.size
case @ingredient_types[i]
when 0
if $game_party.item_number(@ingredients[i]) < @quantities[i]
when 1
if $game_party.armor_number(@ingredients[i]) < @quantities[i]
when 2
if $game_party.weapon_number(@ingredients[i]) < @quantities[i]
return have_all
def decrement
for i in 0...@ingredients.size
case @ingredient_types[i]
when 0
$game_party.lose_item(@ingredients[i], @quantities[i])
when 1
$game_party.lose_armor(@ingredients[i], @quantities[i])
when 2
$game_party.lose_weapon(@ingredients[i], @quantities[i])
def make
if have
case @result_type
when 0
$game_party.gain_item(@result, 1)
when 1
$game_party.gain_armor(@result, 1)
when 2
$game_party.gain_weapon(@result, 1)
def == (recipe)
if recipe.is_a?(Game_Recipe)
equal = true
if recipe.ingredients != self.ingredients
equal = false
if recipe.ingredient_types != self.ingredient_types
equal = false
if recipe.quantities != self.quantities
equal = false
if recipe.result != self.result
if recipe.result_type != self.result_type
equal = false
equal = false
return equal
end # of Game_Recipe class
class Window_Craft < Window_Selectable
def initialize
super(0, 64, 240, 416)
@column_max = 1
self.index = 0
def recipe
return @data[self.index]
def refresh
if self.contents != nil
self.contents = nil
@data = []
for i in 0...$game_party.recipes.size
@item_max = @data.size
if @item_max > 0
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, row_max * 32)
self.contents.font.name = $fontface.is_a?(String) ? $fontface : $defaultfonttype
self.contents.font.size = $fontsize.is_a?(Integer) ? $fontsize : $defaultfontsize
for i in 0...@item_max
def draw_item(index)
recipe = @data[index]
self.contents.font.color = recipe.have ? normal_color : disabled_color
x = 16
y = index * 32
self.contents.draw_text(x , y, self.width-32, 32, recipe.name, 0)
def update_help
current_recipe = recipe
if current_recipe.is_a?(Game_Recipe)
case current_recipe.result_type
when 0
description = $data_items[current_recipe.result].description
when 1
description = $data_armors[current_recipe.result].description
when 2
description = $data_weapons[current_recipe.result].description
description = ""
end # of Window_Craft
class Window_CraftResult < Window_Base
def initialize
super(240, 64, 400, 184)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.name = $fontface.is_a?(String) ? $fontface : $defaultfonttype
self.contents.font.size = 20
@result = nil
@type = nil
def refresh
case @type
when 0
item = $data_items[@result]
if item.recover_hp_rate > item.recover_hp
hp_string = "HP Recovery% :"
hp_stat = item.recover_hp_rate
hp_string = "HP Recovery Points:"
hp_stat = item.recover_hp
if item.recover_sp_rate > item.recover_sp
sp_string = "SP Recovery% :"
sp_stat = item.recover_sp_rate
sp_string = "SP Recovery Points:"
sp_stat = item.recover_sp
@strings = [hp_string, sp_string, "Phy. Def:" , "Mag Def:", "Accuracy:", "Variance:"]
@stats = [hp_stat, sp_stat, item. pdef_f, item.mdef_f, item.hit, item.variance,
@bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
when 1
item = $data_armors[@result]
@strings = ["Phy. Def:", "Mag. Def:", "Evasion plus:", "Strength plus:", "Dex. plus:",
"Agility plus:", "Int. plus:"]
@stats = [item.pdef, item.mdef, item.eva, item.str_plus, item.dex_plus,
item.agi_plus, item.int_plus, $game_party.armor_number(@result) ]
@bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
when 2
item = $data_weapons[@result]
@strings =["Attack Power:", "Phy. Def:", "Mag. Def:", "Strength plus:", "Dex. plus:",
"Agility plus:", "Int. plus:"]
@stats = [item.atk, item.pdef, item.mdef, item.str_plus, item.dex_plus,
item.agi_plus, item.int_plus, $game_party.weapon_number(@result) ]
@bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
for i in 0...@strings.size
x = i%2 * 184
y = i /2 *28 +32
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(x,y,100, 28,@strings[i])
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(x + 110, y, 45, 28, @stats[i].to_s)
self.contents.blt(0, 0, @bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 24, 24), 255)
self.contents.font.color= normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(40, 0, 300, 28, "Quantity curentley owned:")
self.contents.font.color = system_color
count = @stats[@stats.size - 1].to_s
self.contents.draw_text(294, 0, 45, 28, count )
def set_result(result , type)
@result = result
@type = type
end #of Window_CraftResult
class Window_CraftIngredients < Window_Base
def initialize
super(240, 248, 400, 232)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.name = $fontface.is_a?(String) ? $fontface : $defaultfonttype
self.contents.font.size = 20
@ingredients = []
@types = []
@quantities = []
@item = nil
@count = 0
def refresh
for i in 0...@ingredients.size
case @types[i]
when 0
@item = $data_items[@ingredients[i]]
@count = $game_party.item_number(@ingredients[i])
when 1
@item = $data_armors[@ingredients[i]]
@count = $game_party.armor_number(@ingredients[i])
when 2
@item = $data_weapons[@ingredients[i]]
@count = $game_party.weapon_number(@ingredients[i])
y = i *26
self.contents.blt(0, y, RPG::Cache.icon(@item.icon_name), Rect.new(0, 0, 24, 24), 255)
self.contents.font.color = @count >= @quantities[i] ? normal_color : disabled_color
self.contents.draw_text(30, y, 280, 28, @item.name)
self.contents.draw_text(300, y, 45, 28, @quantities[i].to_s)
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(245, y, 45, 28, @count.to_s )
