04-16-2008, 01:00 PM
This will allow you to make animations
by azrith001
Apr 16 2008
To add animations in a script do the following...
make a property with a value of 0
now go to def update(or a def you create), and put...
replace n with the # of the frameyou want the occurence to happen(You can add multiple when, by typeing when + frame#
replace m with the #of frames there will be before looping.
now under one of the when's add a animate property...
for example
now after looping back to that frame it will add one to the opacity(Make sure you subtract the same amount you add unless you want it to decrease all the way to sideways 8)
and there you go practice using this over and over on diffrent properties(it's easy)
by azrith001
Apr 16 2008
This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given.
No support is given.
To add animations in a script do the following...
make a property with a value of 0
@property = 0
now go to def update(or a def you create), and put...
case @property = (@property += 1) % m
when n
replace n with the # of the frameyou want the occurence to happen(You can add multiple when, by typeing when + frame#
replace m with the #of frames there will be before looping.
now under one of the when's add a animate property...
for example
@property2.opacity += 1
now after looping back to that frame it will add one to the opacity(Make sure you subtract the same amount you add unless you want it to decrease all the way to sideways 8)
and there you go practice using this over and over on diffrent properties(it's easy)