10-03-2005, 01:00 PM
This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
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No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.
Normally, when RMXP selects an enemy troop for you to fight, it just selects a random troop. However, under this system modification, each troop has a different chance of being fought. To implement this system, do the following:
Add this method to the end of Game_Map:
def rand_encounter
troops = @map.encounter_list.clone
count = 0
a = []
b = []
num = 1
rate = 0
x = 0
y = 0
z = 0
#Generate table
for i in troops
if troops[i-1] == nil
z = $data_troops[troops[i-1]]
x = z.name[0].to_i
y = z.name[1].to_i
if x != 0
rate = (x * 10) + y
rate = y
a[i] = count + 1
b[i] = count + rate
count += rate
#generate random number
num += rand(count)
#check table and return results
for i in troops
if num >= a[i] and num <= b[i]
return troops[i-1]
After that, goto the Update method in Scene_Map, and find this if...then nest:
if $game_player.encounter_count == 0 and $game_map.encounter_list != []
and replace it with this:
if $game_player.encounter_count == 0 and $game_map.encounter_list != []
# If event is running or encounter is not forbidden
unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or
# Confirm troop
troop_id = $game_map.rand_encounter
# If troop is valid
if $data_troops[troop_id] != nil
# Set battle calling flag
$game_temp.battle_calling = true
$game_temp.battle_troop_id = troop_id
$game_temp.battle_can_escape = true
$game_temp.battle_can_lose = false
$game_temp.battle_proc = nil
And then your done, sort of. To get each enemy troop a different encounter rate, place a two-digit number, from 01 to 99, in front of each troop's name. This number will determine how frequently the troop will be fought.
04 Ghost
02 Ghost*2
01 Ghost*3
In this example, the ghost troops have encounter rates of 4, 2, and 1, respectively. The troop with a single ghost is the most likely to appear, while the troop with 3 ghosts is the least likely to appear. The system adds those numbers up, generates a random number within that range, and then determines which troop to fight by comparing the number to a table with the selection range of each troop:
Troop 1: 1~4
Troop 2: 5~6
Trppp 3: 7
If the script generated a three, then troop one would be fought. But a 7 would mean troop 3 would be fought.
Hopefully, you find it useful. Let me know if you find any bugs.