Field Skills
Field Skills
by Fox536
V 2.5
Mar 16 2009

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Yep so i released this a while back... but now here is an new improved version...

Version: 2.5

its way better then the first release

Screenshot: None
.exe   Field_Skill.exe (Size: 307.35 KB / Downloads: 2)

features: 1.0
-> use a skill on the field to affect events in new ways

features: 2.3
-> now with a in scene direction/target change

-> includes a ice bridge making built in function that makes a bridge across any tile
with a terrain tag id that is defined near the top of the script

-> added new choice of spell user which it needed badly now player can chosse
who will cast the spell instead of just using the first actor that can the skill

new features: 2.5

-> Now bridge system works perfect (both Ice and Stone Bridge)

-> Path of the Bridge now is also displayed

let me know what yall think of the improved system


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