License Check
Name: License Check, DELTA07's Modification
by DELTA07
Dec 30 2006

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This script is almost just like xmukoux's license check script. This script allows you to get multiple license files to maybe have a different one for each game instead of changing the script and compiling it over again for each buyer of the game. Now also people this isn't even my first script this is my first modification for a script so don't go up to me saying what the hell I could've done this!

EX: You can take orders from people each month on who wants the game. You get the money and you add all the licenses nessisary and add them to the script. Instead of maybe everyday you you have to compile the game 5 times each day.

Script (NON SDK!!!)

Instructions: Instructions are in the script...

Future Plans for next version:
Make SDK Version.
Set license checking to be in a conditional branch for people with low, very low scripting knowledge.
Somehow when I come with more scripting knowledge, the same licenses don't work on two copys of the game.

99% of thanks goto xmukoux.
And 1% to me.
Now people if you use this version which is version 1, you don't have to credit me because it isn't that good of a modification. But you'll have to ask about crediting xmukoux.

Only bug or error you can get is a syntax error and this is most likely caused if this script isn't put at the very top of all the other scripts, wrong name, or you forgot to add an end command after the last line for each of you license checks.

This script is also fully tested. You will not get an error if to of the validated licenses are there.

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