Post your battlestation!
I'll start

[Image: tu35PjR.jpg]
1x BenQ 27" XL2720 1080p 144Hz Monitor
2x LG 29UM67P Black 29" Free-Sync 21:9 Monitors

I want to get a VESA stand to turn the two side monitors vertical.
Hmm.... Looks kinda like Dr. Eggman's robot lol

[Image: hEd833C.jpg]
1x Infinity ErgoDox Ergonomic Keyboard Kit
Cherry MX Brown switches, Black DSA ABS keycaps.

and finally...
[Image: NR5g6dY.jpg]
My new workstation. Comprised of:
1x AMD Ryzen 7 1700
1x Sapphire RX480 8gb
4x 16gb Corsair Vengeance DDR4 Ram
1x MyDigitalSSD BPX 80mm NVMe MLC SSD (240GB)
1x Asrock Killer Sli/ac mobo
1x spare 1tb hdd I had laying around (lol)

System is actually a dual boot; on the NVMe drive I have gentoo musl and the spare hdd has gentoo glibc.
Due to the nature of linux I can access either from the other via a chroot; mostly I do this because some apps
are not compatible with musl libc (yet).
[Image: cautionary.png]

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