Learning Ruby is fun!
I just made my first program with Ruby! A badass tip calculator. At first while reading these books on the programming language, I was pretty overwhelmed. I did the tutorials for "Hello World" and whatnot, studied variables and conditions, and decided to just wing it and apply some of the things I learned. Simple math was obvious from the start, so I thought a tip calculator would be a great test of skill. My particular program utilizes simple variables, the gets method for requesting user input, if-else condition to check for negative numbers, and of course the math to calculate your share of the bill.

I'm really satisfied with myself at this point and feeling pretty excited about learning Ruby. I thought I'd share it with the community so they can feel as much joy as I do :P

Oh well, off to learn more!
Coolness I thought about learning Ruby to be able to customize my games better..My hands seem so full with learning c++ and dark gdk though. But congrats on your success with Ruby. I stole a couple of glances at the script language used in rmxp to call it mind boggling is a understatement.What do you hope to do with it ultimately?
[Image: ovan35_sig.jpg]
Sweet Ruby is fun to learn , Or it was for the tidbit i know . So this calculator what does it do exactly ? So enjoy learning and making your brain go numb but in the end it has a small chance of being worth it :D
My stuff

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