10-01-2005, 01:00 PM
NPC Information
by SephirothSpawn
Oct 1 2005
Updated Attributes, Script Calling & Window Setup. (10.3.05)
What it does:
Basically, this will add information about NPCs you meet throughout your game.
Make a call script in an event like this:
New Features
You can also now fill in blank nps. However, if you do this, all current npcs will be deleted, so do this at the start of the game (recommended).
It will fill a list of Blank NPC's.
To substitute in those NPC's, use:
Updated: I updated how the NPC class Initializes, so it makes NPC calling a little easier. Just Fill in the info. For further Instructions, See Script.
Heres the code. Just add it somewhere above Main.
Any Request?
I would like to add more attributes to the NPC's. Any Ideas you'd like to add?
Also, If anyone has and request or a design they would like me to make the scene, just ask and I can do it.
Future Add in
As request by some people, Im modifing this Into 2 other uses:
-ABS Bestairy
by SephirothSpawn
Oct 1 2005
This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given.
No support is given.
Updated Attributes, Script Calling & Window Setup. (10.3.05)
What it does:
Basically, this will add information about NPCs you meet throughout your game.
Make a call script in an event like this:
a = "name";b = location
c = sex;d = age
e = height;f = weight
g = job;h = hobby
i = alignment;j = reputation
k = bio
npc = NPC.new(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k)
or To fill a specific Index
$npc_info.input_npc(npc, index)
New Features
You can also now fill in blank nps. However, if you do this, all current npcs will be deleted, so do this at the start of the game (recommended).
It will fill a list of Blank NPC's.
To substitute in those NPC's, use:
$npc_info.input_npc(npc, index)
Updated: I updated how the NPC class Initializes, so it makes NPC calling a little easier. Just Fill in the info. For further Instructions, See Script.
Heres the code. Just add it somewhere above Main.
# NPC Information
# Created By SephirothSpawn
# Last Updated: 10.03.05
#------------------------ Instructions ------------------------
#Make an Event with a Call Script
#Use this template:
# -------------------------------------------------------
# a = "name";b = location
# c = sex;d = age
# e = height;f = weight
# g = job;h = hobby
# i = alignment;j = reputation
# k = bio
# npc = NPC.new(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k)
# $npc_info.add_npc(npc)
# or To fill a specific Index
# $npc_info.input_npc(npc, index)
# -------------------------------------------------------
# A = "Name"
# Set this to a String.
# IE: a = "SephirothSpawn"
# B = Location
# Make a string that identify's the NPC's usuall location
# IE: b = "Behind Your!!!"
# To use the Current Map, just use:
# b = $game_map.name
# C = Age
# Default is set to recieve Years.
# IE: c = 5 -> "5 Years"
# To Make it custom, use a string.
# IE: c = "Eighteen Years"
# D = Sex
# 0 = Male;1 = Female;2 = Unknown
# IE: d = 0 -> Male
# Custom: d = "Yes Please"
# E = Height
# Set in Mini-Array [', "].
# IE: e = [5, 10] -> 5' 10"
# Set to Number
# e = 5 -> 5 Feet
# Set to string
# e = "5 Feet, 3 Inches"
# F = Weight
# Default is Set to recieve Pounds (Lbs.)
# IE: f = 135 -> "135 Pounds"
# To Make it custom, use a string.
# IE: f = "45 Kilograms"
# G = Job / Class
# Set Job with String:
# g = "Delievery Boy"
# Or set it with Database Classes
# g = $data_classes[ID#].name
# H = Hobby
# Set with String:
# h = "Hiding & Seeking"
# I = Alignment
# Set with Numeric (-: Evil, 0: Neutral, +: Good) (-100 --- 100)
# i = -50 -> "Whatever String Valued at -50" IE: Dr.Evil
# i = 43 -> "Whatever String Valued at 43" IE: Holy Man
# Set with String
# i = "Pretty Evil"
# J = Repulation
# Set with Numeric (-: Not known, 0: Normal, +: Worldly Known) (-100 --- 100)
# j = -70 -> "Whatever String Valued at -70" IE: Who?
# j = 100 -> "Whatever String Valued at 50" IE: Near Fantastica
# K = Bio
# Make a String that descripes the NPC.
# IE: k = "Lalalalalalala" -> "Lalalalalalala"
# Make a Array to describe NPC (3 Max)
# IE. l1 = "This is Line one"
# l2 = "This is Line two"
# l3 = "This is Line three"
# k = [l1, l2, l3]
#Class NPC
class NPC
attr_accessor :name, :location, :sex, :age, :height, :weight
attr_accessor :job, :hobby, :alignment, :reputation, :bio
def initialize(name = "?????", location = "?????",
sex = "Unknown", age = "???",
height = "???", weight = "???",
job = "???", hobby = "???",
alignment = "???", reputation = "???",
bio = "???")
@name, @location, @sex, @age, @height, @weight = name, location, sex, age, height, weight
@job, @hobby, @alignment, @reputation, @bio = job, hobby, alignment, reputation, bio
#Class NPC Information
class NPC_Information
attr_accessor :npcs, :list
# Attribute Setup
def initialize
@npcs = [];@list = []
# Add NPC
def add_npc(npc)
name = npc.name
if !@npcs.include?(name) or npc.name == "?????"
