Art Gallery
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Well, I've been scripting for quite a while now but I've never really released any of my
scripts, mainly because I don't think they'll be any use to you or got destroyed when I
had to wipe my hardrive, I hope some of you put this to use.

The Art Gallery
by datriot
May 5 2006

What it does:
This script allows you to put art in your game and view them
in this art gallery. (This is based of the Final Fantasy: Origins Art Gallery)

1) Allows you to put art in the game and view it in the art gallery.
2) Has an unlock feature, so you have to unlock the art before viewing it.
3) Has "new tags" so it will say *New* when you haven't vied it yet.
4) You can move your pictures, zoom in & out.
5) Toggle windows and background on & off.
And that's about it.

What's to come:
I might make it so you can rotate the images, and maybe change the hue of them,
but I can't really think of anything major to add.

How to use:
Making pieces of art:
Go to the gallery module and then into the constant ART_LIST, there are already some
examples, but here's a blank template:, Name of Art, Name of File,
Description (Store in an array, up to two lines), Author, unlocked, new)
e.g, "Example", "Example"
["Woot! First line!" "OMG! It's the second line!"], "Some Guy", false, false)

Gain Art:
Lose Art:

Put all the art in a folder named "Art" in your Graphics/Pictures folder.

And that's about it....oh and go to this line:
@background.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("Art/Background")
And replace the "Background" with the name of your background file. (Which goes in the art folder too)

The Script

.rar   Art_Gallery.rar (Size: 671.39 KB / Downloads: 2)

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