The PlayStation 3's Web Browser
Ah yes. the Web Browser from the PlayStation 3 game console. I'm actually surprised that I can access most things on Save-Point, excluding the Shoutbox. But it looks like it aged poorly. Literally. One of the good things about it is the fact that I can use a USB Mouse/Keyboard of any kind instead of a Sixaxis/Dualshock 3 controller. Apparently a lot of the websites nowadays see it as an outdated web browser. Well it technically is since it was released back in 2006, I think. Some websites work with it however, but not all anymore. I'm not even sure if I can play a flash game on it anymore. Obviously, I get a Lite version of Facebook, and I can't even log into Twitter. Then again I got a Lite Version of Facebook regardless in the past, so I'm okay with that. Youtube just redirects me to a page with a button link to download the PS3 YouTube app, and lastly, I think Wikipedia is starting to unsupport outdated versions of web browsers So I don't think Sony's going to update this old thing anymore.
The web from 2006 is a very different place than it is now, granted the very websites I visit actually haven't changed much visually since then but the technology has likely been updated.
For a 06 web browser it was pretty good, didn't support flash which SUCKED for the time as everything used flash, thankfully everything or most things have switched over to html5 which actually should work on the ps3.
(07-08-2018, 10:42 PM)Son_Rukiri Wrote: The web from 2006 is a very different place than it is now, granted the very websites I visit actually haven't changed much visually since then but the technology has likely been updated.
For a 06 web browser it was pretty good, didn't support flash which SUCKED for the time as everything used flash, thankfully everything or most things have switched over to html5 which actually should work on the ps3.

html5 kind of works. There are sites that aren't compatible with the PS3's web browser, but are compatible with the PS4's web browser.

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