03-09-2005, 01:00 PM
Complete Keyboard Input Script
by Cybersam
Ver 4
Mar 9 2005
Download the demo here:
keyboard_scriptv4.exe (Size: 242.25 KB / Downloads: 1)
This script is by Cybersam.
I asked Cybersam if I could post his script on my site, and the answer was positive, hence this cool script now availble here:
Here's the script, instructions will follows:
Create a new class above main, name it Keyboard_Input, and add this code in it:
How to use it:
You must do IF statements in your scripts in order for this to work... so we'll look at how to add an actions to the button E that would print the message YIPEE on screen.
TO do an IF, you can check my RGSS Reference for further help. But it would look like that:
> That IF must be in the UPDATE method, that way it's always being checked out.
You can use those in conditional events in the event editor too, on Page 4 you can use "Script", just write that in it.
The syntax used: keyboard(R_Key_E)
R_Key_E This is where you write the key you want to bind to the action in the IF. The complete list is in Keyboard_Input class.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here.
In the demo you can see that it is in Scene_Map around line #53
by Cybersam
Ver 4
Mar 9 2005
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No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.
Download the demo here:
keyboard_scriptv4.exe (Size: 242.25 KB / Downloads: 1)
This script is by Cybersam.
I asked Cybersam if I could post his script on my site, and the answer was positive, hence this cool script now availble here:
Here's the script, instructions will follows:
Create a new class above main, name it Keyboard_Input, and add this code in it:
# ■ Keyboard Script
# By: Cybersam
# Date: 25/05/05
# Version 4
module Kboard
$RMouse_BUTTON_L = 0x01 # left mouse button
$RMouse_BUTTON_R = 0x02 # right mouse button
$RMouse_BUTTON_M = 0x04 # middle mouse button
$RMouse_BUTTON_4 = 0x05 # 4th mouse button
$RMouse_BUTTON_5 = 0x06 # 5th mouse button
$R_Key_BACK = 0x08 # BACKSPACE key
$R_Key_TAB = 0x09 # TAB key
$R_Key_RETURN = 0x0D # ENTER key
$R_Key_SHIFT = 0x10 # SHIFT key
$R_Key_CTLR = 0x11 # CTLR key
$R_Key_ALT = 0x12 # ALT key
$R_Key_PAUSE = 0x13 # PAUSE key
$R_Key_CAPITAL = 0x14 # CAPS LOCK key
$R_Key_ESCAPE = 0x1B # ESC key
$R_Key_SPACE = 0x20 # SPACEBAR
$R_Key_PRIOR = 0x21 # PAGE UP key
$R_Key_NEXT = 0x22 # PAGE DOWN key
$R_Key_END = 0x23 # END key
$R_Key_HOME = 0x24 # HOME key
$R_Key_LEFT = 0x25 # LEFT ARROW key
$R_Key_UP = 0x26 # UP ARROW key
$R_Key_RIGHT = 0x27 # RIGHT ARROW key
$R_Key_DOWN = 0x28 # DOWN ARROW key
$R_Key_SELECT = 0x29 # SELECT key
$R_Key_PRINT = 0x2A # PRINT key
$R_Key_INSERT = 0x2D # INS key
$R_Key_DELETE = 0x2E # DEL key
$R_Key_0 = 0x30 # 0 key
$R_Key_1 = 0x31 # 1 key
$R_Key_2 = 0x32 # 2 key
$R_Key_3 = 0x33 # 3 key
$R_Key_4 = 0x34 # 4 key
$R_Key_5 = 0x35 # 5 key
$R_Key_6 = 0x36 # 6 key
$R_Key_7 = 0x37 # 7 key
$R_Key_8 = 0x38 # 8 key
$R_Key_9 = 0x39 # 9 key
$R_Key_A = 0x41 # A key
$R_Key_B = 0x42 # B key
$R_Key_C = 0x43 # C key
$R_Key_D = 0x44 # D key
$R_Key_E = 0x45 # E key
$R_Key_F = 0x46 # F key
$R_Key_G = 0x47 # G key
$R_Key_H = 0x48 # H key
$R_Key_I = 0x49 # I key