def set_ingredients(ingredients , types, quantities)
@ingredients = ingredients
@types = types
@quantities = quantities
end # of Window_CraftIngredients
class Scene_Craft
def initialize(craft_index=0, return_scene = "menu")
@return_scene = return_scene
def main
@craft_window = Window_Craft.new
@confirm_window = Window_Base.new(120, 188, 400, 64)
@confirm_window.contents = Bitmap.new(368, 32)
@confirm_window.contents.font.name = $fontface.is_a?(String) ? $fontface : $defaultfonttype
@confirm_window.contents.font.size = $fontsize.is_a?(Integer) ? $fontsize : $defaultfontsize
@help_window = Window_Help.new
@craft_window.help_window = @help_window
@yes_no_window = Window_Command.new(100, ["Yes", "No"])
@confirm_window.visible = false
@confirm_window.z = 1500
@yes_no_window.visible = false
@yes_no_window.active = false
@yes_no_window.index = 1
@yes_no_window.x = 270
@yes_no_window.y = 252
@yes_no_window.z = 1500
@label_window = Window_Base.new(450,200,190,52)
@label_window.contents=Bitmap.new(@label_window.width - 32,@label_window.height - 32)
@label_window.contents.font.color = @label_window.normal_color
@label_window.contents.font.name = $fontface.is_a?(String) ? $fontface : $defaultfonttype
@label_window.contents.draw_text(0, 0, @label_window.contents.width, 20, " Have Need")
loop do
if $scene != self
def update
if $game_party.recipes.size > 0
@result_window.set_result(@craft_window.recipe.result, @craft_window.recipe.result_type)
if @craft_window.active
if @yes_no_window.active
def update_craft
if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
if @return_scene == "menu"
$scene = Scene_Menu.new(0)
$scene = Scene_Map.new
if Input.trigger?(Input::C) and $game_party.recipes.size != 0
@recipe = @craft_window.recipe
if @recipe.have
@yes_no_window.active = true
@craft_window.active = false
def confirm_update
@craft_index = @craft_window.index
@confirm_window.visible = true
@confirm_window.z = 1500
@yes_no_window.visible = true
@yes_no_window.active = true
@yes_no_window.z = 1500
string = "Create " + @recipe.name + "?"
cw = @confirm_window.contents.text_size(string).width
center = @confirm_window.contents.width/2 - cw /2
unless @drawn
@confirm_window.contents.draw_text(center, 0, cw, 30, string)
@drawn = true
if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
if @yes_no_window.index == 0
if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
end # of Scene_Craft
Well, that’s all well and good you may be asking yourself, how am I going to keep track of all these recipes? No worries, I am there to help you out with that one too. I have created a way to make one big list of recipes, then when you want to teach the party a recipe, you simple have to tell it what the index and type is of the item you want to craft here’s the code to do this.
NOTE: TO USE THIS CODE YOU WILL HAVE TO DO A LITTLE BIT OF SCRIPT EDITING. (Don’t worry thought it’s not that hard.)
# Sample master list for crafting script
#-written by Deke
class Game_Temp
attr_reader :recipe_list
alias crafting_temp_initialize initialize
def initialize
def get_recipe_list
ingredients = [30,31,32]
ingredient_types = [0,0,0]
quantities = [1,1,1]
result = 4
result_type = 2
ingredients = [29,30]
ingredient_types = [0,0]
quantities = [1,2]
result = 8
result_type = 1
ingredients = [30,31,1]
ingredient_types = [0,0,1]
quantities = [1,1,3]
result = 4
result_type = 0
end # of get_recipe_list method
end # of updates to Game_Temp Class
The ONLY thing you will need to change is the numbers in red.
Just like before, the ingredients list is the number of the items from the database. The ingredients_types tell wether the the ingredients are items (0), armors (1), or weapons(2). The quantities are how many of each ingredient you need in the recipe. The result is the index of the item you are crafting, and the resuslt_type tells wether you are creating an item, armor, or weapon.
All you need to do to add more recipes is copy and past that little code snipet and put in the numbers that correspond to the ingredients and results you want.
Finally, if you want the party to learn the recipe you will use the following line of code:
This fist line will teach the party how to make the fourth weapon.
The second line will teach the party to make the 8th armor.
The third line would teach you how to create the 4th item.
However, the party will only learn a recipe if you have that recipe in the master list. Otherwise, nothing will happen.
As I mentioned above (way above), I recently added the option to learn multiple recipes for the same resulting object. Suppose we added the following code snipet after the other recipes in the master list (I hope by know you know where this would go).
ingredients = [30,31]
ingredient_types = [0,0]
quantities = [1,1]
result = 4
result_type = 0
You’ll notice that this is also a recipe for the fourth item (perfume in the default case). If you wanted the party to learn this recipe, you would use the following code:
Just simply, add the “,2� to identify that you want to learn the second version of that recipe from the master list. Guess how it works for the third, fourth… versions. Note, that if you want to learn the first form of a recipe you can put a “1� in. However, this is not at all necessary.
Hope that helped explain some things, and I hope you enjoy!