# Fill NPCs
def fill_npcs(size)
@npcs.fill("???", size)
@list.fill(NPC.new, size)
# Input NPC
def input_npc(npc, input)
name = npc.name
@npcs[input] = name
@list[input] = npc
#Class Scene NPC Information
class Scene_NPC_Information
# Sets Up Scene
def main
#--- Variable Setup ---
@current_npc = 0
#--- Window Setup ---
@profile = Window_Profile.new
@profile.x, @profile.y, @profile.opacity = 32, 32, 200
#--- Sprite Setup ---
@background = Sprite.new
@background.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("Background")
@border = Sprite.new
@border.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("Border")
@border.z = 9950
#--- Scene Processing ---
@objects = [@background, @profile, @border]
loop do
if $scene != self
@objects.each {|x| x.dispose}
# Updates Scene
def update
$scene = Scene_Map.new if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
if @current_npc == $npc_info.list.size - 1
@current_npc = 0
@current_npc += 1
if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)
if @current_npc == 0
@current_npc = $npc_info.list.size - 1
@current_npc -= 1
#Class Window Profile
class Window_Profile < Window_Base
# Window Setup
def initialize
super(0, 0, 576, 416)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.name = $defaultfonttype
self.contents.font.size = 22
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255)
# Window Refresh
def refresh(num)
npc = $npc_info.list[num]
#--- Sets Attributes ---
# Name
name = npc.name
# Location
location = npc.location
# Age
if npc.age.class == Fixnum
age = "#{npc.age} Years Old"
age = npc.age
# Sex
if npc.sex.class == Fixnum
case npc.sex
when 0;sex = "Male"
when 1;sex = "Female"
when 2;sex = "Unknown";end
sex = npc.sex
# Height
if npc.height.class == Array
height = "#{npc.height[0]} Foot, #{npc.height[1]} Inches"
elsif npc.height.class == Fixnum
height = "#{npc.height} Feet"
height = npc.height
# Weight
if npc.weight.class == Fixnum
weight = "#{npc.weight} Pounds"
weight = npc.weight
# Job
job = npc.job
# Hobby
hobby = npc.hobby
# Alignment
if npc.alignment.class == Fixnum
a = npc.alignment
alignment = "Demon" if a <= -80
alignment = "Merciless" if a <= -60 && a > -80
alignment = "Corrupt" if a <= -40 && a > -60
alignment = "Wicked" if a <= -20 && a > -40
alignment = "Bad" if a < -0 && a > -20
alignment = "Neutral" if a == 0
alignment = "Good" if a > 0 && a <= 20
alignment = "Honorable" if a > 20 && a <= 40
alignment = "Noble" if a > 40 && a <= 60
alignment = "Virtuous" if a > 60 && a <= 80
alignment = "Angel" if a > 80
alignment += " (#{npc.alignment})"
alignment = npc.alignment
# Reputation
if npc.reputation.class == Fixnum
a = npc.reputation
reputation = "Who?" if a <= -75
reputation = "Mysterious" if a <= -50 && a > 75
reputation = "Nameless" if a <= 25 && a > 50
reputation = "Unknown" if a < 0 && a > 25
reputation = "Neurtal" if a == 0
reputation = "Known" if a > 0 && a < 25
reputation = "Established" if a >= 25 && a < 50
reputation = "Notorious" if a >= -50 && a < 75
reputation = "Superstar" if a >= -75
reputation = npc.reputation
# Bio
bio = npc.bio
#--- Draws Picture And Text ---
draw_pic(8, 32, npc)
self.contents.font.size = 22
self.contents.draw_text(8, 0, 150, 22, name, 1)
self.contents.draw_text(176, 0, 370, 22, "Location: " + location)
left = ["Sex:", "Height:", "Job:", "Alignment:"]
right = ["Age:", "Weight:", "Hobby:", "Reputation:"]
left_ = [sex, height, job, alignment]
right_ = [age, weight, hobby, reputation]
for i in 0...left.size
self.contents.draw_text(176, 26 + 44 * i, 100, 22, left[i])
self.contents.draw_text(200, 48 + 44 * i, 100, 22, right[i])
self.contents.draw_text(326, 26 + 44 * i, 218, 22, left_[i])
self.contents.draw_text(350, 48 + 44 * i, 294, 22, right_[i])
self.contents.draw_text(320, 210, 224, 22, "Profile: " + (num + 1).to_s + " / " + $npc_info.list.size.to_s)
if npc.bio.class == Array
for i in 0...bio.size
self.contents.draw_text(48, 288 + i * 22,448, 22, bio[i], 1)
self.contents.draw_text(48, 310, 448, 22, bio, 1)
# ----- Draw NPC Picture -----
def draw_pic(x, y, npc)
if npc.name == "?????"
bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("NPCS/Blah")
bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("NPCS/" + npc.name)
cw = bitmap.width
ch = bitmap.height
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x, y, bitmap, src_rect)
#Class Scene_Title
class Scene_Title
# ----- Alias' New Game Method -----
alias new_game command_new_game
#----- Adds NPC Information -----
def command_new_game
$npc_info = NPC_Information.new
Any Request?
I would like to add more attributes to the NPC's. Any Ideas you'd like to add?
Also, If anyone has and request or a design they would like me to make the scene, just ask and I can do it.
Future Add in
As request by some people, Im modifing this Into 2 other uses:
-ABS Bestairy