08-14-2009, 01:00 PM
Tutorial system
by Jimmie
Aug 14 2009
Modern algebra once made this awesome script which lets you (relatively) easily make a tutorial for any scene. Upon request, I've now ported this script for XP. I have only done simple testing, so please alert me to any issues you discover so I can fix them as soon as possible n_n;;
For those not familiar with the original script, this lets you open up a scene and then simulate user input using the "Set move route" or "Control variables" event commands in a common event. You can also use the "Show text" command to explain what you're up to.
by Jimmie
Aug 14 2009
This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
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No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.
Modern algebra once made this awesome script which lets you (relatively) easily make a tutorial for any scene. Upon request, I've now ported this script for XP. I have only done simple testing, so please alert me to any issues you discover so I can fix them as soon as possible n_n;;
For those not familiar with the original script, this lets you open up a scene and then simulate user input using the "Set move route" or "Control variables" event commands in a common event. You can also use the "Show text" command to explain what you're up to.
# Scene Tutorial
# Version 1.0
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: September 15, 2008
# Modified by Jimmie for RMXP, 14 of August 2009
# Description:
# This script allows you to freeze user input for a scene and run a special
# common event that controls input. Effectively, this allows you to run a
# scene and direct a tutorial to that scene that explains what the scene is.
# So, if you ever wanted to give the players to your game a tutorial on
# using the Menu scene, then this is the script for you.
# Instructions:
# Okay, this script can be slightly difficult to use, so you have to pay
# careful attention to the instructions.
# To start a tutorial, you must use a call script with this code:
# $tutorial.start (scene, common event id)
# where scene is the name of the scene to call, (like Scene_Menu or
# Scene_Battle) and common event ID is the ID of the common event that
# controls the tutorial. Now, that's the easy part. Setting up the controller
# common event will be tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it,
# you'll be fine. Now, read the instructions very carefully:
# The Standard Wait Variable - You set what Variable this will be at line
# 200. The value of this variable determines how many frames to wait for
# after each command.
# The controller common event is similar to a regular common event in some
# ways but many of the commands will be unavailable to you while others will
# be irrelevant and others still will have a different effect than you would
# expect. In the instructions, I will go over the functions of what will be
# the most important commands in making a scene tutorial, but I just wanted
# to warn you that many commands will not work as you expect them to. (For
# instance, pictures, screen tone etc... will only work in a battle or map
# tutorial). So, depending on how the scene is built, some things are
# possible while others are not. Note, however, that in a number of cases,
# you can simulate the effect that is not possible. That being said, it can
# get quite convoluted, but that was as far as I was willing to go with this
# script. I apologize for the difficulty.
# Anyway, there are a couple of specialized commands that have their function
# changed from what they would normally do. These are:
# Control Variable
# Set Move Route
# These have been changed so that rather than do what they would normally,
# they instead interpret input. Since player input is frozen during a
# tutorial, scene movement is handled by you, the game creator. It is done
# through these two commands. This can be rather non-intuitive, but for each
# value of 0 through 19, a button is attached. It is similar for Set Move
# Route, but let's go over the variable way of setting input first.
# To set it, it must be a single variable set to a constant. If any other
# option is chosen, then the Control Variable command will function normally.
# Also, the control variable command will behave normally if the variable you
# choose is the one you choose for setting standard wait time. Anyway, here
# is the list of values and their effects:
# 0 - Down Cursor
# 1 - Left Cursor
# 2 - Right Cursor
# 3 - Up Cursor
# 4 - Button A
# 5 - Button B
# 6 - Button C
# 7 - Button X
# 8 - Button Y
# 9 - Button Z
# 10 - Button L
# 11 - Button R
# 12 - SHIFT
# 13 - CTRL
# 14 - ALT
# 15 - F5
# 16 - F6
# 17 - F7
# 18 - F8
# 19 - F9
# If you want to wait some frames, the Wait command will work normally.
# Set Move Route has a similar set of moves attached. They are:
# Move Down - Down Cursor
# Move Left - Left Cursor
# Move Right - Right Cursor
# Move Up - Up Cursor
# Move Lower Left - Button A
# Move Lower Right - Button B
# Move Upper Left - Button C
# Move Upper Right - Button X
# Move at Random - Button Y
# Move Toward Player - Button Z
# Move Away from Player - Button L
# One Step Forward - Button R
# One Step Backward - SHIFT
# Jump - CTRL
# Wait - Waits for however many frames
# Turn Down - ALT
# Turn Left - F5
# Turn Right - F6
# Turn Up - F7
# Turn 90 Left - F8
# Turn 90 Right - F9
# So basically, using those commands will make the scene react as if the
# corresponding button had just been pressed.
# *** Input
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - trigger?, press?, repeat?
module Input
class << self
# * Frame Update
# Updates tutorial as well if it exists. It does it in Input as all scenes
# update Input every frame
alias modalg_tutorials_update_9rt update
def update
$tutorial.update if $tutorial.active?
