03-02-2006, 01:00 PM
New Materia
by Vandette
Mar 2 2006
First off, thanks goes to SephirothSpawn for the creation of his amazingly useful and customizable script.
Secondly, when adding the materia information to the list of materia, make sure you give it the next available number (ex: if you have 10 materias, make the one you are adding number 11), the number is the first value in the materia info array.
Thirdly, (also about when adding materia) when you add a materia, make sure that the last materia in the list has no comma at the end of it, but all the other ones do.
and with out further ado, the Materias:
Materia 1: Critical Hit Chance Up
Inspired by: Satiel
Materia Type: Independent (purple)
Description: Raises your chance of a critical hit when equipped, amount raised is based on materia level
Instructions: add this materia to your materia list:
now find this code (in materia system):
and add this after it:
now goto Game_Battler 3 and find this line:
and replace it with:
now go to Game_Enemy and and add a new def called critplus with this code:
and thats all.
Materia 2: Escape From Battle Chance Up
Inspired by: Drake_Miriel
Materia Type: Independent (purple)
Description: Raises your chance of escaping from battle when equipped, raise is based on materia level
Instructions: add this materia to your materia list:
now find this code (in materia system):
and add this after it:
now go to Scene_Battle 2 and look for this:
and add this right after it:
now scroll down a bit and find this line:
and replace it with this:
and thats all.
Materia 3: Decrease Casting Cost
Inspired by: Drake_Miriel
Materia Type: Support (blue)
Description: decreases casting cost of attached materia skills based on materia level
Instructions: add this materia to your materia list:
now find def update_phase3_skill_select (in materia system) and add a line after the third 'end' and put this in it:
and thats all.
Materia 4: Increased Item Drops
Inspired by: Vandette
Materia Type: Independent (purple)
Description: Raises your chance of an enemy dropping an item after battle, raise based on materia level
Instructions: add this materia to your materia list:
now find this code (in materia system):
and add this after it:
now goto Scene_Battle 2 (def start_phase5) and find this this:
right after it add this:
now scroll down a little and find:
change it to this:
nd thats all.
Materia 5: Damage Cut
Inspired by: Drake_Miriel
Materia Type: Independent (purple)
Description: cuts damage received in battle, cut based on materia level
Instructions: add this materia to your materia list:
now find this code (in materia system):
and add this after it:
now go to Game_Enemy and and add a new def called cutdamage with this code:
right after it add this:
now go to Scene_Battler 3 and go to the def called Attack Effect and find this code:
replace it with this:
and thats all.
if you have any materia requests, post them here.
by Vandette
Mar 2 2006
This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.
No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.
First off, thanks goes to SephirothSpawn for the creation of his amazingly useful and customizable script.
Secondly, when adding the materia information to the list of materia, make sure you give it the next available number (ex: if you have 10 materias, make the one you are adding number 11), the number is the first value in the materia info array.
Thirdly, (also about when adding materia) when you add a materia, make sure that the last materia in the list has no comma at the end of it, but all the other ones do.
and with out further ado, the Materias:
Materia 1: Critical Hit Chance Up
Inspired by: Satiel
Materia Type: Independent (purple)
Description: Raises your chance of a critical hit when equipped, amount raised is based on materia level
Instructions: add this materia to your materia list:
Materia.new(51, 'Critical Plus', 'Independent', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], 2000, 10000,
[], [2000, 4000, 7000, 11000], 'Critical Plus')
now find this code (in materia system):
# * Get Intelligence (INT)
def int
# Orginal Max Int Method
n = seph_materiasystem_gameactor_int
# Collects SP Difference From Materia
variance = 0
for materia in @weapon_materia + @armor1_materia + @armor2_materia +
@armor3_materia + @armor4_materia
unless materia.nil?
variance += materia.stat_effects[5]
if materia.special_effect == 'Magic Plus'
variance += (materia.level * 5)
# Takes Percentage
n *= ((100 + variance) / 100.0)
n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 999].min
return n
and add this after it:
# * Critical Hit Chance Up
def critplus
variance = 0
for materia in @weapon_materia + @armor1_materia + @armor2_materia +
@armor3_materia + @armor4_materia
unless materia.nil?
if materia.special_effect == 'Critical Plus'
variance += (materia.level * 5)
return variance
now goto Game_Battler 3 and find this line:
if rand(100) < 4 * attacker.dex / self.agi
and replace it with:
if rand(100) < ((4 * attacker.dex / self.agi) + attacker.critplus)
now go to Game_Enemy and and add a new def called critplus with this code:
# * Critical Fix
def critplus
return 0
and thats all.
Materia 2: Escape From Battle Chance Up
Inspired by: Drake_Miriel
Materia Type: Independent (purple)
Description: Raises your chance of escaping from battle when equipped, raise is based on materia level
Instructions: add this materia to your materia list:
Materia.new(52, 'Escape Plus', 'Independent', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], 2000, 10000,
[], [2000, 4000, 7000, 11000], 'Escape Plus')
now find this code (in materia system):
# * Get Intelligence (INT)
def int
# Orginal Max Int Method
n = seph_materiasystem_gameactor_int
# Collects SP Difference From Materia
variance = 0
for materia in @weapon_materia + @armor1_materia + @armor2_materia +
@armor3_materia + @armor4_materia
unless materia.nil?