$R_Key_J = 0x4A # J key
$R_Key_K = 0x4B # K key
$R_Key_L = 0x4C # L key
$R_Key_M = 0x4D # M key
$R_Key_N = 0x4E # N key
$R_Key_O = 0x4F # O key
$R_Key_P = 0x50 # P key
$R_Key_Q = 0x51 # Q key
$R_Key_R = 0x52 # R key
$R_Key_S = 0x53 # S key
$R_Key_T = 0x54 # T key
$R_Key_U = 0x55 # U key
$R_Key_V = 0x56 # V key
$R_Key_W = 0x57 # W key
$R_Key_X = 0x58 # X key
$R_Key_Y = 0x59 # Y key
$R_Key_Z = 0x5A # Z key
$R_Key_LWIN = 0x5B # Left Windows key (Microsoft Natural keyboard)
$R_Key_RWIN = 0x5C # Right Windows key (Natural keyboard)
$R_Key_APPS = 0x5D # Applications key (Natural keyboard)
$R_Key_NUMPAD0 = 0x60 # Numeric keypad 0 key
$R_Key_NUMPAD1 = 0x61 # Numeric keypad 1 key
$R_Key_NUMPAD2 = 0x62 # Numeric keypad 2 key
$R_Key_NUMPAD3 = 0x63 # Numeric keypad 3 key
$R_Key_NUMPAD4 = 0x64 # Numeric keypad 4 key
$R_Key_NUMPAD5 = 0x65 # Numeric keypad 5 key
$R_Key_NUMPAD6 = 0x66 # Numeric keypad 6 key
$R_Key_NUMPAD7 = 0x67 # Numeric keypad 7 key
$R_Key_NUMPAD8 = 0x68 # Numeric keypad 8 key
$R_Key_NUMPAD9 = 0x69 # Numeric keypad 9 key
$R_Key_MULTIPLY = 0x6A # Multiply key (*)
$R_Key_ADD = 0x6B # Add key (+)
$R_Key_SEPARATOR = 0x6C # Separator key
$R_Key_SUBTRACT = 0x6D # Subtract key (-)
$R_Key_DECIMAL = 0x6E # Decimal key
$R_Key_DIVIDE = 0x6F # Divide key (/)
$R_Key_F1 = 0x70 # F1 key
$R_Key_F2 = 0x71 # F2 key
$R_Key_F3 = 0x72 # F3 key
$R_Key_F4 = 0x73 # F4 key
$R_Key_F5 = 0x74 # F5 key
$R_Key_F6 = 0x75 # F6 key
$R_Key_F7 = 0x76 # F7 key
$R_Key_F8 = 0x77 # F8 key
$R_Key_F9 = 0x78 # F9 key
$R_Key_F10 = 0x79 # F10 key
$R_Key_F11 = 0x7A # F11 key
$R_Key_F12 = 0x7B # F12 key
$R_Key_NUMLOCK = 0x90 # NUM LOCK key
$R_Key_SCROLL = 0x91 # SCROLL LOCK key
$R_Key_LSHIFT = 0xA0 # Left SHIFT key
$R_Key_RSHIFT = 0xA1 # Right SHIFT key
$R_Key_LCONTROL = 0xA2 # Left CONTROL key
$R_Key_RCONTROL = 0xA3 # Right CONTROL key
$R_Key_L_ALT = 0xA4 # Left ALT key
$R_Key_R_ALT = 0xA5 # Right ALT key
$R_Key_SEP = 0xBC # , key
$R_Key_DASH = 0xBD # - key
$R_Key_DOTT = 0xBE # . key
GetKeyState = Win32API.new("user32","GetAsyncKeyState",['i'],'i')
GetKeyboardState = Win32API.new("user32","GetKeyState",['i'],'i')
GetSetKeyState = Win32API.new("user32","SetKeyboardState",['i'],'i')
def keyb(rkey)
if GetKeyState.call(rkey) != 0
return 1
return 0
def keyboard(rkey)
GetKeyState.call(rkey) & 0x01 == 1 #
def key(rkey, key = 0)
GetKeyboardState.call(rkey) & 0x01 == key #
How to use it:
You must do IF statements in your scripts in order for this to work... so we'll look at how to add an actions to the button E that would print the message YIPEE on screen.
TO do an IF, you can check my RGSS Reference for further help. But it would look like that:
if keyboard(R_Key_E)
print "YIPEE!"
> That IF must be in the UPDATE method, that way it's always being checked out.
You can use those in conditional events in the event editor too, on Page 4 you can use "Script", just write that in it.
The syntax used: keyboard(R_Key_E)
R_Key_E This is where you write the key you want to bind to the action in the IF. The complete list is in Keyboard_Input class.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here.
In the demo you can see that it is in Scene_Map around line #53