# Run Original Method
# * Trigger?
# If Tutorial is running, freezes input and accepts only tutorial input
alias modalg_tut_frz_inpt_trig_dj5 trigger?
def trigger? (key)
return $tutorial.button == key if $tutorial.active? && !$tutorial.upd_input
# Run Original Method
modalg_tut_frz_inpt_trig_dj5 (key)
# * Repeat?
# If Tutorial is running, freezes input and accepts only tutorial input
alias modalg_rpt_tutorial_upd_8fn repeat?
def repeat? (key)
return $tutorial.button == key if $tutorial.active? && !$tutorial.upd_input
# Run Original Method
modalg_rpt_tutorial_upd_8fn (key)
# * Press?
# If Tutorial is running, freezes input and accepts only tutorial input
alias modalg_tut_prs_frz_inpt_9nfg press?
def press? (key)
return $tutorial.button == key if $tutorial.active? && !$tutorial.upd_input
# Run Original Method
modalg_tut_prs_frz_inpt_9nfg (key)
# ** Tutorial Guide
# This class handles the interpretation of the common event for a tutorial
class Game_TutorialGuide < Interpreter
# * Constant
# STANDARD WAIT VARIABLE is the ID of the event variable that holds a
# standard wait between input commands. Basically, if this is set to 2,
# then Variable with ID 2 will control the wait between actions. So, if
# Variable with ID 2 is set to 4, then it will wait four frames before
# executing the next command in the common event
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
@wait_frames = 0
# * Control Variable
def command_122
if @parameters[3] == 0 || @parameters[0] == STANDARD_WAIT_VARIABLE
command_input (@parameters[4] + 1)
# * Set Move Route
def command_209
@move_route = @parameters[1].list
@moveroute_index = 0
# * Wait
def command_106
command_wait (@params[0])
# * Frame Update
def update
# Wait
if @wait_frames > 0
@wait_frames -= 1
# Execute Move Route Input
unless @move_route.nil?
loop do
# Move on once move route exhausted
if @moveroute_index >= (@move_route.size - 1)
@move_route = nil
@moveroute_index = 0
# Execute Input command
command_move (@move_route[@moveroute_index])
@moveroute_index += 1
return if @wait_frames > 0
return false if @list.nil?
return if !execute_command # Execute event command
@index += 1
# * Command Input
# button_code : the key a button corresponds to.
def command_input (button_value)
$tutorial.button = case button_value
when 1 then Input::DOWN # Cursor Down
when 2 then Input::LEFT # Cursor Left
when 3 then Input::RIGHT # Cursor Right
when 4 then Input::UP # Cursor Up
when 5 then Input::A # Press A
when 6 then Input::B # Press B
when 7 then Input::C # Press C
when 8 then Input::X # Press X
when 9 then Input::Y # Press Y
when 10 then Input::Z # Press Z
when 11 then Input::L # Press L
when 12 then Input::R # Press R
when 13 then Input::SHIFT # Press SHIFT
when 14 then Input::CTRL # Press CTRL
when 15 then Input::ALT # Press ALT
when 16 then Input::F5 # Press F5
when 17 then Input::F6 # Press F6
when 18 then Input::F7 # Press F7
when 19 then Input::F8 # Press F8
when 20 then Input::F9 # Press F9
@wait_frames = $game_variables[STANDARD_WAIT_VARIABLE]
# * Command Move
def command_move (command)
command_input (command.code) if command.code < 15
command_wait (command.parameters[0] - 1) if command.code == 15
command_input (command.code - 1) if command.code.between? (16, 21)
# * Command Wait
# duration : the number of frames to wait
def command_wait (duration)
# Wait Frames - Subtract Standard wait frames tacked on by previous command
@wait_frames = duration
# ** Tutorial
# This class basically interprets a common event and navigates a scene by the
# codes used in that common event
class Tutorial
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :upd_input
attr_accessor :button
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Initialize variables
@button = false
@upd_input = false
@active = false
@tutorial_guide = Game_TutorialGuide.new
@index = 0
@wait_frames = 0
# * Start
# scene : the scene to guide through
# common_event_id : the navigation common event
def start (scene, common_event_id)
# Get Common Event
@tutorial_guide.setup ($data_common_events[common_event_id].list, 1)
# Initialize Scene
$scene = scene.new
@active = true
# Initialize Message window here because uses $game variables.
if @message_window.nil?
@message_window = Window_Message.new
@message_window.z = 210
# * Update
def update
@button = nil
@upd_input = true
@upd_input = false
if $game_temp.message_text != nil or @message_window.visible
@active = false if @tutorial_guide.update == false
# * Active?
def active?
return @active
# ** Scene_Title
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - initialize
class Scene_Title
# * Initialize
# Initialize $tutorial
alias modalg_tutorial_scenes_ldb_init_nf4 initialize
def initialize
# Initialize Tutorial
$tutorial = Tutorial.new
# Run Original Method