CharSet Frame Change
CharSet Frame Change
by XeroVolume
Oct 22 2006

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
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Use this code if you have a CharSet that uses more than 4 frames for animation.


Allows loading of CharSets being of any column width, such as that of 8-frame movement characters.


If you do not wish to use the default 4 frames movement, place "w_x" within the filename of the CharSet to be used. "x" represents the number of frames being used. For example:

"hero2 w_8.png" might be the name of a CharSet that uses 8 frames for movement.


Apply the edits found in the sections below.

Game_Character 1

Add on line 28, after attr_accessor: transparent
attr_accessor :charset_tile_width          # Amount of frames, i.e. columns of characters in the charset.

Game_Character 2

Replace @pattern = (@pattern + 1) % 4 (should be line 31) with:
# Pattern is the current movement frame (i.e. column) the character is currently on.
@pattern = (@pattern + 1) % @charset_tile_width

Replace @character_name = command.parameters[0] (should be line 323) with:
#Def: @character_name = command.parameters[0]
set_charset command.parameters[0]


Replace @character_name = actor.character_name (should be line 141) with:
#def: @character_name = @page.graphic.character_name
set_charset @page.graphic.character_name


Replace @character_name = actor.character_name (should be line 106) with:
#Def: @character_name = actor.character_name
# Update character name, auto sets tile width.
set_charset actor.character_name


Replace @cw = bitmap.width / 4 (should be line 47) with:
# def: @cw = bitmap.width / 4
@cw = bitmap.width / @character.charset_tile_width

Now add a new class after Game_Character 3 called Game_Character_CFC

Paste this into it:
class Game_Character
  # Reads the name of the charset to determine the tile width of the
  # character.
  def set_charset(charname)
    # Default tile width.
    @charset_tile_width = 4
    charname.gsub(/w\_(\d+)/) {@charset_tile_width = $1.to_i}


I did not write this script!!! Sorry, but I don't know who the original author is. That being said, if anyone recognizes this or knows who wrote it, please let me know so I can give them the credit they deserve!!!

P.S. This is my first script post. How'd I do?

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