By: Ixfuru

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This script uses switches, states and variables to alter the actor's graphics. This includes a way to change actor's opacity, creating an invisibility effect; Actor-specific switches, which (when ON) changes different actor's into different forms. Global switches, which change the entire party into a specified form. State induced alteration of graphics. And a method for use of changing actor graphic dependent upon a variable's value. This can be used for an aging system, wherein, as the variable rises, the actor begins to look older or a power-up (almost like Altered Beast), when the variable rises, the actor's develop a more deadly appearance.

graphic changes based on switches
graphic changes based on actor-specific switches
graphic changes based on variable
graphic changes based on state
opacity of actor based on switch and constant


This script can be plug and play. However, you'll want to read through the instructions to set up the script to better suit the project you're creating.
Just put the script in the script editor, above main and below materials. Then read through the instructions to better understand them. Please note that
specific graphics alterations have priority over others. The invisibility has priority over all other changes. States have priority over actor-specific switches. Actor-specific switches have priority over global switches. global switches hold priority over variable alteration. If you follow directions, the script shouldn't give you much trouble, but again, you'll need to set it up so it best fits your needs.



Though the script works well with [url=http://""]Trickster's Caterpillar[/url], I noticed that the 'invisibility' portion of the script did not. So I took the liberty of making a patch for it. You'll find it below:
"Trickster Caterpillar Patch"

Q For some reason, I'm not getting a change in graphic, even though I've set up the actor's graphics in the module...How to fix it?
A Make sure you set the 'ACTORS_TO_EFFECT' constant in the module to a value which will include the actor you're trying to change. I made this constant so that you could make actors who wouldn't be
effected by the script, as long their ids were out of range.

Q The switch is on, but no change was made to my actor's graphic. What gives?
A Much like the actor ids, I set the switches up so that all switches ids used in the script would be found in a specific range. Check the constants 'SWITCH_RANGE_LO' and 'SWITCH_RANGE_HI', and make sure the switch you are trying to use has an id which falls somewhere between the two.

Credit me if you use this script. Also, you may use it in non-commerical projects as long as you want, just the credit is good enough. For commercial project, let me know. I'm sure I won't have a problem with it, as long as credit is given, and you give me a copy of the finished project.

I must take a moment to thank both ???noBody??? and HungrySnake. They've been crucial to my finishing this script.

If you have any problem with this script, please post in the topic. If no response, post in [url=http://""]THE FINISH LINE FORUM[/url]. If no response, PM me. If still no response, I may have died or said to hell with it. But I'm probably just sleeping.

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