variance += materia.stat_effects[5]
if materia.special_effect == 'Magic Plus'
variance += (materia.level * 5)
# Takes Percentage
n *= ((100 + variance) / 100.0)
n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 999].min
return n
and add this after it:
# * Escape Chance Up
def escapeplus
variance = 0
for materia in @weapon_materia + @armor1_materia + @armor2_materia +
@armor3_materia + @armor4_materia
unless materia.nil?
if materia.special_effect == 'Escape Plus'
variance += (materia.level * 5)
return variance
now go to Scene_Battle 2 and look for this:
# Calculate actor agility average
actors_agi = 0
actors_number = 0
for actor in $game_party.actors
if actor.exist?
actors_agi += actor.agi
actors_number += 1
and add this right after it:
# Checks for escapeplus materia
escapeplus = 0
actors_number = 0
for actor in $game_party.actors
if actor.exist?
escapeplus += actor.escapeplus
actors_number += 1
now scroll down a bit and find this line:
success = rand(100) < 50 * actors_agi / enemies_agi
and replace it with this:
success = rand(100) < (50 * actors_agi / enemies_agi) + escapeplus
and thats all.
Materia 3: Decrease Casting Cost
Inspired by: Drake_Miriel
Materia Type: Support (blue)
Description: decreases casting cost of attached materia skills based on materia level
Instructions: add this materia to your materia list:
Materia.new(54, 'Casting Cost Down', 'Support', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], 2000, 10000,
[], [11000], 'Casting Cost Down')
now find def update_phase3_skill_select (in materia system) and add a line after the third 'end' and put this in it:
if materia.special_effect == 'Casting Cost Down'
for skill_id in other_materia.skills
if skill_id == @skill.id
# Duplicates Skill and Changes ID
new_skill = @skill.dup
new_skill.sp_cost = (@skill.sp_cost / (materia.level * 2))
new_skill.id = $data_skills.size
$data_skills << new_skill
# Set action
@active_battler.current_action.skill_id = new_skill.id
# End skill selection
# End enemy selection
end_enemy_select unless @enemy_arrow.nil?
# End actor selection
end_actor_select unless @actor_arrow.nil?
# Go to command input for next actor
and thats all.
Materia 4: Increased Item Drops
Inspired by: Vandette
Materia Type: Independent (purple)
Description: Raises your chance of an enemy dropping an item after battle, raise based on materia level
Instructions: add this materia to your materia list:
Materia.new(53, 'Item Drop Up', 'Independent', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], 2000, 10000,
[], [2000, 4000, 7000, 11000], 'Item Drop Up')
now find this code (in materia system):
# * Get Intelligence (INT)
def int
# Orginal Max Int Method
n = seph_materiasystem_gameactor_int
# Collects SP Difference From Materia
variance = 0
for materia in @weapon_materia + @armor1_materia + @armor2_materia +
@armor3_materia + @armor4_materia
unless materia.nil?
variance += materia.stat_effects[5]
if materia.special_effect == 'Magic Plus'
variance += (materia.level * 5)
# Takes Percentage
n *= ((100 + variance) / 100.0)
n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 999].min
return n
and add this after it:
# * Item Drop Chance Up
def itemdropup
variance = 0
for materia in @weapon_materia + @armor1_materia + @armor2_materia +
@armor3_materia + @armor4_materia
unless materia.nil?
if materia.special_effect == 'Item Drop Up'
variance += (materia.level * 5)
return variance
now goto Scene_Battle 2 (def start_phase5) and find this this:
gold += enemy.gold
right after it add this:
dropup = 0
actors_number = 0
for actor in $game_party.actors
if actor.exist?
dropup += actor.itemdropup
actors_number += 1
now scroll down a little and find:
if rand(100) < enemy.treasure_prob
if rand(100) < enemy.treasure_prob + dropup
nd thats all.
Materia 5: Damage Cut
Inspired by: Drake_Miriel
Materia Type: Independent (purple)
Description: cuts damage received in battle, cut based on materia level
Instructions: add this materia to your materia list:
Materia.new(54, 'Cut Damage', 'Independent', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], 2000, 10000,
[], [2000, 4000, 7000, 11000], 'Cut Damage')
now find this code (in materia system):
# * Get Intelligence (INT)
def int
# Orginal Max Int Method
n = seph_materiasystem_gameactor_int
# Collects SP Difference From Materia
variance = 0
for materia in @weapon_materia + @armor1_materia + @armor2_materia +
@armor3_materia + @armor4_materia
unless materia.nil?
variance += materia.stat_effects[5]
if materia.special_effect == 'Magic Plus'
variance += (materia.level * 5)
# Takes Percentage
n *= ((100 + variance) / 100.0)
n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 999].min
return n
and add this after it:
# * Cut Damage
def cutdamage
variance = 1.0
for materia in @weapon_materia + @armor1_materia + @armor2_materia +
@armor3_materia + @armor4_materia
unless materia.nil?
if materia.special_effect == 'Cut Damage'
variance = (1.0 + (materia.level / 5.0))
return variance
now go to Game_Enemy and and add a new def called cutdamage with this code:
# * Cut Damage Fix
def cutdamage
return 1
right after it add this:
dropup = 0
actors_number = 0
for actor in $game_party.actors
if actor.exist?
dropup += actor.itemdropup
actors_number += 1
now go to Scene_Battler 3 and go to the def called Attack Effect and find this code:
self.hp -= self.damage
replace it with this:
subdmg = self.damage / self.cutdamage
self.damage = subdmg.to_i
self.hp -= self.damage
and thats all.
if you have any materia requests, post them here.