An Essay on Insipidity III: The Sleeping Hummingbird
[Image: LfPqKPK.png]
Developed by: Cats From The Underground
Official Date of Creation: August 8, 2020
Start of Development: January 29, 2023
Genre: jRPG
Engine: RPG Maker XP
Language: English
"The Creator of all things is dead."
This phrase is often repeated nowadays.
In this land, that time itself forgot, a full-out war is preparing to ensue. Diplomacy between The Empire and The Kingdom has failed. Tensions grow in all corners of the land, and so does the desperation of its people.
Peace is nothing but a tender reminiscence.

While this is happening, The Church, the bastion of hope and spirituality in this fallen world, has lost many followers to doubt and despair. Some are turning to venerate other entities, known as The Lesser Ones, for they often grant the yearnings of those who adore them, giving their followers the comfort and prosperity they were supposedly entitled.

"For where is the Lord in these agonizing moments, when we need Him most?"

An old tale is also reappearing amidst the chaos.

The tale of The Sleeping Hummingbird, a mystical object that supposedly contains immeasurable powers, and anyone willing to locate it will receive a single wish.

A wish that the heart most desires.

Once believed to be just a myth, the tale began to be retold again by people who "heard its call".
Nobody knows where its location hides. Its calling, however, has never been so loud.
Now, even in times of tension, many adventurers are trying their hardest to find it to have their wish granted. Maybe one of them may even revert all this dire situation with it.

Meanwhile, Azriel, an old guardian, is asked by a mysterious stranger to retrieve such a mystical object. He then, with three other adventurers, prepare for what will be the most difficult mission of their lives.

Main Characters

[Image: KaO4Zw0.png]
Azriel, The Old Guardian
Once known as Great Azriel, The Victory-bearer, he participated in the Great Holy War and slew many of the Church's enemies; among them, many Lesser Ones.
However, something happened in his life that made him abandon the Holy Army of the Imperial Crown and start living only in a solitary life with small jobs. He wants nothing more than to be left alone.

[Image: cFuGpJq.png]
Elisheva, The Thaumaturge
A fledgling thaumaturge supervised by Father Spyridon at the Port City Church of Iofris. She wants to get closer and closer to enlightenment and, with it, to evolve her thaumaturgy.
She goes in search of Azriel to help him in his quest.

[Image: iXHqPvK.png]
Ophir, The Lancer
An arrogant imperial lancer. He wants at all costs to be respected by his superiors and for the Empire to win the war against the Kingdom.

[Image: tVxA4o4.png]
Ishvi, The Thief
An ordinary thief with a prominent cultural background. He wants to obtain immeasurable fortunes, but he has bigger problems with imperial justice.

  • The good ol' RTP (with some edits);
  • Reputation System;
  • Side quests;
  • Crafting system;
  • Item collection system;
  • A big ship with upgradable parts;
  • Game Jolt Trophies (Achievements).


Announcement Trailer

(Being in development, screenshots may not represent the final game.)

[Image: y0OH3rp.gif][Image: 4rZKnlT.gif]
[Image: hHoLSb2.png][Image: YEv9vli.png]
[Image: FQGGZ7D.png][Image: uO7q0C1.png]

[Image: SASEjtP.png]
Carlos Davilla
Project Director, Writer, Game Designer and Eventer
Daniel "Paradiddle" Rodrigues
Map Designer, Battle Designer and Eventer
Special Thanks
Ivan Duch
Chaos Project
RPG Maker Web Forums
RPG Maker Resource Kit
Condado Braveheart
[Image: e9rq1TD.png]
"This world is death. For what does it have to offer that is not transient?"
Saint Symeon The New Theologian
Greetings, everyone.

After 10 or so months of development, we are here to gladly present to you the announcement trailer for Essay III.
We don't have a release date just yet, but if you happen to like the project, please stay tuned.


[Image: e9rq1TD.png]
"This world is death. For what does it have to offer that is not transient?"
Saint Symeon The New Theologian

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