08-17-2005, 01:00 PM
This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
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Spell Effect No1
Name: Desparation
Special Inputs: None
Description: The lower the battlers hp the more damage that will be inflicted on the target
Create an element called desparation or whatever remember the Id
Script Editor class Game_Battler 3 skill_effect find
if skill.power != 0 and skill.atk_f > 0
effective = true
remember this spot
right after the end statement add
if skill.element_set.include?(ELEMENT ID)
@damage_hp = 10 * user.maxhp / user.hp + self.damage
#change the formula if you want but the maxhp/hp is the most
#important part
Make sure you have this somewhere (preferably after this code) in skill effect
if @damage_hp != 0
self.damage = @damage_hp
last_hp = self.hp
self.hp -= @damage_hp
@hp_damaging = true
Since making these are much easier (and waaaaaay beyond my scripting level ) I can do many at a time
Name: Chance Damage
Special Input:
Variance is the multiplier
Effect Rating is the maximum
Attack power is the minimum
Description: Damage equals a random number from attack power to effect rating then multiplied by variance
Create an element remember Id
goto script editor goto the spot right after you put desparation and put this
if skill.element_set.include?(ELEMENT ID)
@damage_hp = skill.variance * (rand(skill.power - skill.atk_f + 1) + skill.atk_f - 1)
And you're done
Name: Better Direct Hp Damaging Skill (Demi, Quarter)
Special Input: Effect Rating = % of hp left after the effect
Description: Target loses a percentage of hp
Create an element called direct hp damage
Optional create an element call direct max hp damage
Game_battler 3 same place
if skill.element_set.include?(DIRECT HP ID)
@damage_hp = self.hp * (100 - skill.power) / 100
if skill.element_set.include?(DIRECT MAX HP ID)
@damage_hp = self.maxhp * (100 - skill.power) / 100
Now for more crazier skill effects
Name: Pain Split
Special Input: None
Description: Have you ever seen this move in Pokemon well It does the same thing only it does sp also (Averages hp with the target)
Yes create an element
same place in Game_Battler 3
if skill.element_set.include?(28)
savehp = 0
savesp = 0
savehp += self.hp + user.hp
savesp += self.sp + user.sp
savehp /= 2
savesp /= 2
user.hp = savehp
user.sp = savesp
self.hp = savehp
self.sp = savesp
self.damage = "Split"
When the target is all enemies or all actors please note that it does it with one actor and then moves to the next actor averages with that and so on
Last one for now
Name: Swap
Special Input: None
Description: Swaps hp/sp with the target
An element shall be created with the honor of having the name Swap
you should know where this code goes
if skill.element_set.include?(27)
savehp = 0
savesp = 0
savehp += self.hp
savesp += self.sp
self.hp = user.hp
self.sp = user.sp
user.hp = savehp
user.sp = savesp
self.damage = "Swapped"
note when target is all enemies or all allies It swaps with target 1. target 1 now has the users hp/sp target 2 gets target 1's stuff and the user has target 2 hp/mp
The Trickster License V1.0